TCS Bible Team attends the International John Owen Convention

TCS Bible Team attends the

International John Owen Convention

By Samantha DePriest

This past week we had an opportunity to lean in and learn about the memorable experience some of our TCS Bible team had abroad this summer in Ireland. Mr. Moore, Mr. Lassiter, and Mr. Higgins took a memorable trip together to Ireland to attend the International John Owen Convention. Seventh grade Bible teacher Mr. Moore shared, “Almost two years ago we discovered the Union Theological College, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and I have been in their MA in Theology program as a student since then. Their degree path is offered via an online platform called Bible Mesh. Last fall, Wesley decided to transfer from pursuing his Masters through another seminary and also joined the program at UTC. Our college announced last fall that they would be hosting an international conference in partnership with Crossway and BibleMesh, and they put out a call for speakers to come to present their research. Wesley decided he would go out on a limb and submit a proposal and it was accepted! Since January the three of us began planning this trip together to support Wesley’s endeavor to present his paper at his first theological academic conference.” 

TCS Bible teachers Mr. Higgins, Mr. Lassiter, and Mr. Moore (pictured l to r).

Eighth grade Bible teacher Mr. Lassiter shares, “In November, they announced a call for papers for the first annual International John Owen Convention. The goal and purpose of the conference was to explore new directions in John Owen, the 17th century British Puritan, studies. There was a total of 21 academic papers given and 3 plenary papers by Owen scholars. This conference included presenters from several European and North American countries and numerous denominations represented as well. I had the privilege of presenting my paper which was accepted. This paper was the beginning thoughts of my Master's degree research dissertation and what I am pursuing for my PhD research. While my paper would probably bore most people, the end goal is to take this high and lofty theology and apply it to the everyday Christian. The title of my paper was "For Though We See In Part: John Owen's Pastoral Apprehension of Blessedness in the Beatific Vision." I explored John Owen's works to show he was a pastor at heart who lived in troubling times. His congregation as well as the students he taught at Oxford University lived in tumultuous times as well. He simply wanted to show hurting, suffering, and sinful people that we can find satisfaction in Jesus now and we will experience it in full in eternity.” 

TCS 8th grade Bible teacher and Director of Spiritual Development for UE/MS Mr. Lassiter presents his paper at the International John Owen Convention.

Mr, Lassiter goes on to share, “I loved the opportunity to participate in this conference with some of the world's leading Owen scholars. This was an immensely humbling experience that helped me to continue to shape and refine my academic studies. I was able to represent my research school (Union Theological College), the program that makes this distance degree accessible (BibleMesh), the church I pastor (The Rock Church, The Rock, Georgia), and of course the school I have the privilege to teach at (Trinity Christian School). I will be working to provide my paper in two formats for reading. First, BibleMesh will be publishing a summarized and accessible version of the paper. Second, a few publishers are looking to publish a John Owen academic journal with some of the papers from the conference. I am so thankful for the support of my co-workers and the administration of Trinity Christian School for encouraging me along the way for this opportunity. I am thankful for Trinity's encouragement to teachers for continued education and learning. I will now be working on the next steps of my research and the next academic paper to continue this theological thread in John Owen.

I am extremely grateful Tyson Moore and Dylan Higgins were able to join me on this trip. They were constant encouragers and talking partners leading up to the delivery of the paper. We also thoroughly enjoyed exploring parts of Ireland. We had the joy of exploring many church history sites as well as historical Irish sites. The Lord was gracious to give us time together to explore another part of the world where the Lord has worked through his people. No doubt this trip served to not only enrich our spiritual lives but also to enrich our classrooms as we can share how different people from different places around the world have made a gospel impact. 

I pray this trip continues to impact others in our influence. Entering into my new role of teaching 8th grade Bible and as the Director of Spiritual Development for UE/MS, my goal is to urge our students to look to Jesus. Whether we are struggling in sin, we are suffering through the effects of sin, or a student is lost and wandering, the goal is to point them to Jesus where they will find eternal satisfaction. Our only salvation is in Jesus. True joy can only come through Jesus. Let us look to him as the giver of God's glory by which we can look upon him and live!”