Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published June 5, 2022
Volume 132
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Summer is the season in which we find ourselves looking forward to a little relaxation! It’s time for pool parties, longer days of sunlight, basking in the sunshine, sitting on the porch swing sipping lemonade, bare feet in the sand, ocean breezes, flip flops, ice cream, baseball, cookouts and picnics. We look forward to vacation and a bit of rest and relaxation before our year cranks back up with a calendar full of activities and demands on our schedules that can just drain us! So as you take time to soak in all of the fun in the sun that the summer season holds, don’t forget to take time to soak up the Lord’s goodness by staying in His word daily.
Wear Shoes as Little as Possible
Use the summer to create space for peace and refresh your soul. Psalm 23 says: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.”
Host a Bonfire
Make sure to create opportunities to have real, deep conversations with a few close people. 1 Thessalonians says: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
Wear Sunscreen
Protect yourself from foolishness this summer. Don’t get burnt! 1 Timothy 6:11 says: “But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.”
Get “Beach Body” Fit
It’s easy to get lazy and indulgent during the summer. Instead feast on the bread that gives true life to the world. John 6: 25-35 says: “Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
Get a Good Tan
Spend time with the “Son.” When we spend time with Jesus in prayer we radiate his goodness in our demeanor. Ephesians 6:18 says: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
Go to Parties
The best relationships happen when we seek out friends that model a life we respect and admire. Make friendships that lead you in the way of the Lord. The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 11:1 “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”
Stay Out Late
When the busyness of the day draws to a close, take some moments to acknowledge God’s creation. Consider the power of the waves or the vast expanse of the stars. Don’t forget that all God’s creation testifies to it’s creator (Romans 1.)
Cannonball into the Deep End
Take the time this summer to immerse yourself in the study of God’s Word. Consider reading one book of the Bible multiple times to get a deep understanding of the message. “To get into a comer quietly, to commune with your heart and be still, and then to find your soul reveling in the wealth which she finds in her God — this is true happiness.” -C.H. Spurgeon
Build your Summer Playlist
Let the playlist of your summer be the praise of the most high God. Let his song be in your mind and in your heart. Consider discovering a new artist or band to enjoy. Psalm 71:8 says: “My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.”
Catch a Wave
Harness the power of a body of believers this summer. Don’t bail out too fast! Make sure to make church attendance a priority and it will propel you forward in your faith for the fall. Hebrews 10:25 says: “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
Dress Code Updates for 22/23 school year
Dress Code Specifications
While on campus, students are expected to be in compliance with the dress code at all times during the school day regardless of whether or not they are in class.
Any collared, buttoned-down dress or polo shirt (solid, striped, plaid, checkered but not camouflage, or sheer). * Shirts must be appropriately sized and neat in appearance. Oversized shirts are not permitted. NO large graphics.
White, neutral or matching undershirts, or turtleneck shirts may be worn under a polo shirt or button-down shirt.
Button-down shirts must be buttoned up when worn.
Pants, Shorts, Capris, Skirts
Jeans having no rips, holes or tears, khaki, black, gray pants, shorts, and capris (girls only). They must be tailored (not too large or too small) with proper hem. No sagging pants (a belt should be used to prevent sagging). No fraying or torn look; no cargo style. Shorts must be no more than 5 inches above the knee (about the length of an index card). No athletic shorts are allowed.
Khaki, black, gray, or purple plaid (previously purchased from the Trinity School Store and approved by TCS) pleated, straight, or A-line skirts – non-stretch cotton or cotton-twill only. Skirts must be knee length and bicycle shorts must be worn underneath.
Approved Outerwear
All outerwear (sweatshirts, hoodies, fleece jackets, and pullovers) must be TCS branded spirit wear purchased through the school store or approved by TCS.
Long-sleeved TCS t-shirts are not allowed to be worn as outerwear.
Collared shirts should be worn under all outerwear to ensure a student remains in dress code if the outerwear is removed during the day.
Outerwear not approved may be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day.
Shoes must be closed toe and closed back. No flip-flops or Crocs.
Socks should coordinate with the overall outfit and not be a distraction.
Dress Down FridaysEach Friday, students are permitted to wear jeans(no rips, holes, or tears) or usual dress code pants/shorts/skirts with TCS branded spiritwear, including t-shirts.
Personal Appearance
BOYS – no piercings are allowed on campus or at school-related functions.
GIRLS – pierced jewelry is limited to earrings (no facial piercings)
Tattoos of any nature cannot be exposed on campus or at school-related functions.
Hats are not permitted to be worn on campus.
Hair (including facial hair) should always be clean, neat and well groomed.
Any form of dress, jewelry, make-up, hair style, hair coloring, or elements of personal appearance which are considered extreme, distracting, or disruptive are not allowed. All dress code policies are reviewed by a Review Board consisting of the principals, student development and director of diversity.
Senior Retreat
Plans are in the works for the Class of 2023 Senior Retreat at Laguna Beach Resort in PCB! Check out the form in Blackbaud with the about the Senior Retreat and register today!! *Many have started the form but have not finalized the form. Please check to be sure that you have completed all steps in Blackbaud to get your spot reserved.
Summer Office Hours
“All School” Summer Office Hours begin Tue, May 31stMain Office (located in the Elementary building) - High School Office ClosedMonday - Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Summer Work
All honors level literature students should complete the appropriate summer reading assignments. See the resources tab in Blackbaud for these assignments.
School Supplies for Fall 2022
Want to get a jump on the school supply shopping rush? Click here to get your high school supply list!
Diploma Pick Up
Beginning Tuesday, May 31st - pick up will be in the Main School Office. Diploma will only be given to the graduate/parent. The family account must be paid in full.
DDS Forms
Email to order the required documentation for a Learners Permit or Drivers License. The form(s) may be picked up at the Main School Office (beginning Tue, May 31), Monday-Friday, 9:00-1:00. Please allow a 48 hour turnaround.
Ordering Transcripts
Trinity Christian School has partnered with Parchment, a leader in eTranscript exchange, to send high school transcripts electronically, securely and confidentially, to colleges and universities of your choice. The service is available online, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Students and alumni simply request a transcript and designate the academic institution, organization, or individual for which they would like to receive. Users will be notified when their request is complete and can also track the status of their request or view a saved copy of their transcript.
Students will receive an email inviting them to create their account. This short video demonstrates the process. Register for your account using a registration code** The registration code will be sent in a separate email directly to the student’s account later this evening.
Once registered, you can begin immediately requesting transcripts be sent. This will replace the former link/google form. All requests will need to be made through Parchment beginning October 4.
Parents can go to and click Create Account at the top. Under Learners or Parents, click the green Create Account button. Create your parent account.
Course Schedules
Preliminary schedules are now viewable in Blackbaud until June 17, 2022. Please check that the courses you are planning to take are listed on your schedule. At this time, we will only make changes that necessitate adding or dropping a course. We will not be making changes to the course sections to accommodate specific time requests. NOTE: We will not address what time of day or section you are in as those can still change over the summer. *New students to TCS will not be able to access the full features in their Blackbaud account until June 10th.
Schedule times and sections will be finalized by August 1st and we can make changes as requested and possible at that time.
As you review the schedule, you will notice that many classes that were previously 3 days per week are now 5 days per week. We have made this change to better meet accreditation requirements.
All change requests MUST be made through the google form (ONLY accessible through student accounts) so we have an accurate record for any possible waitlists.
Student Shout Out!
Congratulations to TCS Rising Seniors: Joshua Taylor and Victoria Taylor! Each of these outstanding students is recognized as a National Merit Scholarship Nominee. This honor is given to students with exceptionally high scores on the PSAT!