Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published February 12, 2023
Volume 162
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
God is the only One who can work miracles within us, and He wants nothing more than for us to live transformed lives in this world, walking closely in relationship with Him. Acting justly, loving mercifully, and walking humbly with God are true reflections of His character. In these actions we can demonstrate to others a living testimony as it reveals our very heart and relationship towards Him.
We just wrapped up GRACE week in our Bible classes and heard an encouraging message from Mr. Vernon Strickland entitled “Invitations Matter”. In the classrooms, we will continue to place emphasis on Black individuals that have been foundational, innovative, and transformational throughout history.
February 20th - 24th - History and Literature classes
History will highlight specific world changers that have accomplished historic feats or paved the way for others to do so
English classes will be intertwining reading of short stories or selections that highlight and appreciate diversity. Writing assignments will be geared to include but not limited to students writing on topics relevant to Black History month
Chapel - Students will be hearing a message from Kevin Jackson (Senior chapel) and Frankie Johnson (9-11th grade chapel)
February 27th - March 3 - Science and Math
Science classes will be highlighting scientists who have made impactful discoveries and have transformed the medical field, space exploration, etc.
Math classes will include highlights of men and women who are standouts in the fields of mathematics, engineering, computers technology and more
Chapel - Students will be hearing a message from Oscar Camejo
8th Grade Transition to 9th Grade
Please click this link to see notes from our 9th Grade Transition Meeting.
SAGE and Schedule Planning for Next Year
Here are some details that will help with clarity in understanding "what happens with lunch and driving privileges now that SAGE is required for 9-11th grades???"
Juniors and Seniors will still be permitted to drive on campus and obtain a parking permit
Next year we will move to Senior only off campus privileges to improve our safety and security protocols and to maximize academic time.
9-11th grade students will remain on campus for lunch as per the implementation of the new dining plan with SAGE and we will offer two lunch periods - this helps with ample time for enjoying the meal and no more waiting in line to pay.
Seniors may opt in to the dining plan but will have off campus privileges
A full service kitchen will be added at the main high school building (an example of the array of healthy and popular food options can be reviewed on our website under the elementary and middle school lunch offerings as they have been able to receive the full service offered by SAGE this school year)
High school students will be able to enjoy all of the meal options with multiple visits as desired at one daily rate rather than the a la carte option that is currently available
high school schedule next year
We are transitioning to a new high school schedule next year to reach a main goal of increasing the seat time for our students. There are many benefits to the new schedule, one of which is giving us time for two lunch periods each day.
This transition will take us from a traditional 7 period schedule to a modified block schedule with a skinny day. This schedule keeps us operating from 7:30am - 3:30pm each day with students receiving .5 credit each semester.
Check out the new schedule!
We will continue to share additional details throughout the coming weeks; however, If you would like to hear more about the benefits and details or our new schedule in person, feel free to use the link below to sign up for Cup of Joe with Kimmy J on Thursday, Feb. 9th at 8:30am.
Fifties Day Celebration
On March 9th, we will celebrate our last 50 days left of school 1950’s Style. Students are encouraged to wear outfits you would see from the 1950’s. We will decorate our school and cafeteria like a Fifties Diner and sell coke floats and entertain the students with popular music and games from this fun time period.
Junior Senior Prom
“A Botanical Ball”
March 16th from 7-11pm
Flat Creek Country Club
Peachtree City, GA
Flat Creek Country Club is known for its stunning decor and exquisite cuisine and since it is a wedding venue as well it makes a great place for before prom photos. The country club has a large patio that overlooks the beautiful golf course for those who may need a spot to cool off from breaking a sweat from dancing. Our guests can even dine at the indoor and outdoor club restaurant, Grille 27. To make a reservation call 770-487-8140 extension 4. Guests can also just save money and just eat at prom.
The prom buffet will include:
Fruit, Cheese and Veggie Display
Chicken Tenders
Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Fried Mac n Cheese Bites
Garlic Butter Pretzels
Spinach & Artichoke Dip w/ Herbed Pita Chips
Chilled Shrimp Cocktail Shooter
Assorted desserts
Ticket Sales
Student Council will sell tickets from 2/20 -3/14. On MWF they will be sold before school (7:45 -9:00) and after 6th period (2:00 - 2:40). On TTH they will be sold from 11:30 -1:00. This will be the ONLY times tickets will be sold. We will accept Check, Apple Pay, or Credit/Debit Card. No cash and charging accounts.
Monday, Feb. 20th - Friday, February 24th $50 per person
Monday, Feb. 27th - Friday, March 3rd $55 per person
Monday, Mar 6th - Friday, Mar 10th $60 per person
Monday, March 13th -Tuesday March 14th $65 per person
All attendees will need to turn in a Code of Conduct Form with parent signature before a ticket can be purchased by them or for them.
Students that are bringing dates that are NOT in 11th and 12th grade at TCS need to turn in
Guest Forms BEFORE purchasing tickets.
Dates to keep in mind
Black History Month - February
Winter Break 2/13 -2/17
Fifty’s Day (to celebrate 50 days left of school) 3/9
Spring Pictures - Wednesday 3/15
Prom - Thursday 3/16
Remote Learning - Friday 3/17
Spring Break 4/3 - 4/7
Senior Walk - Monday 5/15 1pm
Senior Honors Night - Tuesday 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16
Senior Brunch and Practice - Wednesday 5/17 10am
Graduation - Thursday 5/18 7pm TCS Football Stadium
9-11th Honors Night - 5/23 7:30 pm TCS Football Stadium