Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 76

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Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published March 21, 2021

Volume 76


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Thank You for Shopping for Trinity!

Trinity families are amazing shoppers! You’ve earned just over $1,000 for Trinity between AmazonSmile, Kroger and Publix this quarter! Our AmazonSmile check was almost $300 more than we received this quarter last year - WOW! These earnings are used to support our teachers so please, tell your family and friends and keep shopping for Trinity!

AmazonSmile: Go to and select Trinity Christian School as your charity then shop online at or from your phone’s Amazon app (make sure Smile is turned on in the app!). If you use a tablet, you need to shop from the AmazonSmile website.

Click the button below to learn more.

Publix: SImply create an account and select Trinity as your Publix Partner School (you need to renew this each year). Then enter your phone number at checkout and earn money for Trinity every time you shop!

Click the button below to learn more.

Kroger: Add Trinity as your Community Reward Partner to your Shoppers Card (you need to renew this each year). Then scan your Shoppers Card or enter your alternate ID at checkout to earn money for Trinity on your purchases!

Click the button below to learn more.