Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published January 30, 2022
Volume 115
Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal
Re-enrollment for the 22/23 school year is here! We are excited about the plans being made for next year and would welcome the opportunity to serve your family once again. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you might have concerning next school year. We anticipate a lot of interest from new, incoming families so if there is any way I can serve you as you make final decisions about re-enrollment, please let me know.
Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help!
Mr. Tipton (8th grade Bible teacher) spoke from Ephesians 2:1-7, reminding our students of God’s rich mercy that is seen so clearly in the gospel message that saves.
Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.
6th Grade = Andrea Binegar
7th Grade = Luke Lanier
8th Grade = Sophia Hurt
Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month.
1 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God;believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that
where I am you may be also.
4 And you know the way to where I am going.”
5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Check out the leadership principles our students are learning this month! Learn more about our Habitudes curriculum here.
6th = Personal Laptop - What gets put in is what will come out.
Lesson Summary = Our minds work like a computer. They only spit out the data they have been fed. Garbage in, garbage out. Leaders are disciplined about what they store in their mind and heart.
7th = Hot Air Balloons - Encouragement brings out other’s potential.
Lesson Summary = Hot air balloons rise as the burner is released… but eventually, they begin to fall and need to be refilled. They must continue to be filled in order to go up. People are like this. They must be consistently encouraged in order to reach their highest potential.
8th = Flight Delay - Learn to Calibrate Expectations
Lesson Summary = Experienced travelers know they’re not in complete control. Delays occur, storms erupt and interruptions happen. Similarly, we must calibrate our expectations, manage disappointments and be realistic about the speed and ease of our lives.
For the month of February we will be selling sodas on Fridays for $2 to help raise money for our 8th grade Disney Trip. Please stop by the principal’s office on your way to lunch if you would like to purchase.
This year’s G.R.A.C.E. Day will take place on Wednesday, February 2. Similar to our Discipleship Day back in December, G.R.A.C.E. Day is a break from our normal academic schedule and is instead an intentional day of focus on the teaching of God's Word regarding the diversity seen in God’s creation of mankind. Students will have the chance to rotate through various teaching sessions related to the importance of showing GRACE to others in spite of our differences. In fact, we want to help our students learn to celebrate the ways that God has made us unique and different from each other while also learning to see the great unity we share together as image-bearers of Him! The acronym stands for G-ender, R-esources, A-bility, C-olor, and E-thnicity. These are distinct ways that we see our differences, and we want these to also become distinct ways that we celebrate each other as well.
School is back in full swing after Christmas break! Take a look at what’s been happening in some of our middle school classrooms in January:
6th grade science has been learning about layers of the earth, earthquakes, and volcanoes. They've made clay models of the earth, simulated the movement of the earth’s plates with graham crackers and jam, and built some earthquake structures to test!
8th grade science began studying physics this semester! Students have learned about forces, speed, velocity, acceleration, and Newton’s Laws all with fun, hands-on labs and activities!
To help provide our teachers with additional instructional time and our students more exposure to their grade level content, we are moving our standardized testing week to May 2-6. More specific information will be provided soon. We are exploring the option of being able to complete our testing online as well.
Follow our House Competition all year long!
Community Service Form - 10 hours due by May 2022
Thrival Guide - Don’t just survive middle school, THRIVE during these years
The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:
Send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to
Send PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) to Kasey Hanson ( via your child’s 1st period teacher.
If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Kasey Hanson (Return to Academics Coordinator) will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class.
NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.
6th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (
Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 6th grade.
7th and 8th Grade Academic Coordinator - Emily Walter (
Miss Walter can assist you with any academic-related needs for 7th/8th grade.
Middle School RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (
Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties.
Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (
Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have.
Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (
Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program.
Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (
Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.