Senior Retreat

Senior Retreat

By Samantha DePriest

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

“Our Senior class of 2024 was charged with “Therefore, go follow the voice of God,” shares High School Director of Student Development Mr. JP Weaver. Earlier this week, our 12th graders and their teachers experienced an incredible journey that led them to Camp Highland in the North Georgia mountains. The trip was inspiring, motivating, and encouraging, allowing our students and staff members involved to kick off the school year on a mission!”

Mr. Weaver was accompanied Senior Bible teacher Mr. Ryan Tipton, School Nurse Kasey White, Student Council Advisory and Skills Development Teacher Shannon Bragg, and Dual Enrollment Literature teacher Mrs. Wolleat. Mr. Weaver continues, “Whether it was through team building, climbing rock walls, ultimate frisbee, or playing volleyball until late into the night, the senior class did it all together. The team activities at the retreat allowed students to make incredible connections with their classmates. Over the course of just two days, they learned that God’s direction and gifts are given to them for their lives ahead. It was learned that, in Christ, we all have a calling to be ambassadors for the Kingdom – regardless of the field He’s called us to. And, it was clear that community is a heavenly thing to be a part of.”  

“We are incredibly proud of these students and grateful for the opportunity to see the impact of worshiping God collectively in one voice. It was amazing to hear the praise these students were pouring out during worship time. After seeing so many step out of their comfort zone and into the will of God, we can’t wait for what the year ahead of us will bring for this group of leaders.”