Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published February 20, 2022
Volume 117
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Scripture tells us that the true definition of love is found in who God is. In fact, it’s one of the surest things we can know about God, a virtue greater than even faith and hope (1Corinthians 13:13). Scripture tells us “God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him” (1John 4:16).
Dress Code Reminders
Ready or not, it is that time to get back into the swing of things. We hope that everyone had an amazing winter break that felt like spring was in the air! Does this Georgia weather have you confused on what to wear? Here are a few dress code reminders:
● Any collared, buttoned-down dress or polo shirt (solid, striped, plaid, checkered but not camouflage, or sheer). * Shirts must be appropriately sized and neat in appearance. Students may be asked to tuck in their shirts if their appearance is sloppy. Oversized shirts are not permitted. NO large graphics.
● Button-down shirts must be buttoned up when worn. Pants,
Shorts, Capris, Skirts
● Khaki, black, gray, or navy blue Docker-style pants, shorts, and capris (girls only) – Jeans with no rips, holes, or tears - No sagging pants (a belt should be used to prevent sagging). No fraying or torn look; Shorts must be no more than 5 inches above the knee (about the length of an index card).
● Khaki, black, gray, purple plaid or navy blue pleated, straight, or A-line skirts – non-stretch cotton or cotton-twill only. Skirts may be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
Personal Appearance
● BOYS – no pierced jewelry is allowed on campus or at school-related functions.
● GIRLS – pierced jewelry is limited to earrings with a maximum of two per ear (no nose piercings).
● Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
● Hats are not permitted to be worn on campus.
What’s Up in Class?
Anna Maupin’s AP Language and Composition class had the privilege of reading Frederick Douglass‘s novel, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. This brilliant story showcases the horrors of slavery using what is referred to as “The Rhetorical Situation” in AP Lang. This includes looking at the story’s context, subject, tone, purpose, author, etc. These one pagers highlight all of this as well as Douglass’ use of ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion) and logos (logic). No doubt students were affected by this story in some profound ways!
HS Chapel
God blessed us with two guest worship leaders assisted by Nolan Newberry. TCS’s greatest campus servants Kevin Cormier & Riley Overstreet provided drummer & solo vocalist respectively. They did a masterful job leading the HS body in worship. Thanks Kevin and Riley!!!
The morning worship service was capped off by a skilled handling of Jeremiah’s powerful teaching on the Potter and the Clay (Jer.18:1-6; cf. also Isa.64:8; 2 Cor.4:7-9). Our Head of School, Dr. Mark Anthony, reminded us that our Creator God and Father is elbows deep in the clay as He intimately fashions us, purposes us, and then fires us in the kilns of real life difficulties to shape us and beautify us as a treasure in an earthen vessel (2 Cor.4:7-9). Thank you for the reminder that we don’t always understand the fire, we don’t always like the furnace, but we are always in good hands for the whole process. Perhaps the most dangerous place in the world is in the center of God’s will, but those who endure the temporary journey enjoy the Father forever. Thank you, Dr. Anthony!
Be in prayer for William De La Cruz who will be our keynote speaker, after break, on the last chapel in February (2/24) and for Tony Geasley who will be our first speaker in March (3/3).
Family and Consumer Science
On Thursday, February 10th, the Family and Consumer Science students allowed their education to pay off in a monumental way. Fourteen high school students adored their best attire and manners to experience first-hand a multi course dinner at an upscale restaurant. The evening was spectacular: the weather was perfect, the meal divine, and the manners were second to none. Many thanks to The Farmhouse at Serenbe for putting together such a marvelous experience. The staff were simply the best. What a joy to teach such amazing teenagers!
~Amy Simonton, TCS HS Family and Consumer Science Teacher
On February 7th our freshmen went to Riverside low income housing project and undertook a massive cleanup effort. We hauled off dozens of bags of garbage and all kinds of debris and strange junkyard-like items. Way to go freshmen! [Riverside is now Pure Hope].
On February 8th our freshmen returned to RiverLife, an organization committed to clean up post-tornado Newnan. Our freshmen again blessed two homeowners with stellar yard debris removal and total cleanup. So proud of our freshmen who are growing in service.
February Celebrations Continues
At the students' requests, we will be celebrating 2-22-22 with a fun dress up day.
Use this day to dress in twos. For example, you could wear two pairs of clothes, people could dress as twins, you could wear a tutu, you could dress up as a toucan, you could make yourself 2-faced with face paint, or seniors can wear their class of 2022 shirt.
Dresscode Guidelines
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the knee
Mesh/see-thru tops should not be worn unless there is a full coverage top underneath it.
The fingertip rule for shirts, shorts, and skirts applies to every angle - front, back, and side
Leggings may only be worn with a top that meets fingertip legnth
Shirts should touch the top of the pants, shorts, skirt, etc - if you lift your arms and we can see your skin, it is too short
No spaghetti straps, tank tops, or tops with low v neck
Form-fitted/wetsuit style attire is not permitted
Hats may be worn
General Rule:
If you have concerns about your outfit...just pick out something else to wear!
Hi Junior Students!
We will be offering the ACT at TCS on April 27th! Follow the link below to register for the test. Please order by March 11th. Note: this link is open for students to register through their tcslions account.
Kayla Whittle
2022 Prom Details
Thursday, April 14th
The Stables at FoxHall Resort
8000 Capps Ferry Road,
Douglasville, GA 30135
T (770)489-4380
Foxhall is a beautiful estate on 1,100 acres of sprawling Georgia countryside which would make a great location for before dance photos. It is conveniently located between Atlanta and Newnan.
Attendees can also stay on the grounds for dinner and make reservations at Foxhall restaurant, Pheasant Blue, before they drive over to the Stables. Pheasant Blue is a popular restaurant overlooking the resort pools and Lunker Lake. For reservations please call 770-489-4380. For parties of 20 or more the private ballroom off of the restaurant can be reserved. The number to call for these reservations is 404-389-4059. All reservations need to be made by Fri, April 1st.
Please see dress code guidelines below for both boys and girls. Dresses MUST be approved.
Price, ticket sale dates, and guest forms will be posted closer to the event.
Looking ahead into Second Semester
3/10 Remote Learning Day
3/11 Remote Learning Day
4/4 - 4/8 No School - Spring Break
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
4/15 No School - Good Friday
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field
5/23-5/26 Half day Final Course Assessments for 9th-11th
5/26 Last Day of school!