Trinity Student Raises $5,400 for Families in Ukraine


By Samantha DePriest

When Trinity Christian School 3rd grader Smith Wilson learned about what was happening in Ukraine, he felt God place it on his heart to do something. He knew there were people in need and there had to be something he could do to help. His Mom, Emily, shares that while he is just 9 years old and 80 pounds, his heart is 70 pounds. She laughed out loud when she said “He is compassionate and has a heart for God, but he is also 200% boy and has to be reminded not to hop over the pews at church.”

Smith and his 3 older brothers, parents, and grandparents worked together to come up with a way to show God’s love to families in Ukraine by baking and selling their family’s delicious poundcake recipe.

Emily shares that Covid was very difficult on their family because they weren’t able to spend as much time with grandparents Mimi and Papa (Gwyn and Mike Wilson) because of their age and compromised health. So when God blessed them with the opportunity to gather and make up for lost time while serving others, it just filled all of their hearts right up. There was lots of joy and laughter in the kitchen and cake batter on every cabinet. It was healing for Mimi and Papa and such a gift of time together.

Emily shared they were hoping to sell a dozen or so pound cakes at church. Smith took to the pulpit and shared his hope with the congregation. She laughed and said “It was as if God said, ‘Watch what I can do.” To date, they have baked, sold, and even shipped 260 pound cakes and raised $5,400 for UMCOR. All proceeds goes directly to missions to help the families in the Ukraine. The money has already begun to make an impact supporting churches there for housing, clothing, moving, and doctoring people.

Several members of our school community purchased Smith’s “Pound cakes for Peace” and have been praying for his outreach efforts. What a blessing to be surrounded by such support and encouragement. Emily shared how grateful she is that their 4 children are surrounded by Christ’s love and are being filled with His teachings each and every day. What an inspiration Smith is to us all and a reminder that no matter your age, God can use you to share His love. To learn more about his mission, please click on the buttons below.