Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Senior Week at Trinity: All Things Senior!

Senior Week at Trinity: All Things SeniorS!

By Samantha DePriest

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

This past week our school community celebrated our Seniors in a mighty way. Senior Week gets bigger and better each year with new traditions and meaningful ways to celebrate our 12th graders. The week kicked off with the beloved tradition of the Senior Walk where our 12th graders wear their cap and gown and walk from one end of campus to the stadium. Along the way they are greeted with signs and cheers of encouragement while they give out high fives to the little Lions and hugs to past teachers and staff. Parents and family members wait at the stadium for the Seniors to arrive and greet them with balloons, hugs, and lots of celebrating.

Senior Honors Night

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

On Tuesday evening, our Seniors and their families attended the Senior Honors Night held at Crossroads Church. This special program was the first of its kind for TCS. The event started with a beautiful time of family worship led by our Praise and Worship team of Seniors. Several awards and scholarships were handed out celebrating achievements both in the classroom and in the community.

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

The Class of 2023 is the 15th graduating class of Trinity and earned $9,840,902.00 in scholarships. Our first graduating class was in 2008 and was made up of just 14 graduates. What a remarkable journey our school is on! To God be the glory!

Some of the awards given at Senior Honors Night are mentioned below. Many of our students also received recognition for Advanced Placement, Student Council, BETA Club, National Honor Society, Honor Graduates, and Principal’s List. Valedictorian Grant VanGerpen and Salutatorian Victoria Taylor were honored as well. They were interviewed earlier this Spring by Head of School Dr. Anthony on an episode of Table Talk.

(Pictured l to r) Class of 2023 Valedictorian Grant VanGerpen and Salutatorian Victoria Taylor

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

The Senior Honors Night concluded with prayer followed by a time of refreshments and fellowship. What a testimony of God’s plan for these students lives after starting their high school journey in the midst of a global pandemic 4 years ago. These students are thriving and our Trinity families have much to be proud of for the students many accomplishments and achievements.

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

Senior Breakfast

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

Wednesday morning our Senior class was blessed with a delicious breakfast catered by SAGE and provided by the TCS Annual Fund. They gathered one last time as a class in the High School to share a meal together and time of fellowship. Following breakfast, our High School Bible teachers led the class in a time of devotion and prayer before they headed down to the field for Graduation practice.


(Image by Samantha DePriest)

While every Trinity parent and staff member eagerly watched the weather and prayed for the rain to stay away, once again we were reminded of God’s goodness. We were blessed with cooler temperatures, a slight breeze, and a packed house for the big event on Thursday evening. Graduation 2023 was a success!

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

Sophia Wootten, Student Council President, shared beautiful words of encouragement to her fellow classmates as did the Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Senior Bible Teacher Mr. Patrick Brannon wrote a charge to share with the Senior class.

It is my honor to address the graduating Class of 2023 for a final time. After this past year of life that we have shared together, in the classrooms and in the hallways of our two buildings, at senior chapel, on GO Week, at the senior retreat, at Main Event ATL, at your games, at your performances, and at church, with all the Monday shoutouts, athletic highlights, theater highlights, academic highlights, laughs, tears, hugs, high fives, and many prayers prayed for and with you, I hope you know how much I love you. It was my privilege and high honor to spend this past year encouraging you, cheering for you, praying for you, and believing for God’s glory and your good both now and in the future as this chapter of your life comes to a close. I want to leave you with one last encouragement.

Paul is writing to the church in 2 Corinthians 3 when he says, “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold. The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

Seniors, walk into your next chapter with great confidence and boldness. You may do so for two very important reasons, the first being that God is for you, and the second reason, low key one of my favorite things about God, is that He has made Himself abundantly clear. He has told you in His word exactly what He expects and desires from you. You will never be able to stand before God one day and say I wasn’t sure what you wanted me to do. The Great Commandment and The Great Commission are the clear priorities of God for all of His people. Isn’t clarity wonderful? Confusion crushes our confidence, but clarity creates and confirms it. Because of God’s love for you and the clarity of His mission for your life,

I’m so excited for your future and you should be too. God is on your side and following His clear instructions will lead you to the life you truly want. As the late pastor Charles Stanley often said, “Obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him.” If you choose to live your life by this powerful principle, you will be satisfied and God will be glorified. God bless you, God be with you, and if I can ever do anything for you, let me know. We love you.