Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published November 14, 2021
Volume 106
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Christmas Acts of Kindness
Candygrams for Sale
For the week of Nov 29th - Dec. 3rd, Student Council will be selling candygrams for $1 before school and during lunch, so students can send a note and candy to their friends or special someone. Candygrams will be delivered in Bible classes.
Hot Cocoa for Sale
Student Council will be selling Hot Cocoa during lunch on the days of Dec. 6th -8th.
Students will be able to buy two cups for $1 so they can share one with a friend.
Celebrating the Seniors
We want to celebrate our Senior’s last Christmas here at TCS. Therefore, we will have a drop in breakfast the morning of Tuesday, November 30th from 8:00 - 9:55. We will have hot cocoa and muffins as well as games and prizes. Senior students should plan to bring in an ornament that represents them to decorate our tree. The ornament can reflect their hobby, where they plan to attend college, a younger picture of them, elementary school year Christmas craft etc. These ornaments will be returned at the end of the term.
High School Christmas Movie Night
Thursday, December 16th at 7pm
Movie TBD, but will be a Christmas theme
Come in your PJs
Popcorn and hot cocoa bar will be available
Christmas Break Countdown Dress-Up Days
Dresscode Guidelines for Dress Up Days
For the days that you do not have to wear regular dress code pants or shirts, please make sure your clothing meets these guidelines. However, if you are not dressing up according to the themes, then you are expected to be in regular attire.
Athletic shorts can be worn but must meet the fingertip rule -
There should be no spaghetti straps or tank tops. Any tops that are low cut or have a low v-neck must have a modest camisole underneath so that the neckline is raised (Bralettes do not qualify as a modest camisole underneath.
Leggings may only be worn with a top that meets the length requirement for shorts (Fingertip rule applies).
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the fingertip mark.
Mesh/see-thru tops should not be worn unless there is a full coverage top underneath it.
The fingertip rule for shirts, shorts, and skirts applies to every angle - front, back, and side view
Shirts should touch the top of the pants, shorts, skirt, etc - if you lift your arms and I can see your skin it is too short
Parking Matters
We are constantly making improvements to our grounds and facilities. A key area of focus has been to resolve some of our parking matters. One area of improvement was to the student parking area closest to Heirloom. Another part of our improvement was to conduct a traffic and parking study. Based on these improvements and results, we are pleased to share that we are now able to accommodate all of our student drivers in our paved lots. Beginning Monday, 11/15/21, all students will need to be parked in a designated paved student parking area. We will no longer be utilizing the grass parking areas that are along the Peachtree City entrance/exit and football field during the school day. This parking area will now only be open for after school events.
As a test run for a potential adjustment to the dress code taken from the proposals, students will be permitted to wear jeans (blue or black - no rips, holes, tears) with any dress code approved collared shirt on any day. All other dress code guidelines will remain the same.
Students are not allowed to use such devices in the classroom. Any cell phone or electronic device being used inappropriately will be confiscated and may be picked up from administration at the end of the day. Phone or device usage will result in the appropriate consequences based on our discipline policy.
Counseling Department Dates
New offering: TCS 11th and 12th Dual Enrollment Students will have an opportunity to take Dual Enrollment Psychology 101 online in Spring 2022. If you are a TCS Dual Enrollment student, or plan to be in the Spring of 2022, please complete the Schedule Change Request Form if you are interested in adding the online only Dual Enrollment Psychology 101 course.
Week three in our series “Better Call Paul” (Rom.1-8) was a definitive turning point for the series. After Patrick Brannon left us 100% under the power and condemnation of sin (Rm.1:18-3:20) in WK #1 and Chris Paschall revealed the beauty of God’s deliverance through the Person and work of Jesus (Rm.3:21-5:21) in WK#2, now the high school has been challenged to live out the Jesus story by modeling a resurrected life (Rm.6:1-7:25). Paul calls us to a greater holiness, to a Monday morning sanctity which demonstrates to the world that we have died to sin, been buried with Christ, and raised to walk in new life. It is not simply that Christ’s cross is bloody and His tomb empty but also that we are carrying our cross and have declared our tombs empty as well (Rm.6:1-5). It is not enough to like Jesus, we must learn to live like Jesus.
Be in prayer for the remaining messages from two well-loved colleagues who know how to share the word and reach the hearts of our high school students. KC Lorow will share thoughts over Romans 8 and Reed Shackelford will anchor our series with challenges from Romans 1:16 and 12:1ff. Thanks for your prayers.
Ministry Opportunities
BACKPACK BUDDIES: It is that time of year again when we promote a cereal drive to support one of Coweta County’s signature ministries to our local schools. BackPack Buddies supplies a critical need to many families who live on the margins of poverty. Our goal this year is to collect over 800 large boxes of cereal to donate to this cause. If every high school student donated two boxes between Monday 11/15 and Friday 12/10, we would substantially assist during the very difficult holiday weeks when the schools are not open. If your student has any questions then they can connect with any HS Bible teacher for clarification. Thanks in advance for your support.
Another great ministry opportunity for Monday 11/15 through Friday 12/10 is to support the Coweta Community Food Pantry. We have been asked to collect canned food items and non-perishable food items to help stock their shelves. “Lion nation” is thrilled to participate in this effort. We would like every HS student to bring in various canned food items through the Bible department. Keep in mind that a wide range of healthy canned foods is helpful for those struggling to stay afloat on the margins of food scarcity. Also, please do not donate any damaged or dented cans. Thanks in advance for your support in this worthy and God-honoring cause.
Graduation Cap and Gown Package - ORDER NOW!
Go to
Choose Trinity Christian
Click on Cap & Gown Packages
Select Package A, B, or C and check out
ORDERS PLACED NO LATER THAN 12/17 will be delivered to Trinity Christian High School the 1st week of February 2022
Looking ahead to plan and save the dates
First Semester:
Thanksgiving Break 11/22-11/26
Mid-Course Assessment (MCAs) Week December 13-16
In years past we have used the last week of the term as a time for students to complete a cumulative exam for each of their core subject areas. Our response to COVID and academics has allowed for a positive take away of implementing alternate forms of assessment that allow our students to really show their mastery of content in an applicable way. The implementation of the MCAs will be held for in each subject matter:
Math cumulative test
Bible, Science, History and elective courses project based assessment ie lab/activity/presentation/project/research
Literature Reading comprehension and Writing Assessment
Spanish auditory and verbal assessment
In order to maximize the time that is allocated for the half day schedule during the Week of December 13-16 here is what the schedule will look like for the MCAs:
*Regularly Scheduled classes that meet on a typical Monday/Tuesday/Thursday
Periods 1 thru 4 will meet on Monday 12/13
Periods 5 thru 7 will meet on Tuesday 12/14
Christmas Break 12/17- 1/3
Second Semester begins on Tuesday 1/4
Second Semester:
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field