TCS Students Invited into The Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra

TCS Students Invited into The

Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra

By Samantha DePriest

TCS Director of Performing Arts, Mr. Hurt, and Mrs. Manwaring, TCS Orchestra Director, are thrilled to announce some exciting news from our Arts department. The Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra (MYSO) is an Atlanta group made up of local youth, by audition only, that has been around for 32 seasons. It has been described as a fundamental part of the regional youth music community. Mr. Hurt goes on to share, “Four of our talented Orchestra students tried out for MYSO and all four made it. Russ Bryan, Elie Oh, Jane Jung, and Elle Jerger all auditioned and are being inducted into MYSO this month. This is such a great accomplishment!” 

TCS Orchestra Director Mrs. Manwaring pictured with MYSO inductees Elie Oh, Elle Jerger, Russ Bryan, and Jane Jung, alongside Mr. Hurt, TCS Performing Arts Director.

“I just wanted to take a minute to officially say how proud I am of each of you for trying out for and making into MYSO!  That is a huge accomplishment and speaks to your dedication to music, both here at school and at home.  I know each of you have spent hours upon hours practicing, and I'm so grateful each of you are in our music classes here at Trinity.  I feel honored to have you in my classes!” TCS Orchestra Director, Mrs. Sharissa Manwaring

Mrs. Manwaring goes on to share, “Another fun fact is that Elle Jerger and Elie Oh were placed as stand partners in Philharmonia.  Because they are in different grades they recognized each other when they got there, but had never spoken. I think it's fun that they get to do this together.”

At MYSO there are two different youth symphonies: Philharmonia and Symphony. Of the two groups, Symphony is the more advanced. Jane Jung is the only one of our four students who auditioned to be part of the MYSO Symphony Orchestra and, proudly, got the 3rd chair in the 2nd violin section. Chair placement decisions are based on leadership qualities, promptness, a positive attitude, and attendance.

Russ Bryan performing in the 2023 Christmas Concert Series.

Russ Bryan

“I just play the violin, and have been doing so for 7 years now. My mom played violin when she was a kid, and she had an old one laying around so I tried it out and fell in love. I love the program at Trinity. That’s where I first took private lessons. Even now, I play in the high school chamber group as concertmaster. Everyone involved with the program loves teaching music and really enjoys helping push forward growth. I will be playing as a 1st violin in the MYSO Philharmonia, and next year I’m going to take a shot at MYSO Symphony. I would have auditioned for it this past year, but I was playing in a wedding, and I didn’t have time to get the pieces down. Along with the violin, I also play football in the summer and fall, and lacrosse during the spring and summer. “ Russ Bryan is in 9th grade.

Elle Jerger performing in the 2023 Christmas Concert Series.

Elle Jerger

This is my 5th year playing the violin! I started in 5th grade, when my mom actually signed me up for orchestra without my knowledge. I was sceptical at first, and was scared to make any mistakes. However, I quickly learned that the instructors in the performing arts department are helpful and ready to answer my questions. They are great at motivating students to continue to pursue music, and I'm so thankful that I was put on this path.

One thing I would say to encourage students considering performing arts is that learning anything new will be a process, and might not be easy at times. You have to be ready to make mistakes and grow from them. There was a point in my journey where I really wanted to quit. The music became harder and I didn't feel prepared. It's important that when those types of challenges hit you, you persevere and keep trying. All it takes is practice! 

This is my first year at MYSO, and I participate in the "intermediate level" called Philharmonia. This means that while I am constantly being challenged to grow and learn new techniques, the music load isn't overwhelming. I am currently a second violin, which means I play the more simple violin part.” Elle Jerger is in 9th grade.

Jane Jung performing with the Philharmonia Orchestra and the String Ensemble.

Jane Jung

“I play the violin and piano and have been playing the violin for six years. My private violin teacher is someone who exemplifies living for the glory of God. She works extremely hard to help her students, and she is who inspired me to join MYSO. I think that joining the Performing Arts program is very beneficial in many ways. All categories of Performing Arts need teamwork and perseverance. You have to work together, and on your own, to play, sing, dance, etc. to the best of your ability. You can also use it to get closer to God yourself, and others. Music is something many people enjoy, and you have the chance to bring your music to people and build them up through your talents. This year, I am playing second violin for the Symphony Orchestra in MYSO. I also swim.“ Jane Jung is in 7th grade.

Elie Oh

Elie Oh performing in the TCS Talent Show 

“I play the violin, as well as the piano. I have been playing the violin for 3 years. My private lesson teacher who has a big inspiration on me, encouraged me to audition for MYSO so that I could challenge myself to become a better player. Making music together with a group of kids and performing it is very fun, and the  process of putting it together helps you learn more about music. I will be playing Second violin in the MYSO Philharmonia orchestra. I enjoy playing golf, and I will be trying out for the middle school golf team.“ Elie Oh is in 6th grade at TCS.

TCS is proud of and excited for these students to reach beyond our walls and share their God given talents with a larger community. It takes an enormous amount of time, determination, and focus for our students to achieve this level of success at such a young age. Mr. Hurt goes on to share, “TCS is committed to nurturing an environment where the arts can thrive.” We look forward to cheering them on and can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned next for them.

Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra


MYSO is committed to developing the educational opportunities of Atlanta’s most talented young musicians by offering public performances, sectional coaching, solo performance opportunities, chamber music ensemble training, and scholarship awards for continuing music education.


MYSO Atlanta's commitment to creating impactful musical experiences for Atlanta's young musicians begins with weekly rehearsals of challenging full orchestral music under the direction of experienced conductors and educators. Each MYSO ensemble plays at least three fully programmed concerts each season.”