Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published May 29, 2022
Volume 131
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
“Be strong and courageous.” What does that mean? The word courage, as it’s used here in the Bible, means “resolute”. In other words, instead of being weak and wishy-washy, God was calling Joshua to be strong and steadfast. This same calling is applied to us all to be strong and courageous with the confidence in knowing that the Lord is with us wherever we go.
Wrap up and Kick Off!
We just wrapped things up for the Class of 2022 and have sent them all off to do amazing things. That means now it is time to make plans for the Class of 2023.
It is time to look ahead to being seniors! We know you are excited, and we are too! One of the ways we want to help make your senior year the best year ever is by kicking it off with a Senior Retreat! This getaway is planned just for you, and we believe it will be an unforgettable experience!Check out the form in Blackbaud about the Senior Retreat and register today!!
Summer Office Hours
“All School” Summer Office Hours begin Tue, May 31st
Main Office (located in the Elementary building) - High School Office Closed
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Summer Work
All honors level literature students should complete the appropriate summer reading assignments.
Diploma Pick Up
Beginning Tuesday, May 31st - pick up will be in the Main School Office. Diploma will only be given to the graduate/parent. The family account must be paid in full.
DDS Forms
Email to order the required documentation for a Learners Permit or Drivers License. The form(s) may be picked up at the Main School Office (beginning Tue, May 31), Monday-Friday, 9:00-1:00. Please allow a 48 hour turnaround.
Ordering Transcripts
Trinity Christian School has partnered with Parchment, a leader in eTranscript exchange, to send high school transcripts electronically, securely and confidentially, to colleges and universities of your choice. The service is available online, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Students and alumni simply request a transcript and designate the academic institution, organization, or individual for which they would like to receive. Users will be notified when their request is complete and can also track the status of their request or view a saved copy of their transcript.
Students will receive an email inviting them to create their account. This short video demonstrates the process. Register for your account using a registration code** The registration code will be sent in a separate email directly to the student’s account later this evening.
Once registered, you can begin immediately requesting transcripts be sent. This will replace the former link/google form. All requests will need to be made through Parchment beginning October 4.
Parents can go to and click Create Account at the top. Under Learners or Parents, click the green Create Account button. Create your parent account.
Course Schedules
Preliminary schedules are now viewable in Blackbaud until June 17, 2022. Please check that the courses you are planning to take are listed on your schedule. At this time, we will only make changes that necessitate adding or dropping a course. We will not be making changes to the course sections to accommodate specific time requests. NOTE: We will not address what time of day or section you are in as those can still change over the summer. *New students to TCS will not be able to access the full features in their Blackbaud account until June 10th.
Schedule times and sections will be finalized by August 1st and we can make changes as requested and possible at that time.
As you review the schedule, you will notice that many classes that were previously 3 days per week are now 5 days per week. We have made this change to better meet accreditation requirements.
All change requests MUST be made through the google form (ONLY accessible through student accounts) so we have an accurate record for any possible waitlists.
Student Shout Out!
Congratulations to TCS Rising Seniors: Joshua Taylor and Victoria Taylor! Each of these outstanding students is recognized as a National Merit Scholarship Nominee. This honor is given to students with exceptionally high scores on the PSAT!