Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published February 27, 2022
Volume 118
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Often we need the reminder to take heart, for He will not leave you or abandon you. Not in your failure or faithlessness. Not in your doubts or disappointments. Not in your wounds or wanderings. What an amazing promise directly from His word!
Need to get the attendance updated? Need to submit a pre-absence form? Need to communicate with a staff person at the front desk? Morgin Ross and Olivia Weaver are ready to assist. The best way to reach them is via email
Official Notes in Blackbaud
Are you receiving the Official Notes in Blackbaud (BB) for your student? If not, they may be in your spam folder if you haven't seen it. Or, we don't have a correct email address on file for you. So please make sure to put and in your contacts so those don't end up in spam. Here are some user-friendly steps to set up your BB account so you don’t miss out on any news, grades, attendance, conduct, etc - all of these can be found at your fingertips in BB!
We have the incredible opportunity to help out a local organization, Backpack Buddies. We have a lofty goal ahead of us of 650 boxes. High School students will drop their cereal boxes off in the front lobby when they arrive for school.
Let’s make a big push to bless Backpack Buddies. Our goal is to have all boxes in by Wednesday, March 16th. This will help them with their support of students over Spring Break. Let’s come alongside the students that Backpack Buddies supports.
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Congratulations to the Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the Class of 2022!
Valedictorian, Alexandria Lawson
Salutatorian, Reagan Rice
We will be offering the ACT at TCS on April 27th! Follow the link below to register for the test. Please order by March 11th. Note: this link is open for students to register through their tcslions account.
Time to start thinking Transition
8th Grade Families, if you would like to hear more about the TCS High School experience, please plan to attend the 9th Grade Transition Meeting!
9th Grade Transition Meeting
High School Auditorium
Tuesday, March 8th
Dress Code Reminders
Does this Georgia weather have you confused on what to wear? Here are a few dress code reminders:
Any collared, buttoned-down dress or polo shirt (solid, striped, plaid, checkered but not camouflage, or sheer). * Shirts must be appropriately sized and neat in appearance. Students may be asked to tuck in their shirts if their appearance is sloppy. Oversized shirts are not permitted. NO large graphics.
Button-down shirts must be buttoned up when worn. Pants,
Shorts, Capris, Skirts
Khaki, black, gray, or navy blue Docker-style pants, shorts, and capris (girls only) – Jeans with no rips, holes, or tears - No sagging pants (a belt should be used to prevent sagging). No fraying or torn look; Shorts must be no more than 5 inches above the knee (about the length of an index card).
Khaki, black, gray, purple plaid or navy blue pleated, straight, or A-line skirts – non-stretch cotton or cotton-twill only. Skirts may be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
Personal Appearance
BOYS – no pierced jewelry is allowed on campus or at school-related functions.
GIRLS – pierced jewelry is limited to earrings with a maximum of two per ear (no nose piercings).
Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
Hats are not permitted to be worn on campus.
HS Chapel
God blessed us with a glorious morning in the TCS stadium last Thursday as we moved chapel locations to accommodate Beauty and the Beast. God’s praises were offered and received as our Director of Diversity, William DelaCruz, challenged TCS students to execute MLK’s “I have a dream” for our modern world. Coach De La Cruz asked each of us to answer these penetrating questions: What will your generation change? How will your generation make the world a better place for all? What fire has God put in your heart and what will you do with it?
Sixty years earlier Dr. Martin Luther King answered these questions with his passionate address, an address he was willing to die for:
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed — we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
“I have a dream that one day right there in Alabama little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.”
“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.”
“When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: “Free at last! Free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”
Thanks, Coach De La Cruz for asking us to rethink how this famous moment in history can be our moment in history. Be in prayer for Tony Geasley who will be our speaker for next week.
12th grade students helped clean up the backyard of an elderly lady in our community while serving with RiverLife. The lady's home and yard were impacted by the Newnan tornado last year. The lady shared her story with us, which included the passing of her husband a few months ago and the great difficulty she has endured over the past year. It was our privilege and honor to serve her and help her regain the beauty of her yard which she takes much pride in. Our students worked very hard and made a huge difference in her life.
Additionally, our senior students served at Bridging The Gap in Newnan. Bridging The Gap has been a wonderful ministry partner with us for the past couple of months. Our students worked very hard to prepare food boxes for distribution, sort donations, and prepare emergency bags of supplies for individuals and families in need in our community. The servant hearts of these students continue to be a great inspiration. Their willingness to see the need and do whatever it takes reminds us all of our mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
2022 Junior-Senior Prom Details
Thursday, April 14th
The Stables at FoxHall Resort
8000 Capps Ferry Road,
Douglasville, GA 30135
T (770)489-4380
Please see dress code guidelines below for both boys and girls. Dresses MUST be approved.
Price, ticket sale dates, and guest forms will be posted closer to the event.
Personalized Graduation Announcements
Class of 2022 Order you Official Trinity School Personalized Graduation Announcements TODAY.
Order My Graduation Announcement
Orders will begin to ship directly to your house by mid-March with plenty of time to send them out to all your friends and family members. A confirmation email will be sent to you once you have placed your order. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Looking ahead into Second Semester
3/10 Remote Learning Day
3/11 Remote Learning Day
4/4 - 4/8 No School - Spring Break
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
4/15 No School - Good Friday
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/18 Graduation Practice and Luncheon
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field
5/23-5/26 Half day Final Course Assessments for 9th-11th
5/26 Last Day of school!