Montana GO Week

Montana GO Week

By Samantha DePriest

Our Montana GO Week team led by High School Bible Teacher Patrick Brannon spent time in Livingston, Montana. Mr. Brannon had visited Expedition Church twice in years past with mission groups from Crossroads Church, however this was the first year to take a team from Trinity Christian School. Expedition Church Pastor Daryl and his wife Veronica are originally from south Coastal Alabama where he was a Senior pastor at a church. They were surprised to learn that 9 out of 10 are disconnected from God in Livingston, Montana and moved there to plant a church.

Mr. Brannon was accompanied by 4 Trinity teachers and 41 students on the trip and shares, “It was eye opening for our students and reminded them how fortunate they are to grow up in Faith environment. When you’re not raised in a Faith based home, you tend to reject and resist Faith.” He went on to share. “40-50 teams come every year to support this church and serve the community from all over the country. Trinity’s team was the 1st team of the new year to serve at Expedition Church.

The team visited Sacajawea Park and spent one day serving the Livingston Park County Sanitation Department. Mr. Warren, the Sanitation Director, shared that the community doesn’t have traffic service for various reasons. Instead they have a community trash site and strong winds and storms had come through recently and trash blew everywhere. Trinity High School Director of Student Development as well as Track & Field Coach Weaver shared, “Without a second thought, all of our students and leaders stepped up as a team and cleaned up the entire location in a short amount of time. Mr. Warren was overwhelmed by their help and to show his gratitude, he hosted a pizza party that night. He sent a dozen pizzas to the church for the team. He even commented that he was blown away by the way the group served joyfully and with excellence.” That evening Pastor Daryl shared devotions and how the church got started.

Expeditions are popular in Montana. He went on to explain that an expedition is a journey or excursion that you are going out to accomplish something. He wanted to soften the soil of the hearts of the people of Livingston so that God could come in and plant seeds to prepare for the work of the Lord. He shared that, “The heartbeat of the church is to say “YES” to all needs and to do whatever it takes. And simplicity creates margin so that we may do what God has called us to do. Complexity takes away that margin.” Expedition Church has 60-70 attendees on a regular basis.

Mr. Brannon shared that, “It was encouraging for the students to hear the authenticity and genuineness of Pastor Daryl’s heart because he doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. His obedience and clear mission have reached many in the town.” The team also had the chance to tour Livingston that evening and walk on the frozen lake.

The GO Week team spent a day in Yellowstone Park “The Granddaddy of all National Parks” and visited Paradise Valley, Teddy Roosevelt’s arch, and saw many elk and buffalo. It even started snowing while they were visiting the park which added to the beauty all around them.

The final day of serving, the team helped packed food bags as the church serves as a food distribution center. They also helped host a Youth service that 15 Middle and High School students attended. They had pizza, sandwiches, games, songs, fellowship, and Mr. Brannon shared a message. Some youth parents stayed to experience the event and got to hear the gospel. Our Trinity students couldn’t believe that the students they invited to the youth service all came to it, Coach Weaver shared, “Our students stepped up with pure excitement to welcome in these students.  The Trinity students were unbelievable with their inspiring leadership, and humble attitudes, embracing the community with arms wide open.”

Mr. Brannon shared that he was in awe of how God orchestrated their time of serving in Montana and reminded our students, “Don’t take for granted the environment you are in. Don’t miss that. TCS is special, Be thankful for the opportunities. This is why we do what we do, to help you become who and what God has called you to be. And remember how you can influence those around you.” At the end of the week, Pastor Daryl got teary and said “Thank ya’ll for loving on our town. It’s incredible to see 41 ‘all-in’ teenagers serving.”