Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published January 9, 2022
Volume 112
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
HS Chapel
What a riveting and God-honoring way to start the 2022 year!!! Reed Shackelford, our beloved HS Spanish teacher, expertly blended his teaching skills with his years of youth ministry experience. Reed masterfully anchored our Romans series from last semester while also skillfully ushering our hearts and minds into the new year. “Shack” challenged us from Romans 12 to be ‘living sacrifices” who are willing to pay any price, repent from any sins, and make any changes required to live a life in light of God's immeasurable mercies. Thanks Shack!!!
Please be in prayer for our students’ hearts this semester as we lead them to the heart of God.
Go Week Kick Off!
Go Week is off to a great start! Our goal for Go Week is to have all of our students serving in the community at the beginning of the second semester. The 11th Grade Bible Class rocked it at Bridging the Gap! Bridging the Gap serves 450 families per week and our students helped prepare them for their next distribution day. They sorted frozen foods and produce into distribution bags. They were able to pack over 200 bags for families in need. Each bag included 5 different meats, sides, and produce. The impact of these bags are going to Bridge the Gap for families in the community.
Thursday was spent with the same heart of service in mind. Students served at Bridging the Gap and Backpack Buddies. Backpack buddies serves the students of the community by ensuring they have enough food for the days away from school. The impact on our students was tremendous. They highlighted the importance of realizing that these students are in the same age group and community as our population. They packed GoBags for these students to be able to have enough food while at home. They were able to pack over 400 boxes for students all over the community! Praise God for the service of these students.
Reminder! The only devices permitted on campus are school issued Chromebooks. Students are not permitted to bring their personal devices to school. Please complete an IT request form (linked here: for any non-school issued devices to be approved for campus use. NOTE: All devices must be approved or the students will have the non-approved device taken up for the day and they will be issued a device to use temporarily.
At this time, we are no longer allowing students to order lunches for delivery to the school. Students should plan to have an alternative plan for lunches such as bringing their lunch in the morning or purchasing through our current catering service. Unfortunately, this popular practice of ordering for school delivery poses a number of unnecessary issues including safety and traffic concerns.
JEANS & Dress Code
As a reminder, students will be permitted to wear jeans (blue or black - no rips, holes, tears) with any dress code approved collared shirt on any day. All other dress code guidelines will remain the same.
Dress Down Fridays
Each Friday, students are permitted to wear jeans or usual dress code pants/shorts/skirts with TCS branded spiritwear to include t-shirts.
Personal Appearance
BOYS – no pierced jewelry is allowed on campus or at school-related functions.
GIRLS – pierced jewelry is limited to earrings with a maximum of two per ear (no nose piercings).
Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
Hats are not permitted to be worn on campus.
Hair should always be clean, neat and well groomed.
Looking ahead into Second Semester
1/17 No School - Martin Luther King Day
2/14-2/18 No School - Winter Break
3/10 Remote Learning Day
3/11 Remote Learning Day
4/4 - 4/8 No School - Spring Break
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
4/15 No School - Good Friday
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field
5/23-5/26 Half day Final Course Assessments for 9th-11th
5/26 Last Day of school!
Counseling Department Dates:
Students, if you would like to change a course listed on your schedule for the Spring Semester, please complete this form. Link:
If you are requesting to take a course for which you were not recommended, you will likely need to complete an appeal process. NOTE: Only students who want a change need to complete this form.