Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 82

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published May 2, 2021

Volume 82


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Teacher Appreciation Week Volunteers Needed!

The PTF is excited to host Teacher Appreciation Week May 3rd - 7th for our amazing Trinity teachers and staff! There are special events planned for each day to show our teachers and staff how much we love and appreciate them but we need your help on Thursday and Friday! 

Thursday is Teacher Recognition Day - This day is reserved for families to love on their individual teachers. Feel free to send in notes or treats to your student's teachers letting them know how much you appreciate them. (Lower School families will receive a communication from their class room parent with details on how their class is recognizing their teacher(s).)  

Friday is the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - In order for our teachers to enjoy a special lunch and time of fellowship with each other, we need parents to watch classes/lunch periods. (Lower School room parents are coordinating coverage for their classes.)

Below is a sign-up with the lunch periods/classes that need to be covered. 

You don't have to have a student in the class/school to volunteer :)

Please let us know if you are able to help!

MIddle School/High School Sign-Up

4th/5th Grade Sign-Up 

Thank you for your support of our teachers and staff! It's greatly appreciated!

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 81

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published April 25, 2021

Volume 81


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Thank You Volunteers!

Thank you to all the volunteers that joined us for our last book breaking of the year! We appreciate everyone that has helped sort pages for 1st & 2nd grade this year.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 80

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published April 18, 2021

Volume 80


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Thank You Volunteers!

Thank you to all the volunteers that joined us for our last book breaking of the year! We appreciate everyone that has helped sort pages for 1st & 2nd grade this year.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 79

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published April 11, 2021

Volume 79


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Volunteer Opportunity - Book Breaking!

Date: April 14th

Content:  Our next volunteer opportunity to help our 1st and 2nd grade teachers is Wednesday, April 14th! Parents are needed to help pull pages from math books and sort them by student. This is a great way to get to know some of the other Trinity parents!

We will be sorting pages in the Gathering Place (cafeteria) Wednesday, April 14th from 8:15 - 9:45 am. Please enter through the patio doors - you do not need to go through the office.

Volunteer Sign-up:

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 78

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published April 4, 2021

Volume 78


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Volunteer Opportunity - Book Breaking!

Date: April 11th

Content:  Our next volunteer opportunity to help our 1st and 2nd grade teachers is Wednesday, April 14th! Parents are needed to help pull pages from math books and sort them by student. This is a great way to get to know some of the other Trinity parents!

We will be sorting pages in the Gathering Place (cafeteria) Wednesday, April 14th from 8:15 - 9:45 am. Please enter through the patio doors - you do not need to go through the office.

Volunteer Sign-up:

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 77

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published March 28, 2021

Volume 77


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Volunteer Opportunity - Book Breaking!

Date: Mar 28th & Apr 11th

Content:  Our next volunteer opportunity to help our 1st and 2nd grade teachers is Wednesday April 14th! Parents are needed to help pull pages from math books and sort them by student. This is a great way to get to know some of the other Trinity parents!

We will be sorting pages in the Gathering Place (cafeteria) Wednesday, April 14th from 8:15 - 9:45 am. Please enter through the patio doors - you do not need to go through the office.

Volunteer Sign-up:

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 76

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published March 21, 2021

Volume 76


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Thank You for Shopping for Trinity!

Trinity families are amazing shoppers! You’ve earned just over $1,000 for Trinity between AmazonSmile, Kroger and Publix this quarter! Our AmazonSmile check was almost $300 more than we received this quarter last year - WOW! These earnings are used to support our teachers so please, tell your family and friends and keep shopping for Trinity!

AmazonSmile: Go to and select Trinity Christian School as your charity then shop online at or from your phone’s Amazon app (make sure Smile is turned on in the app!). If you use a tablet, you need to shop from the AmazonSmile website.

Click the button below to learn more.

Publix: SImply create an account and select Trinity as your Publix Partner School (you need to renew this each year). Then enter your phone number at checkout and earn money for Trinity every time you shop!

Click the button below to learn more.

Kroger: Add Trinity as your Community Reward Partner to your Shoppers Card (you need to renew this each year). Then scan your Shoppers Card or enter your alternate ID at checkout to earn money for Trinity on your purchases!

Click the button below to learn more.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 75

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published March 14, 2021

Volume 75


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Thank You for Shopping for Trinity!

Trinity families are amazing shoppers! You’ve earned just over $1,000 for Trinity between AmazonSmile, Kroger and Publix this quarter! Our AmazonSmile check was almost $300 more than we received this quarter last year - WOW! These earnings are used to support our teachers so please, tell your family and friends and keep shopping for Trinity!

AmazonSmile: Go to and select Trinity Christian School as your charity then shop online at or from your phone’s Amazon app (make sure Smile is turned on in the app!). If you use a tablet, you need to shop from the AmazonSmile website.

Click the button below to learn more.

Publix: SImply create an account and select Trinity as your Publix Partner School (you need to renew this each year). Then enter your phone number at checkout and earn money for Trinity every time you shop!

Click the button below to learn more.

Kroger: Add Trinity as your Community Reward Partner to your Shoppers Card (you need to renew this each year). Then scan your Shoppers Card or enter your alternate ID at checkout to earn money for Trinity on your purchases!

Click the button below to learn more.

Thank You ITBS Test Week Volunteers!

THANK YOU! to all the parents that sent in goldfish, fruit chews and labels for ITBS testing treats, packaged the treats with notes of encouragement for our kindergarten through 5th grade students, and wrote sticky notes of encouragement for our middle school students! Good luck students on your testing - we know you’ll do your “BERRY” best and can’t wait until you’re “o-FISH-olly” done with testing!

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 74

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published March 7, 2021

Volume 74


Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Publix/Kroger/Amazon Smile School Benefit Programs

Give back to Trinity while you shop! Simply link your Publix, Kroger or AmazonSmile account to Trinity and the school will earn money every time you make a purchase. For instructions on how to link your accounts, click options below.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 73

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published February 28, 2021

Volume 73


February Book Breaking Thank You!

PTF Book Breaking.jpg

Thank you to all the parents that joined us for the February book breaking to help sort math pages for 1st and 2nd grade teachers! Mark your calendars for our next one after Spring Break on Wednesday, April 14th - we’d love to see you there!

Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Publix/Kroger/Amazon Smile School Benefit Programs

Give back to Trinity while you shop! Simply link your Publix, Kroger or AmazonSmile account to Trinity and the school will earn money every time you make a purchase. For instructions on how to link your accounts, click options below.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 72

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published February 21, 2021

Volume 72


Volunteer Opportunity - February Book Breaking

Thank you to all the parents that joined us for the January book breaking to help sort math pages for 1st and 2nd grade teachers! If you missed that one, don’t worry - we’ll be getting together again Feb. 23rd to sort more pages! Join us from 8:15-9:45 am in the Gathering Place (Lower School Cafeteria).

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PTF Team 2.jpg

Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Publix/Kroger/Amazon Smile School Benefit Programs

Give back to Trinity while you shop! Simply link your Publix, Kroger or AmazonSmile account to Trinity and the school will earn money every time you make a purchase. For instructions on how to link your accounts, click options below.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 71

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published February 14, 2021

Volume 71


Volunteer Opportunity - February Book Breaking

Thank you to all the parents that joined us for the January book breaking to help sort math pages for 1st and 2nd grade teachers! If you missed that one, don’t worry - we’ll be getting together again Feb. 23rd to sort more pages! Join us from 8:15-9:45 am in the Gathering Place (Lower School Cafeteria).

PTF Parents 2.jpg
PTF Team 2.jpg

Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Publix/Kroger/Amazon Smile School Benefit Programs

Give back to Trinity while you shop! Simply link your Publix, Kroger or AmazonSmile account to Trinity and the school will earn money every time you make a purchase. For instructions on how to link your accounts, click options below.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride - Volume 70

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published February 7, 2021

Volume 70


Volunteer Opportunity - February Book Breaking

Thank you to all the parents that joined us for the January book breaking to help sort math pages for 1st and 2nd grade teachers! If you missed that one, don’t worry - we’ll be getting together again Feb. 23rd to sort more pages! Join us from 8:15-9:45 am in the Gathering Place (Lower School Cafeteria).

PTF Parents 2.jpg
PTF Team 2.jpg

Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Publix/Kroger/Amazon Smile School Benefit Programs

Give back to Trinity while you shop! Simply link your Publix, Kroger or AmazonSmile account to Trinity and the school will earn money every time you make a purchase. For instructions on how to link your accounts, click options below.

Parent Teacher Fellowship News - Inside the Pride

TCS Newsletter Header - 2020-2021.png

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with PTF

Published January 31, 2021

Volume 69


Stock the Room Week Thank You!

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Room Parents hosted a Stock the Room Week the week of Jan. 25th for Pre-K 3 through 5th to resupply the teachers and specials teachers/support staff with items that the they needed such as Chlorox Wipes, Lysol Spray, Kleenex, pencils, paper towels, etc. The response was amazing! I’d just like to give the parents recognition for their generosity. Some of the comments that the teachers had were:

This is like Christmas! (Said at least 6 times!)

Wow! We have such generous parents!

Thank you all so much for all you do!  We love you!

Thank you SO much for anything, this is such a blessing :)

Thank you so much for doing this for us.  It really means a great deal.

Thank you so much for doing this!  It is such a blessing.

Thank you so much for doing this!  This is another HUGE blessing!

Thank you so much for doing this! This is such a blessing!

Thank you so much!!!



Book Breaking Thank You!

PTF Team.jpg

Thank you to all the parents that joined us Tuesday morning to help sort math pages for 1st and 2nd grade teachers! We appreciate your help! If you missed this one, don’t worry - we’ll be getting together again Feb. 23rd to sort more pages! Look for the sign-up coming soon!

PTF Parents 2.jpg
PTF Team 2.jpg

Called to Serve - Parent Teacher Fellowship News

Publix/Kroger/Amazon Smile School Benefit Programs

Give back to Trinity while you shop! Simply link your Publix, Kroger or AmazonSmile account to Trinity and the school will earn money every time you make a purchase. For instructions on how to link your accounts, click options below.