Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published January 16, 2022
Volume 113
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., here is word of encouragement and note to ponder that is applicable for any stage and age of life: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Our team has grown by two feet! Olivia Weaver is joining us as a front desk receptionist starting this Wednesday. She will be coming alongside of Morgin Ross and tag teaming this position. In order to streamline the process of communicating your attendance documents and needs, an email group for High School attendance has been created. The email address is
The advantage of this email group is the collaborative inbox that will allow you to send over pre absence forms and supporting documentation for excused absences over to one location. Please update your contacts to include this email address for attendance purposes.
HS Chapel
After a hearty applause from students who deeply enjoy Mr. Taylor Bouma, our new 9th grade Biology teacher, he got down to God’s business. Mr. Bouma took us on a riveting biographical journey from his Mayberry, North Carolina upbringing, through his early days of faith renunciation, all the way to the moment he was diagnosed with cancer in high school.
Mr. Bouma shared that cancer defined him until he gave his life over to the Only One Who should define all of us - God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and Mr. Bouma’s Image-Making Father. His plea was raw and simple but powerfully compelling: At TCS we love you, we can’t force you to surrender to heaven, but we are here as servants to help you find your identity in the God of eternity. He cautioned TCS students to remember that, if you do not know who you are in God then plenty of people and circumstances will line up to redefine you and give you a false identity. Mr. Bouma’s false identity for a while was cancer. His true identity now is a son of God. May “son of God” or “daughter of God” become everyone’s identity at TCS.
Be in prayer for Mr. Jason Settle who will lead our chapel message next week.
What’s Happening in Class
This week in Mr. Yeakley’s world history class students didn’t just learn about the Industrial Revolution; they experienced it by making paper hats to compare working as artisans to working in a factory. First they made hats by hand, before lining up in rows to produce paper hats in an assembly line.
Go Day Service
Two of our 12th Grade Bible Classes participated in GO Day service over the past week. Both groups of students showed inspiring love for God and others as they served so enthusiastically and selflessly. The first group of students served at Hope Revisited, an amazing organization in Newnan dedicated to giving families that have been disconnected due to life circumstances a safe and stable environment for reconnection and reunification. They are a huge blessing to foster children and their families in our area. Our students had the privilege to sort and organize donations for Hope Revisited, setting them up for a successful year of service and support to the families entrusted to their care. The students took great pride in their work and made a huge difference.
The second group of students had the challenging opportunity to prepare meals and donations for homeless individuals living in poor neighborhoods in West Atlanta while serving with Pure Hope Church in Mableton. The team at Pure Hope regularly visits the homeless and offers them assistance along with prayer and spiritual support. Our students prepared meals and donations and obeyed the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25 by giving to those in need. We were blessed to pray with two individuals and hand out over 20 bags of supplies to those we came in contact with. Praise God for the servant hearts He is developing in our students!
Go Week 2
Go Week is off to a great start! Our goal for Go Week is to have all of our students serving in the community at the beginning of the second semester. The 11th Grade Bible Class rocked it at Bridging the Gap! Bridging the Gap serves 450 families per week and our students helped prepare them for their next distribution day. They sorted frozen foods and produce into distribution bags. They were able to pack over 200 bags for families in need. Each bag included 5 different meats, sides, and produce. The impact of these bags are going to Bridge the Gap for families in the community. Thursday was spent with the same heart of service in mind. Students served at Bridging the Gap and Backpack Buddies. Backpack buddies serves the students of the community by ensuring they have enough food for the days away from school. The impact on our students was tremendous. They highlighted the importance of realizing that these students are in the same age group and community as our population. They packed GoBags for these students to be able to have enough food while at home. They were able to pack over 400 boxes for students all over the community! Praise God for the service of these students.
100th Day of School
For the first time, the High School is going to join in the fun of dressing like a Senior Citizen for the 100th day of school which is Tuesday, January 25th.
Dresscode Guidelines:
Please note, if you are not dressing up according to the themes, then you are expected to be in regular attire.
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the knee
Mesh/see-thru tops should not be worn unless there is a full coverage top underneath it.
The fingertip rule for shirts, shorts, and skirts applies to every angle - front, back, and side view
Leggings may only be worn with a top that meets the length requirement for shorts (Fingertip rule applies)
Shirts should touch the top of the pants, shorts, skirt, etc - if you lift your arms and we can see your skin, it is too short
No spaghetti straps, tank tops, or tops with low v neck
Form-fitted/wetsuit style attire is not permitted
Hats may be worn
General Rule:
If you have concerns about your outfit...just pick out something else to wear!
Looking ahead into Second Semester
1/17 No School - Martin Luther King Day
2/14-2/18 No School - Winter Break
3/10 Remote Learning Day
3/11 Remote Learning Day
4/4 - 4/8 No School - Spring Break
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
4/15 No School - Good Friday
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field
5/23-5/26 Half day Final Course Assessments for 9th-11th
5/26 Last Day of school!
Counseling Department Dates:
Hi Juniors! You are entering the final semester before Senior Year! You may have some questions about what’s next. Please use the document below to help answer some of the questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any further questions or concerns at