Senior Class 2023: Senior Moments

Senior Class 2023: Senior Moments

By Samantha DePriest

Just a few days from now 125 students will cross the stage at graduation and head out into the great big world equipped with their Faith and a bright future. It has been a long standing tradition at Trinity that the graduating Seniors share bits of wisdom and encouragement with lowerclassmen before they leave in an experience called “Senior Moments”. This past week over 500 of our high school students gathered together in the stadium and in the gym to participate in this special tradition. A wonderful group of young men and women, some whom have been a part of TCS for more than a decade, volunteered to share their hearts with the high school.

(picture l to r) Mr. Brannon, Grayson Waller, Mark Harris, Henry Brodnax, Joshua Taylor, and Sophia Wootten

High School Bible teacher Mr. Brannon sat with the students on Wednesday morning as they shared their Faith, their experiences in life and here at Trinity, and encouragement with the student body in the stadium. Dr. Anthony met with students during the last Chapel of the school year in the gym on Thursday morning. Our students leaned in close and likely left with nuggets of wisdom to apply in their own day to day lives. Wisdom that our students have gained from their experiences at Trinity is worth more than gold. To hear these students who are preparing to launch share about their Faith foundation makes every single sacrifice completely worth while. To sum up what each student shared, below are words of wisdom from some of our graduating class of 2023. Be proud Lion Nation! This generation of servant leaders is going to change the world!!

(pictured l to r) Mr. Brannon, Ainsley McMurry, Rebecca Flournoy, Katie Koger, Allie Phillips, and Hannah GIbbs

“Senior Moments” Class of 2023

Who you surround yourself with matters,” Grayson Waller, TCS student for 13 years.

Having like-minded friends who love God helps you turn a negative into a positive.” Mark Harris, TCS student for 3 1/2 years.

Relationships are important. Love the Lord and don’t be a luke warm Christian. Your identity should be in Christ“ Henry Brodnax, TCS student for 8 years.

Pursue God in all you do. God matters. Love everyone.“ Josh Taylor, TCS student for 6 years.

TCS provided endless Christ centered opportunities whether in the arts or athletics. Turn all of your gifts and talents into a form of worship.“ Sophia Wootten, TCS student for 7 years.

GO Week was life changing. Trust in Him no matter what. Unexpected things happen. Know what you believe before you leave high school.“ Ainsley McMurry, TCS student for 9 years.

True joy comes from God and God alone. Happiness is in our circumstances. Joy is fulfillment in God no matter the circumstances.“ Rebecca Flournoy, TCS student for 13 years

Relationships matter. God will never leave you. Cast your cares on Him“ Katie Koger, TCS student for 5 years.

Faith is a commitment. He has a plan and it is a good plan. Life is going to be hard but God is good. Your teachers are always there for you.“ Allie Phillips, TCS student for 7 years.

You don’t have to know everything, just obey, listen, and trust God. Don’t stay stagnant in your Faith. Don’t just hear, listen.“ Hannah Gibbs, TCS student for 12 years.

(pictured l to r) Dylan DePriest, Gracyn Duncan, Caden Jones, Brianna Hernandez, and Dr. Anthony

This school is unique in its atmosphere. We are truly a family. I have been at 3 different schools before Trinity and there is something special about our school. My advice is to take your spiritual life seriously.” Brianna Hernandez, TCS student for 3 years.

Community is everything. I’ve never had a teacher that I couldn’t go talk to. My advice is to start forming good habits early whether it’s praying or reading our Bibles every day. It’s never too late to form good habits.” Caden Jones, TCS student for 13 years.

Trinity is such a blessing. It’s the only place I have ever known. I have learned that Jesus is the only one who can give us the strength to get through hard times. My advice is to use every opportunity you have to encourage others.” Gracyn Duncan, TCS student for 13 years.

Trinity is home for me, I rarely leave campus before 8pm. Our Trinity family is everything. My experience has been that the power of prayer helps us deal with hardships and my advice to share is that we need to own our Faith.” Dylan DePriest, TCS student for 12 years.