Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride High School News - Volume 171

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School

Published April 23, 2023

Volume 171

Kimberly Jones - High School Principal

Events & Announcements

Trials are going to come our way. However, they are meant to build us, to mold us, to develop us in the process of progressive sanctification. Therefore, we should demonstrate our faith by finding the joy that is to be had in trials, which comes from a future mindset with eyes fixed upon the Lord.

Advisement day is upon us! 

What is advisement day? 

Advisement day is a day for teachers to meet with students about their schedule for next year.

When is it? 

Tuesday, April 25 

What will happen during this time? 

Students will discuss with teachers what course they would like to take in the particular subject, and teachers will advise them on their recommendation

What happens after that? 

Students will bring their advisement forms home and parents and students can sit down together and determine the specific courses* that they would like to choose based on the teacher's recommendations. Additionally, students will pick the electives that they would like to take next year.

When will students turn in these forms? 

Forms with both student and parent signatures will be turned into Bible classes by Tuesday, May 2.

*A course catalog will be provided   to answer questions about classes

Senior Fun Event 

ONE LAST CALL for registration

On Tuesday, April 25th the seniors are scheduled to spend most of their day off campus.  As these students approach the final month of their high school experience, joining together in fellowship while participating in fun activities is our focus for this event.  Breakfast and lunch are included, and transportation will be provided by TCS.  Students are reminded to follow the TCS dress code policy, encouraged to wear spirit wear shirts, along with jeans.  

Requirements: Click on the links below, fill out, and submit forms

Schedule of Events: 

  • 8:30 am Report to MPR

  • 8:40 am Prayer, followed by breakfast (provided by TBD)

  • 9:00 am Depart from TCS 

  • 10:00 am Main Event All Access Pass

  • 11:00 am  Lunch provided by Main Event

  • 12:00 pm Depart from Main Event 

  • 1:00 pm Arrive back to TCS

Main Event Atlanta

3101 Cobb Parkway SE Suite 104

Atlanta, GA 30339

Senior Sunset Picnic

Sunday, April 23rd 7:00pm - 8:45pm

Since we started the school year with a prayer time at sunrise with our seniors, we want to end the school year with a prayer time with our seniors during sunset. Twelfth grade Bible Teacher, Patrick Brannon, will supply us with his world famous BBQ (pulled pork and brisket). Students bring your blankets, chairs, and outdoor games and be ready to have one more night of fun with your graduating class.

Senior Picture Challenge

Parents! Make sure to send in a picture of your child for our “Guess Who The Toddler Is Challenge!” Please send a photo of your child from the ages of 2-4 that can be displayed in the hallways for students to see and guess who each senior is. The student who guesses the most correct will win a prize! Send photos to by Friday April 29th!

Senior’s College/Career Recognition Day 

Senior dress up days are quickly approaching! On Thursday May 4th seniors may wear a shirt or sweatshirt to represent their college of choice or their future career! Along with the shirts/sweatshirts, students can wear painted jeans or knee-length skirts! If students choose not to wear their college/career spirit wear, they must wear regular TCS dress code.

Senior Shirts For Upcoming Seniors

It is time for our current Juniors to order their Senior shirts. The upcoming seniors will be allowed to wear these shirts any day for the week of May 22nd.  Use the link below to place your order. You will be able to order anytime throughout the year, but for students to be able to wear the last week of school you must order by Monday, May 8th. For those who order by this date, shirts will be delivered to Junior Bible class on Thursday, May 18th. Shirts can be personalized, but have to be either first name, last name, initials, or an abbreviated name. There are even Senior Mom and Senior Dad shirts that can be ordered.

Fun For All Grades 

Tuesday May 2nd is “Anything but a Backpack Day” for all High School students! Students may use anything to carry around their school supplies with just a few restrictions. Nothing can have wheels, nothing needs to require more than 1 person to carry it, and nothing can be larger than a pillowcase. Students, get prepared and get creative!

Challenges from Chapel

This past Thursday, it was so good to be all together again for chapel in the gym. There is such power in our entire student body and staff joining together for worship, teaching, and fellowship. We were blessed to be led in worship by our student worship team. The talent and dedication of this team has made a huge impact in our chapel environments all year long. After our opening worship song, our Head of School Dr. Mark Anthony shared a challenging message on the importance of consistent faith in our everyday lives. We often lean on our faith in the highs and lows, but God most desires a daily relationship with us where our faith is consistently demonstrated and strengthened. We must learn to listen for His voice, follow His leading, and be in position for His plans and purposes. It was wonderful to hear testimonies from four TCS seniors who talked about how God has been working in their lives and strengthening their faith. Many thanks to Michelina Ryan, Addison Bell, Hasten Patel, and Shawn Braxton for their testimonies. We were also blessed and challenged to hear a testimony from Ms. Rosetta McDowell, a teacher assistant in our Lower School and mother of two TCS high school students. Ms. McDowell challenged us to claim the victory we have through Jesus no matter what we face in life. We are not defined by our circumstances but by what God has spoken over us. We ended our time in prayer and worship and many students responded and were prayed over. We continue to see the work and movement of God in our midst. Please join us in praying that as this school year draws to a close, we will keep our eyes and hearts fixed on Jesus and He will continue to perfect our faith. We will have one more combined chapel together on May 11, the final chapel for our graduating Class of 2023.


SENIOR Exam Schedule May 15 and May 16 - please keep in mind that the senior walk will take the students out of periods 5, 6,7 on 5/15 so teachers will plan and communicate with those classes  accordingly -students. May 16 is the last full day of school for seniors.

9th-11th Exam Schedule

Dates to keep in mind

  • Senior fun event 4/25 be sure to sign up

  • Advisement day 4/25 all High School students - held during each class

  • Advisement forms due 5/2 turn into Bible Teachers 

  • Senior Walk - Monday 5/15 1pm - all families are invited and should be positioned to make a tunnel for the seniors to walk thru outside at the High School Auditorium/Stadium area (similar to Friday night lights) feel free to bring balloons, noise makers, and posters to cheer on your senior! 

  • Senior Honors Night - Tuesday 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm

  • Senior Brunch and Practice - Wednesday 5/17 10am

  • Graduation** - Thursday 5/18 7pm TCS Football Stadium

    • **Each senior will receive 2 tickets for guests to sit on the field, the stadium will be open for anyone to attend

  • 9-11th Honors Night - 5/23 7:30 pm TCS Football Stadium

High School Administrative Contacts

Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.

  • Nurse

  • Attendance -

  • Tracy White Office Manager -

  • Kayla Whittle Counseling Department Head -

  • Val Adams Director of Curriculum and Instruction -

  • JP Weaver Director of Student Development -

  • Kimmy Jones High School Principal -