Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School
Published August 29, 2021
Volume 95
Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal
Praise the LORD for His goodness and grace surrounding the start to this new school year. We have already seen so many ways God is working and moving in the lives of our students. My prayer is that we will continue seeing the Holy Spirit work and move in the hearts of our students so they come to a deeper understanding of who God is and what He desires for each of them.
Thank you for your patience as we continue settling in with the switch to Blackbaud. I know there has been a learning curve in getting adjusted to the Blackbaud system, but hopefully each of you is figuring out how to navigate both the communication and academic pieces so that you are staying updated on how each of your children is doing. Please let us know if you are experiencing any issues or feel lost and confused on how to help support your child. We are here to help and have plenty of staff that are capable of assisting you.
REMINDER: Don’t forget to set up notification preferences in Blackbaud to ensure you receive information regarding your child’s academic progress (missing assignments, grade reports, etc.)
Are you having issues with Blackbaud?
Please contact Tiffany McBurnett (
Do you have academic needs or questions?
6th Grade Academic Coordinator = Melissa Lanier (
7th-8th Grade Academic Coordinator = Emily Walter (
Mr. Vinson completed our 3-part series on the specific culture we are seeking to create within our middle school. Using Psalm 119, Mr. Vinson encouraged our students to embrace the call to treasure God’s Word in our life. By understanding that the Bible serves as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, we hope our students come to see what it means to live differently than the lost world by having their minds transformed. Check out the guidance given to our students for how they can come to treasure God’s Word as a middle school student.
Own a Bible and know where it is.
Bring your Bible places where you know it will be used (class, chapel, church, etc).
Listen well when the Bible is taught to you (eliminate distractions, take notes).
Strive to obey what you are being taught from the Bible (listen well, respond well).
Make attempts to read the Bible on your own.
Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month.
36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
6th Grade = Eliza Wilson
7th Grade = Collier Benz
8th Grade = Reece Bailey
Check out the leadership principles our students are learning this month! Learn more about our Habitudes curriculum here.
6th Grade = The Iceberg - Influence is 10% skill, 90% character.
Lesson Summary - The Iceberg represents your leadership. The 10% above the water is your skill. The 90% below the water is your character. It’s what’s below the surface that sinks the ship.
7th Grade = Hosts and Guests - Leaders are intentional in relationships.
Lesson Summary - Leaders take the initiative in relationships. They are intentional about them. They see themselves as hosts, not guests, and they go out of their way to connect with people and provide for them.
8th Grade = Windshields and Rear View Mirrors - Let go of the past to make future progress.
Lesson Summary - Everyone focuses on something—the past or the future. Where does your energy come from? When our dreams are bigger than our memories, we gain energy from the hope that lies ahead. Often, we must let go of the comfort from our past to make progress.
If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments.
WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class.
NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.
Don’t forget to order your middle school spirit wear! Our online store will close once again on August 31 so don’t miss out on this opportunity to support our middle school!
Be sure to reference the email sent to you with all of the information about our trip and don’t forget to return your child’s permission form. Payment for the trip can be made through your Smart Tuition account.
TRIP DATES: Wednesday, September 8 - Friday, September 10
Learn more about Snowbird’s offerings by checking out their website
Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help!
Pre-Absence Requests - Be sure to email Kasey Hanson (
Sick Absences - Be sure to email our nurses ( and our attendance office ( - You can also include Kasey Hanson as well (
House Competition - Follow along all year
New Pre-Absence Form - Use when anticipating upcoming absences
Dress Code Overview - No changes from last year, just reminders
Community Service Form - 10 hours due by May 2022
Thrival Guide - Don’t just survive middle school, THRIVE during these years
6th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (
Mrs. Lanier will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 6th grade.
7th and 8th Grade Academic Coordinator - Emily Walter (
Miss Walter will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 7th and 8th grade.
Middle School RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (
Mrs. Hanson will be assisting you with makeup work related to any extended absences your child may have this year.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett will continue to oversee our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties.
Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (
Mr. Higgins will continue to oversee the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have.
Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (
Mrs. Opsahl will continue to oversee our Skills Development Program.
Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (
Mr. Tipton will continue to address any disciplinary issues throughout the year.