Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Athletics
Published March 20, 2022
Volume 121
Lance Duncan - Athletics Director
Physical Day
It is that time of year for our 2022-2023 Sports Physicals. GoMed will be at Trinity for physicals for 3 days this year. The dates are Monday, April 18, Tuesday, April 19, and Wednesday, April 20 from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. Physicals are $20.00.
Payments and scheduling will be done through Blackbaud. You will receive an email to show that you have a form to complete for your child. If you do not receive an email, you can login to your Blackbaud account, click on your name in the top right corner, and click Files and Forms. The title of the form is Physical Day. If you have multiple children to sign up, you must complete a form for each child.
Every athlete is required to have a physical on file prior to the start of their season. Athletes will not be allowed to start their season without a physical and athletic forms on file in the Athletic Office. This is a great opportunity to complete your paperwork prior to the start of the next school year and your physical will be good for the entire 2022-2023 school year.
If you have any questions, please email
athletics website
Check out the Athletics Website
Academic Attendance Policy
Just as a reminder as Winter sports begin to crank up: A student must attend at least half of their classes on game day in order to participate. Of course if a student is at an excused function(s) (Field trip, Dr Apt, college visit, or etc.) or arrangements have been made in the athletic office this policy may be waived.
Please follow us for more information about our programs and updates on social media:
Instagram - @tcslionsathletics
Twitter - @TCSAthletics