Keira Moore: TCS Student on Mission for Christ

Keira Moore: TCS Student on Mission for christ

By Samantha DePriest

With over 1,300 alumni and almost 2,000 currently enrolled students, we enjoy learning about how God is blessing our students with opportunities to put into practice all that they are learning in the classroom. After all, our mission is to prepare today’s student to impact tomorrow's world: by educating minds for cultural engagement, equipping hearts for character development, and empowering hands for compassionate service.

Recently we connected with high school student Keira Moore. Keira is a senior at TCS and while she just joined us last year, has jumped right in to all that our school offers. You may recognize her from the Chapel Worship Team on Wednesday mornings. Keira also serves in NHS, Beta Club, Student Council, and the Annual Fund Ambassador team. She also is a part of the Thespian Honor Society, Trinity Roaring Dramatics, All State Chorus, and Literary. Keira is a member of Trinity Church where she serves and leads worship in kids, youth, and adult ministries. She is also very involved in Trinity Fine Arts and the CALLED program through the Assemblies of God. Keira shares, “This helps me grow in the gifts and calling God has given me, specifically in the area of worship leadership and preaching. When I was in sixth grade, I attended the National Fine Arts Festival, was praying in a worship service, and felt God nudging me to accept His call on my life to vocational ministry. Next year, I plan to go to Evangel University to study worship leadership and eventually become a worship pastor.”

In her own words, “At my previous church, Grace Fellowship, I participated in Grace Student Arts, a program for middle and high school students to discover, develop, and deploy their God-given talents and gifts, specifically in the area of the arts. With this team, I've been on multiple missions trips in the states, going to Washington D.C., Texas, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, and South Carolina. We led services in churches, rehabilitation centers like Teen Challenge, nursing homes, and public parks, where we would minister through singing, preaching, dancing, acting, leading worship, playing instruments, and sharing our testimonies, in order to share the Gospel. Going on a mission trip year after year, I made lasting friendships, became bolder in professing my faith in God in uncomfortable situations, and personally experienced His faithfulness.”

“This past summer, I went on my first international mission trip with Trinity Church Youth Ministries to the country of Antigua and Barbuda. We led a VBS for the children on the island and held youth services. It was an amazing experience to see a different culture and way of life, and then get to join in worshipping the same God with them, from children to adults.

To me, serving is an act of worship. My time on mission taught me that service is humbling ourselves before God and offering up time and talents, trusting Him to use it as He will for His glory. In Barbuda, I learned that when we serve for God alone, the joy of the Lord is our strength. 

I want to be wherever God calls me, whether that means going or staying. I trust God to direct my steps, lead me where He wills, and provide ways for me to get there. I plan to go to London for GoWeek, and am so excited to share the love, salvation, and hope found in God to the people there, specifically youth!”

Keira encourages fellow classmates and friends to get involved in missions. She shares, “They are so culturally and spiritually eye-opening, and definitely worth it. If you're worried about the money or timing of a trip, "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 There are many people out there that want to support you financially in the call to preach the gospel! If you think you're not spiritually "ready" to go on a trip, that's a good reflection point. Grow in the ways you need to grow, but don't let that stop you from serving others through missions. God uses the little you think you have in big ways, and His "power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 

Serving through missions isn't just about going overseas. Mark 16:15 tells us to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation," and that includes us and our community! There are so many people right here who need to hear the Gospel, and we should be the ones to share it with them. I find myself convicted by the quote, "Why would God choose to send you overseas if you're not willing to go across the street?" God wants to work in and through you in every circumstance, season, encounter, and part of your life. Say yes to God and let the Holy Spirit transform your life.”