Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Trinity Christian School Makes Remote Learning Fun and Engaging

On Thursday, March 19th, Trinity officially kicked off Day One of remote learning in light of the school’s closure due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) global pandemic.

In true TCS fashion, the school decided to incorporate fun and school spirit into virtual learning. The goal is to introduce creative and innovative ways of educating students and keeping them engaged.

We took a moment to hear from our principals on the difference remote learning is making. Here’s what they had to say:


“TCS High School has now conquered Day 1 and 2 of remote learning. Different, yes. Lots of planning and recording, of course. Successful, without a doubt!  

This is all being done with a spirit of positivity and pressing on towards the goals that stand before us - to impact today’s student for tomorrow’s world.

The remote learning days are being provided through a variety of digital formats and platforms, and our familiarity with Google classroom is making this much easier than we ever could have imagined.

As a result of our technological capabilities, …we are able to educate and provide our students with the quality of instruction that they would receive in the classroom.

It is our sincere hope that we can all return to our schools soon but in the meantime, we will do our best to make lemonade out of lemons! Communication and flexibility are key as we’re all in this together!” - Kimberly Jones, High School Principal


“Virtual learning has been a huge success so far for Upper Elementary and Middle School. I’m so proud of our teachers and the hard work they have put in to making this transition to remote learning such a smooth process. We have been able to create meaningful connections between teachers and students through the Zoom platform which is allowing our students to receive the help and support they need while also allowing them to connect with their classmates as well.

Students have been working and submitting assignments diligently and our teachers have found new ways to connect our students with the necessary content, giving me great confidence that our students are receiving all that they need during this time of closure to progress more than adequately in their academics.

I’m so thankful for all of the technology and resources available to us during this time to make continued learning possible. Parents have been so gracious and their outpouring of supportive emails have helped encourage and sustain each of our faculty as they continue to adjust their methods of teaching. Our students have also provided great feedback and seem to be enjoying the new approaches to learning that they are being exposed to as a result. While we are all hoping this time away from the classroom comes to an end soon, I am confident that the measures we have taken will continue to serve each of our students well until we are able to return. - Adam Vinson, Middle School and Upper Elementary School Principal


Our first two days of remote learning has been a success! I am very pleased with the quality of education our teachers are continuing to provide remotely. Our top priorities in Lower School were to continue to offer a quality education, to strengthen our spiritual focus, and to keep our TCS community connected, all while not overwhelming our parents of young children.

Teachers are utilizing ClassDojo, ClassTag, Loom, Zoom, Google Meet, and other applications to connect with students and their families through videos and live chat. This has been instrumental in maintaining a personal connection and keeping the feeling of community alive! We are continuing to offer Specials classes throughout remote learning to encourage the growth and development of our students in areas such as PE, Art, STEAM, Music, and Creative Drama. We are encouraging participation in PE type activities everyday to promote exercise and wellness during this time of isolation and social distancing.

The TCS community and culture is alive and well as staff and parents partner together to make remote learning a huge success. A big shout out to our TCS families who have given unwavering support to our TCS staff.” -Sherry Randolph, Lower Elementary and Early Education Principal


Students and parents alike have also expressed how much Trinity’s remote learning program is helping students continue learning. A flood of feedback has poured in through emails, Social Media and surveys.

“Being more involved in my children's assignments this morning has made me even more thankful for the blessing of having our children at Trinity. Up to this point, I have trusted that you were teaching Biblical principles and reinforcing what we are trying to do at home, but now I know that you are, and I am so grateful!” - TCS HS Parent

What a great school we have! Amazing teachers and staff. As I’m at work I get texts from my better half as he is directing this e-learning process. He says our daughter fussed a couple times, but after being able to see the posts from her teacher, seeing her friends and classmates all doing the same thing, life is much better at home. Today we are finishing out strong. This is a challenge for us all. God has made a way to keep each of us safe and well. [I’m] thankful for the staff at TCS, and how they too are making it fun for our kids to finish the year out strong.” TCS MS Parent

“First day of ‘virtual learning’ for our two TCS kids! Representing MS & HS! So far, so good... A huge shoutout to ALL of the teachers and administrators for preparing for this new learning experience! I truly hope though we can get back to our normal way of life sooner rather than later. But until then, we will remain home to help flatten the curve!” TCS MS & HS Parent

“Thank y’all so very much for the super organized packet pick up! I teared up a bit as I saw all your smiling faces! Driving through “car line” actually gave me a “normal moment” that I needed in this time of uncertainty. Prayers!” TCS Lower School Parent

“I just want to take a moment and say how very impressed I am with the staff and the entire Trinity family. Today as I breezed through the packet pick up line I thought about all the changes we had to make so quickly and how all the teachers/administration seemed to rise to the challenge. I have so many friends who are telling me their school’s difficulty setting up remote learning and they are in shock when I tell them what Trinity has set up. I have such confidence and pride in TCS. Even my kids’ track athletic staff has continued to text encouragement and send out newsletters to us. Honestly, I am beyond impressed. I am humbled by the dedication. It reminds me why we chose/choose to invest our money in this school and community for the past 11 years. Thank you Trinity!” -TCS Lower Elementary Parent

“I just wanted to take a minute & thank the principals & teachers at TCS. The first two days of remote learning has been great. You guys have gone above & beyond to make sure the students & even parents have all the information they need. The amount of time & work that has been put into the lesson plans & being easily accessible shows! It is great to be a TCS Lion!” - TCS Parent