Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published September 20, 2020
Volume 52
Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal
Zechariah 8:14 is a passage that reflects God’s heart to be very intentional in both the ways He corrects/rebukes and in the ways He affirms/loves His people. As an image bearer of God, I know I desire to be the same. I shared with our staff this week that I am not naturally good at being affirming or encouraging. I’m great at the correction and rebuke side of things when I see someone doing the wrong thing, but I have to work at the piece where I affirm, celebrate and encourage others when they are doing what is right. My ongoing goal is to grow into the type of person that can echo what God says in the book of Zechariah. I want to be a person who is just as intentional in the ways that I encourage and uplift our staff and our students as I am with addressing and correcting issues that I might see in both. I hope you will see that more and more in the ways our faculty and staff interact with you and your child as well. We have such a heart for helping your students learn, grow and develop this year. While we want to hold them accountable to their choices and actions, we also want to be very intentional in creating an environment where your child always feels loved, supported and cared for on a daily basis. Let me know how we are doing throughout this year!
Coach Ross spoke on the call we have as Christians to find ways to serve others in need, the character trait of the Wycliffe House. Using Romans 1:20 and Luke 19:1-10, Coach Ross helped us see that God has created each of us in unique ways to image God and has given us strength to support those in our life who need help. Check out this video put together by Mr. Higgins regarding this character trait we hope to see in all of our students.
And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.
6th - Jax Buck
7th - Toni-Marie Timpson
8th - Andrew Winfrey
Ask your child about this month’s image that is being focused on in our Habitudes leadership/character development classes.
6th - The Iceberg
7th and 8th - Hosts and Guests
With the NFL and college football seasons kicking off, we want to celebrate the return of football by allowing our students to wear their favorite football jersey or shirt on Friday, September 25 with jeans or normal dress code bottoms. Students may also wear their normal Friday TCS spirit wear attire too. All students who participate will earn house points!
Don’t forget to email Mr. Vinson if you would like to purchase an agenda/planner for your middle school student! The charge to FACTS would be $10.
Encourage your child to take advantage of the opportunity to earn house points by coming to school dressed in their house color on Thursday, Sept. 17! Students may wear jeans or normal dress code/uniform bottoms with a house color shirt. Hats may also be worn if they coincide with the house color.
Elliot House - GREEN
Lewis House - RED
Nee House - PURPLE
Robinson House - BLUE
Wycliffe House - BLACK
Now that our middle school students are being sent to their 1st period classrooms at 7:30am instead of the gym, we would like to ask that you have your child finish their breakfast in the car if at all possible before dropping them off. We want to reduce the amount of food brought into classrooms so we can maintain a clean environment throughout the day. If your child arrives and still needs to finish eating, we will allow them to do so in the hallway before entering the classroom.
Don’t forget that Trinity outerwear is required in the classrooms and hallways. Non-TCS jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts may be worn outside when arriving and departing, but once on campus, students are expected to be in TCS outerwear if they choose to wear something on top of their collared shirt. TCS outerwear is available for purchase in our school store.
Thursday, October 8th = remote learning day (no video instruction)
Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Wednesday, October 7th.
All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.
Friday, October 9th = remote learning day (with pre-recorded video instruction)
Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Thursday evening, October 8th. Pre-recorded video instruction will also be made available for FRIDAY ONLY.
All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.
Sick Absences - Be sure to email Lauren Parrish (
Spirit Wear Update - All orders have been placed and will be delivered soon
House Competition - Follow along all year
Staff Contacts
Director of Academics - Lauren Parrish (
Available to assist with academic needs, scheduling questions, honors, etc.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.), discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges
Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (
Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.