Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published May 1, 2022
Volume 127
Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal
Only 4 weeks until Summer Break! As we step into IOWA assessment week, don’t forget to prioritize rest and sleep as much as you can for your child this week. We have a lot of assessments, but we can’t wait to see how well our students perform. Check out information below regarding FIELD DAY taking place this week too!
Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help!
Mr. Lassiter (7th grade history teacher) spoke to our students on our call to worship God above everything else and how Jesus makes that possible. Speaking from I Samuel 4-6, Mr. Lassiter helped us see that we are not to use God but to serve Him, unlike the children of Israel who sought to use the Ark of the Covenant as a weapon against the Philistines. In showing us how the God of Israel was superior to Dagon, god of Philistia, we were reminded that God alone is the true hope of our life.
Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.
6th Grade = Aidan Randolph
7th Grade = Alayna Dugan
8th Grade = Emma Kate Yeager
Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month.
20 Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant,
21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Check out the leadership principles our students are learning this month! Learn more about our Habitudes curriculum here.
6th = Discipline Bridge - Personal discipline is the bridge to the goal.
Lesson Summary = Leaders don’t build character without crossing the bridge of discipline. Personal discipline is like a bridge that crosses from where you are to where you want to be. It gets you where you want to go.
7th = The Gardener's Job - Healthy environments are key to developing others.
Lesson Summary = A gardener’s primary job is to nurture the development of his plants. Likewise, good leaders center their agendas on growing their team members. Leaders are to be good mentors and invest their lives in others. Their key job is not doing programs or distributing products, but developing people.
8th = Tank Half Empty or Full? - Replace discontentment with dissatisfaction
Lesson Summary = It's an age-old question: Is it half-empty or half-full? The answer is both, depending on whether you're emptying it or filling it. In life, we must replace discontentment, where we see things as half-empty, with dissatisfaction, where we strive to fill things more.
Students may wear spirit wear (TCS t-shirts, polos, outerwear, etc.) with approved dress code pants/shorts or jeans throughout this week.
Our middle schoolers will participate in their annual Field Day this Friday, May 6 in the afternoon. We are excited to conclude a week of testing with an outdoor house competition as our students continue competing for the coveted House Cup. Students should bring normal PE attire to change into on Friday along with sunscreen (if desired). Hats are encouraged too and don’t forget to bring a water bottle!
All of our 8th graders are invited to join us for a last rodeo of middle school on Monday, May 16 from 6:30-8:30pm at The Gathering Place and outside patio. This is an all-8th grade class social so please no non-TCS students. In addition, no dates! Just plan to have your child come and hang out as we prepare to close out this school year!
Dress Code: Students are encouraged to come in their “dressed up” country attire. Denim is appropriate. Dresses are allowed.
Food: We will have drinks and snacks (parents will be encouraged to sign up to provide)
Activities: We will have a live country band for dancing! We will also have outdoor games, a fire for s’mores, and several giveaways and prizes. You won’t want to miss it!
Cost: Only $5
Be sure to sign up through Blackbaud and email Mrs. McBurnett with any questions!
Submit the name of the person who will pray over your child during the ceremony:
Don’t forget to make plans to join us on Tuesday, May 24 at 7:00pm in the stadium as we celebrate our 8th graders and their transition to high school. One of the new traditions we began last year is our “Prayer of Blessing” over each 8th grader to conclude the evening. Each 8th grade student is invited to choose a parent, grandparent, teacher, coach, pastor, youth pastor or other mentor to pray a special blessing over them. At the end of our ceremony, those chosen to pray will join the student who selected them on the track and will pray specifically over that student. Seeing over a hundred prayers being lifted up at one time is a powerful statement to the enemy that we are committed to seeing God use our students for His glory as they take this next step in their lives. Be thinking now about who your child will like to have pray over them.
We are heading into the final stretch of this school year with our final assessments approaching during the last week of school (week of May 23). Please review the specific information below regarding these upcoming assessments.
Assignments leading up to Final Course Assessment Week - students will be expected to complete the following assignments leading up to their FCAs.
6th/7th Grades will complete a written essay assignment the week of May 16 in class. This will be the final writing assessment for the year. Due to our grade level trips in May, 6th and 7th graders will not complete a final History or Science project.
8th Grade will complete a written essay assignment the week of May 16 in class. This will be the final writing assessment for the year. In addition, 8th graders will also be asked to complete a final History and Science project during the month of May.
Final Course Assessments = what will they look like?
All final course grades will be assessed in the following manner:
History - Unit test
Science - Unit test
English - Reading comprehension test
Math - Comprehensive test
*Note: Students may exempt the History unit test, the Science unit test, the Reading comprehension test and the Math comprehensive test during Final Course Assessment Week with a 95 or above average. Grades will be evaluated on May 19 and exemptions will be communicated by May 20. Students who exempt a Final Course Assessment are still expected to complete all work leading up to the assessment.
Don’t forget your child’s Community Service Form will be due during the month of May. Please see your child’s Bible teacher for specific deadlines. Remember, each student is required to complete 10 hours of community service.
Week of May 2-6 = IOWA Standardized Testing
Monday, May 2 = Orchestra Concert
Tuesday, May 3 = Band Concert
Wednesday, May 4 = MS Talent Show (during school day)
Monday, May 9 = Chorus Concert
May 10-13 = 7th Grade Trip to the Ark/Creation Museum
May 12-13 = 6th Grade Trip to Huntsville/Chattanooga
Week of May 23-26 = Half Day Schedule
Monday, May 23 = Math and Science End of Course Assessments
Tuesday, May 24 = English and History End of Course Assessments
Tuesday, May 24 = 8th Grade Graduation (7:00pm)
Wednesday, May 25 = 8th Grade Class Party
Thursday, May 26 = 6th and 7th Grade Class Parties
Follow our House Competition all year long!
Community Service Form - 10 hours due by May 2022
Thrival Guide - Don’t just survive middle school, THRIVE during these years
The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:
Send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to
Send PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) to Kasey Hanson ( via your child’s 1st period teacher.
If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Reach out to Kasey Hanson (Return to Academics Coordinator) so we can best determine a makeup plan for your child.
NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.
6th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (
Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 6th grade.
7th and 8th Grade Academic Coordinator - Emily Walter (
Miss Walter can assist you with any academic-related needs for 7th/8th grade.
Middle School RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (
Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties.
Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (
Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have.
Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (
Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program.
Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (
Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.