Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Trinity Baptism Night

Trinity Baptism Night

By Samantha DePriest

High School Bible Teacher KC Lorow shared scripture.

On Monday evening March 20th at 7pm in the High School Multipurpose Room our students, parents, friends, and extended family filled up every available seat as they gathered to celebrate the baptism of 14 Trinity high school students. What started as a space with 100 chairs set up around a baptismal quickly filled and became a space where over 300 seats were brought in with staff standing along the back and sides of the room as well as students sitting on the floor. What a cloud of witnesses it was!

Jesus is King! (Image by Samantha DePriest)

TCS Staff AB and Lizzie Perez opened the evening by leading us in beautiful songs of worship to prepare our hearts. High School Bible teachers and Discipleship Group leaders Patrick Brannon, KC Lorow, Chris Paschal, Reed Shackelford, and Ron Edwards each spoke and shared encouragement through scripture while performing baptisms. They invited each of the students up to the podium one at a time where they spoke confidently about their Faith journey thus far and how they were ready to take the next step in baptism. They shared personal stories of how they have felt God working in their lives and why they wanted to surrender their lives over to Him. As each student stepped into the water, their family and friends were called to the front and surrounded them. What a beautiful picture of God’s people loving and supporting one another during one of the biggest decisions they will make in their life.

Students and staff shared words of encouragement in keepsake journals for the students who were baptized (Image by Samantha DePriest)

Over the course of the 2 hours, the Lord’s presence was evident. Once every student was baptized, there was a time of fellowship. Though it was almost 9pm on a Monday night, no one ran for the doors. Families stayed, friends hugged, and students filled beautiful keepsake journals with words of encouragement for each of the students to take home and read. What a thoughtful treasure.

TCS parent Bridget Paschal shares, “Just another reason I am so thankful to be a apart of the Trinity family! Thank you to all the teachers, coaches, and staff that pour their lives and love of Jesus into our kids. God is at work at Trinity Christian School and I am so thankful for these students boldness to profess their Faith and commitment to walk with Jesus!”

Coach Katey Rutherford (pictured far right) with 5 of her softball players at the baptism of Cacie Cutright (center in light blue dress). Image submitted by Katey Rutherford.

Trinity Varsity Softball Coach Katey Rutherford attended both the Trinity Baptism Night and also the baptism at one of her players the day before at her church home. Coach Katey shares, “My heart is so full of joy for these girls. God is writing a beautiful story for their lives and this is the only the beginning! So grateful the Lord gives me the opportunity to love, coach, lead, and most importantly learn from these girls. They are alive and forgiven, found and free, proclaiming their new life in Christ. THIS is what it is all about!

Caroline McPherson being baptized while her family looks on. (Image by Samantha DePriest)

TCS parent Nancy McPherson and Mom to Caroline McPherson shares, “Trinity has opened my children’s eyes and strengthened their walk with Christ in so many ways. There are just no words to describe how powerful the evening was. 14 amazing young people dedicated their life and I am so happy we were a part of it. I am in awe of the Bible teachers at Trinity - thru them God is changing lives!”

Dr. Anthony shared this week, “In a recent all-staff devotional time, I had asked the staff to join me in prayer - asking that our students would experience a revival in their hearts, similar to what we are hearing about at Asbury Seminary. Afterwards, one of our HS bible teachers informed, "Dr. Anthony, God is moving in our classes, mission trips, and chapel services. I think we are already experiencing revival!"

Anna Grace Strealy receiving hugs from her parents and siblings after being baptized. (Image by Samantha DePriest)

Then, while I was on a church staff retreat in North Georgia, I received several messages and pictures of baptisms taking place in the HS auditorium. 14 of our HS students made a public profession of their faith before 300 of their closest family, friends, and peers. The encouragement, worship, support, and celebration was so meaningful to those who were able to attend.

God is moving in our midst. While He is touching our students, maybe you could take a moment and ask Jesus to touch you too!”

Kayden Harrison being baptized with her family and friends standing by as witnesses. (Image by Samantha DePriest)

Baili Lockard being baptized by KC Lorow as her friends and family surround her. (Image by Samantha DePriest)

Pictured below are the students who made the decision to get baptized as part of the Trinity Baptism Night along with part of their testimonies that they shared. May their words inspire us all to take ownership of our own Faith and be a light to those around us.