Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published October 4, 2020
Volume 54
Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal
Matthew 5:9 contains one of the Beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” What a challenging verse when you reflect on the implications it communicates. As Christians, we are called to bring peace to the environments around us. Whether we are the one who has caused the offense, or whether someone has offended us, Jesus expects us as His followers to initiate and secure peace in our relationships with others. By doing so, we reflect His image of peacemaking in a way that warrants us being called “sons”, much like when a son is the spitting image of his biological father. Peacemaking is a trait we seek to instill in the hearts of our students as we challenge them to embrace the image of God they possess while pursuing healthy relationships with their peers.
Mr. Moore spoke from Matthew 13:44 on The Parable of the Hidden Treasure, reminding us that while we should always strive to do the right thing, even when it is costly (Nee House motto), that the cost we end up paying does not compare to all that we gain by following Jesus.
octoBER MEMORY VERSE: Colossians 1:15-16 (ESV)
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him.
*REMINDER: Extra Credit Memory Verse Quiz this week in all Bible classes!
Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently.
6th - Braeden Staffins
7th - Elly Dallas
8th - Berkley Mask
Ask your child about this month’s image that is being focused on in our Habitudes leadership/character development classes.
6th - The Starving Baker - This is a common hazard for leaders. We’re like the baker who spends so much time baking bread for others, we forget to eat ourselves. Leaders must feed themselves for personal growth.
7th and 8th - The Talking Stick - The Talking Stick reminds us that before we lead we must listen. Leaders seek to understand the perspective of others before they communicate their own point. They show empathy and ask good questions. As a result, they earn the right to be heard.
As a reminder, with Mrs. Parrish’s recent resignation, please send any correspondence that you would have normally sent to her directly to me ( moving forward, and I will make sure the information is distributed to the appropriate faculty members.
Don’t forget to email Mr. Vinson if you would like to purchase an agenda/planner for your middle school student! The charge to FACTS would be $10.
Thursday, October 8th = remote learning day (no video instruction)
Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Wednesday, October 7th.
All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.
Friday, October 9th = remote learning day (with pre-recorded video instruction)
Students will receive instructions and assignments from their teachers by Thursday evening, October 8th. Pre-recorded video instruction will also be made available for FRIDAY ONLY.
All work assigned will need to be submitted no later than Monday, Oct 19 at 8am and will be the first grades submitted for Q2 purposes.
Sick Absences - Be sure to email Adam Vinson (
House Competition - Follow along all year
Staff Contacts
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.), discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges
Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (
Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.