Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published April 30, 2023
Volume 172
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
A throne speaks of authority and power, and the word grace conveys the idea of understanding and blessing. When you put those two words together, throne and grace in the same sentence, you get the perfect description of what Jesus Christ did for you and me on the cross! We never have to be afraid of God. We should have reverential fear, meaning that we have a respectful awe of Him. But God does not want us to lack confidence when we come to Him in prayer. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 4:16 that we can "fearlessly and confidently and boldly" come before the throne of grace. Let us walk in this truth daily!
Course Request Forms DUE May 2!
Course Catalogs were sent out on Tuesday, April 25 (also linked here)
Challenges from Chapel
We had a great morning at chapel this past Thursday as the school year continues to wind down. Our underclassmen chapel was led by 10th Grade Bible Teacher Chris Paschal, who shared a challenging message detailing the journey of the apostle Matthew. As a tax collector, Matthew could have had almost anything the world offers, but everyday he faced relational and spiritual poverty. Ultimately he left his old life and possessions behind to know and follow Jesus and discover his true purpose. Like Matthew, we will never find what we’re looking for apart from Christ. Only through a growing relationship with Him will we be fully satisfied. Ben Heilman, the youth pastor at Trinity Church, challenged our seniors with a powerful message from the Psalms, urging them to surrender their lives to Jesus, change their priorities according to God’s word, and seek to be the people God created them to be. He played off the words of Make Room, one of the worship songs our chapel worship team led us in. We must make room for Jesus and allow Him to rearrange our hearts to be in obedience with His will. We must allow Jesus to be the architect of our faith and let Him build a foundation of faith in our lives that will last. We are so thankful for how the Holy Spirit spoke through these two men of God. Both Chris and Ben will switch chapel environments and speak again next week. Join us in praying for God’s word to land fresh and powerfully in the hearts of our students!
Senior Fun Day
On Tuesday, April 25, our Class of 2023 seniors were treated to a day of fun and a break from school. Following Chick-Fil-A biscuits and prayer at school that morning, high school staff members Patrick Brannon, JP Weaver, Lizzie Perez, and Shannon Bragg accompanied the seniors to Main Event Atlanta, a fun entertainment venue offering bowling, a massive arcade, laser tag, and pizza for lunch. The large majority of the senior class took advantage of this exciting day and everyone had a great time together. Our senior class graduates in less than three weeks, so please pray for them to finish strong and enjoy this special season of life!
Senior’s College/Career Recognition Day
On Thursday, May 4th seniors may wear a shirt or sweatshirt to represent their college of choice or their future career! Along with the shirts/sweatshirts, students can wear painted jeans or knee-length skirts! If students choose not to wear their college/career spirit wear, they must wear regular TCS dress code.
Senior Shirts For Upcoming Seniors
It is time for our current Juniors to order their Senior shirts. The upcoming seniors will be allowed to wear these shirts any day for the week of May 22nd. Use the link below to place your order. You will be able to order anytime throughout the year, but for students to be able to wear the last week of school you must order by Monday, May 8th. For those who order by this date, shirts will be delivered to Junior Bible class on Thursday, May 18th. Shirts can be personalized but have to be either first name, last name, initials, or an abbreviated name. There are even Senior Mom and Senior Dad shirts that can be ordered.
Fun For All Grades
Tuesday May 2nd is “Anything but a Backpack Day” for all High School students! Students may use anything to carry around their school supplies with just a few restrictions. Nothing can have wheels, nothing needs to require more than 1 person to carry it, and nothing can be larger than a pillowcase. For safety purposes, anything that does not meet these parameters, will NOT be allowed in the buildings. Students, get prepared and get creative!
Celebrating With Our Seniors
Last Sunday, the Student Council hosted a picnic where the students enjoyed BBQ made by Bible teacher, Patrick Brannon, and a night of playing outdoor games.
SENIOR Exam Schedule May 15 and May 16 - please keep in mind that the senior walk will take the students out of periods 5, 6,7 on 5/15 so teachers will plan and communicate with those classes accordingly -students. May 16 is the last full day of school for seniors.
9th-11th Exam Schedule
Dates to keep in mind
5/2 - Advisement forms due - turn into Bible Teachers
5/15 - Senior walk 1pm
5/15-5/16 - Senior exams and last full days for seniors
5/16 - Senior Honors Night - 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm
5/17 - Graduation brunch practice - 10am - high school auditorium
5/18 - Graduation - 7pm - high school stadium
5/23 - 9-11 Honors Night - 7:30pm - high school stadium
5/23-25 - 9-11 Exams see schedule provided - we do not offer exemptions at the High School level- we expect all students to be in attendance and on time for each day of testing
Senior Walk - Monday 5/15 1pm
All families are invited and should be positioned to make a tunnel for the seniors to walk thru outside at the High School Auditorium/Stadium area (similar to Friday night lights) feel free to bring balloons, noise makers, and posters to cheer on your senior!
Seniors will be taking finals this day. They should be in attendance in all classes until it is time to prepare for the senior walk.
They should gather at Building 1 in their cap and gowns at 12:45pm. Be on time!
Senior Honors Night - Tuesday 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm
We invite all of our seniors and their families to this event.
This is a time of worship, celebration, and honoring of our senior students. There will be a small reception to follow. (5/16 is the final full day for Seniors as they are finishing up their exams)
Senior Brunch and Practice - no school for seniors Wednesday 5/17 10am - this is for senior students only - please be on time we would anticipate being done by Noon
Graduation - no school for seniors Thursday 5/18 7pm TCS Football Stadium
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Kayla Whittle Counseling Department Head -
Val Adams Director of Curriculum and Instruction -
JP Weaver Director of Student Development -
Kimmy Jones High School Principal -