Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published May 19, 2024
Volume 221
Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal
The final week is here, and we are excited to celebrate all of our students’ accomplishments over the course of this year. It’s a week of parties, awards, and goodbyes as we head into summer break. As we wrap things up, I just want to say a personal “thank you” for the continued support and encouragement you show me as your child’s principal. Being the middle school principal at TCS is one of my greatest privileges, and I consider it a great joy to partner with your family in the development of your children. Thank you for allowing me to serve in what I consider to be the greatest job God could have given me.
Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help!
May 20 = 6th Grade Skating party (end of year party)
May 21 = 7th Grade Bowling party (end of year party)
May 21 = 8th Grade Graduation (last day of required school for 8th graders)
May 22 = Awards Day during Chapel
May 24 = Bible Extra Credit Assessment (6th-7th grades)
Mr. Vinson spoke to our students from Acts 4 - the story of Peter and John standing trial for the healing of a lame man. Mr. Vinson highlighted the statement that the Sadducees made about Peter and John, “they have been with Jesus”. As we head into summer break, Mr. Vinson encouraged our students to follow the example set by Peter and John who stood on their convictions and demonstrated compassion to others, which served as evidence that they had spent time with Jesus.
Students who have been recognized by their teachers for setting a good example and making right choices during the school day.
6th Grade - Kimber Hall
7th Grade - Aryn O'Pry
8th Grade - Russ Bryan
Our very own Mrs. McCloud, who serves as an administrative assistant to the principal, created a year-long video highlighting our 2023-2024 school year! Check it out the video link below.
We are beginning to work on your child’s schedule for next year, and we need your help! Please take the time to complete the Schedule Request Form below for your child’s upcoming grade level for the 2024-2025 school year. This is specifically an opportunity to submit your child’s elective requests. The deadline for submitting requests is Friday, May 31.
As we look towards the end of the semester and the 23-24 school year, we wanted to let you know that we will be offering an adjusted schedule to accommodate end of year testing, parties and special events. Please see our plan for the final 3 days of the school year below for Lower School, Upper Elementary and Middle School.
Wednesday, May 22 and Thursday, May 23 - Optional Half Day Release
All mandatory school work will be completed by 11:30am, and an optional half day dismissal will be provided. We will conduct a normal dismissal line beginning at 11:30am with a plan to conclude the dismissal line by 12:15pm. Students who need to be picked up between 12:15-2:50pm can be checked out at the front office. At 2:50pm we will run a second dismissal, pending the amount of students who remained on campus past 12:15pm. We will update you about our afternoon dismissal process during the 2:50-3:30 time slot on these days as we get closer.
If you anticipate your child needing to stay at school past 12:15pm, please complete the forms below so we can plan accordingly. Supervision will be provided up until 3:30pm by teachers. Students still on campus at 3:30pm will be transitioned to Agape After Care or Middle School Extended Day (normal rates will apply)
Note: Due to the optional half-day release, Sage Dining will be serving our students breakfast between 8-10am (pending your child’s grade level schedule). Students needing to stay past 12:15pm will need to bring a sack lunch as there will be no lunch option provided by Sage.
EARLY LEARNING AT GO CHURCH INFORMATION: The Early Learning students at our Go Church campus will dismiss from 11:30 to 12:00pm. Due to the half day dismissal, we will not offer the Junior Lions dismissal option. Early Learning students will be transported to the main campus for the Agape program at 2:10pm.
Friday, May 24 - Half Day Dismissal
We will dismiss for Summer Break at 11:30am. All students should be picked up between 11:30am-12:15pm. There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL option available on this day.
Note: Due to the early dismissal, Sage Dining will be serving our students breakfast between 8-10am (pending your child’s grade level schedule).
EARLY LEARNING AT GO CHURCH INFORMATION: Transportation will NOT be provided to the main campus for Early Learning students.
We are so excited to celebrate our 8th graders as they prepare to make the transition to high school! Check out the details below regarding our ceremony, including information related to our special Prayer of Blessing!
Date: Tuesday, May 21
Location: TCS Gymnasium
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm
SUMMARY: We will be celebrating the end of middle school for our 8th graders with an evening of awards and recognitions while also offering a special time of prayer before their promotion to 9th grade. Parents and special guests are invited to attend but seating will be limited due to the gymnasium capacity.
DRESS CODE: Students are encouraged to wear normal dress code attire or their Sunday best. No shorts please.
QUESTIONS: Contact Tiffany McBurnett (
Prayer of Blessing: Each year we conclude our 8th grade graduation ceremony with special prayers by those closest to our graduates. Our students will be seated during this time and those special individuals chosen to pray will stand behind their specific student. Those chosen individuals will have the chance to pray quietly or silently over the student, with Mr. Vinson leading a corporate prayer to close out our time.
Please have your child choose a parent, older sibling, pastor, youth pastor, coach, etc. who they would like to pray over them. Complete this form to indicate who your child has chosen. We want every student to have someone standing with them during this time!
Check out the final assessment schedule for Semester 2 below.
6th and 7th Grades
English = final assessments will be administered by May 17
History = May 22
Science = May 22
Math = May 23
Bible = May 24 (will be extra credit)
8th Grade
English = final assessments will be administered by May 17
History = May 2o
Science = May 20
Math = May 21
Bible = May 21 (will be extra credit)
Be sure to check out all the details about our end of year events on our family landing page.