Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 94

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published August 22, 2021

Volume 94


Room Parent/Annual Fund Ambassador Interest Sign-up

Room Parents:  We have an amazing group of teachers at Trinity; however, they need and love our help! Each class (PreK-3 thru 3rd) and grade (4th - 8th) need a parent or two to help support the teacher and organize events. Normally, the amount of help needed varies by grade and teacher; however, there are a few events that room parents plan each year such as Christmas and End of the Year celebrations.

Annual Fund Volunteers: Each grade has a volunteer ambassador who gives of their time to support the TCS Annual Fund and works alongside the Annual Fund Leadership Team. Annual Fund Ambassadors use their creative talents to encourage other parents in the grade level they represent to encourage participation, is actively involved in the two-week TCS Annual Fund Campaign and is an enthusiastic advocate of Trinity Christian School. YOU WILL NOT ASK OTHER PARENTS FOR MONEY! The campaign blitz is September 20th – 29th.   

If either of these are something that you would be interested in doing, please complete the following form. Our goal is to get as many parents involved in the classrooms as possible. If you have any questions, you can contact the Room Parent Coordinators at

Lower School Room Parent/Annual Fund Ambassador Interest 

High School Annual Fund Ambassador Interest  

Called to Serve?

The PTF also needs volunteers for a variety of events throughout the year. Let us know if you’re interested in volunteering with us! This is open to all parents - PreK3 - 12th!

Volunteer Interest Sign-up

School Benefit Program Renewals

It’s that time again! Time to support Trinity just by shopping at Publix. Don’t forget to re‑enroll in Publix Partners by September 30 so you can continue to earn money for Trinity when you shop!

Not enrolled? Just sign-up and link your account to Trinity.

Use the Amazon app on your phone? Don’t forget to re-enroll for AmazonSmile - this needs to be done twice a year on the app (online, shopping at links you automatically to your account). 

Open the app and go to "Settings" in the main menu. Click on 'AmazonSmile' and follow the instructions to turn on AmazonSmile in the app.
Don’t forget you can also earn money for Trinity through Kroger, BoxTops and Coke Rewards! Click below for more information on these.