Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 37

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published April 12, 2020

Volume 37

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal

Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



Don’t forget to check your email for recovery assignment opportunities to make up for poor grades during the first two weeks of Distance Learning. All recovery assignments will be due Friday, April 17.


Upper Elementary Weekly Schedule - There will be 3 live teaching sessions per week for your child. Bible, Reading/Language Arts, and Math will be offered live in those sessions. Students will be sent a Zoom Meeting link each day by their teacher. Live teaching sessions will last approximately 30 minutes. REMINDER: Attendance is optional as the sessions will be recorded.

4th Grade

  • MONDAY - Bible (9:30am)

  • TUESDAY - Reading (9:30am)

  • WEDNESDAY - None

  • THURSDAY - Math (9:30am)

  • FRIDAY - None

5th Grade

  • MONDAY - Bible (9:30am - Homerooms)

  • TUESDAY - Reading (9:30am - 5A and 5B) (10:15am - 5C and 5D)

  • WEDNESDAY - None

  • THURSDAY - Math (9:30am - 5A and 5B) (10:15am - 5C and 5D)

  • FRIDAY - None