Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published May 7, 2023
Volume 173
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
God is wholly faithful to us as believers. Faithfulness is foundational to the very character of God. Think about this…God’s steadfast love for us is more solid and secure than the very ground we walk on. We need to keep in mind that it is on Christ the solid rock we stand! His faithfulness isn’t dependent upon our works. All we need is a willing heart to bring about the fruit of the Spirit in our life. Let His promises steady the parts of our life that feel unsure.
If you get a minute, take time to listen to this song. It has been so uplifting for me…it serves as a reminder of the Goodness of God, but especially to help me to maintain focus that His goodness is running after me…and you too!
Special Assembly - Senior Moments
On Wednesday, May 10, all high school students will gather together in the stadium to celebrate our seniors. We will have several seniors from our graduating class share a word of encouragement and challenge to our student body. We will adjust our daily schedule as seen below to accommodate for our monthly fire drill along with this special assembly.
We are also looking forward to holding chapel in the gym on 5/11 with the entire High School population.
Challenges from Chapel
This past Thursday was the final senior chapel of the school year. Our seniors have enjoyed this past year with a chapel environment all to themselves. Each week, speakers delivered a message especially intended for our seniors and this exciting time in their lives, and they have been blessed to be led in worship by our student chapel band, guest worship leaders, and even some of their talented peers. This past Thursday, a large dose of reality set in as the seniors realized this was their last time together at their chapel. Many thanks to seniors Rylee Banks, Hannah Gibbs, and Brianna Hernandez for singing and leading us in worship. 10th Grade Bible Teacher Chris Paschal shared a challenging message detailing the journey of the apostle Matthew. Like Matthew, we will never find what we’re looking for apart from Christ. Only through a growing relationship with Him will we be fully satisfied. In underclassmen chapel, Ben Heilman, the youth pastor at Trinity Church, challenged students with a powerful message from the Psalms, urging them to surrender their lives to Jesus, change their priorities according to God’s word, and seek to be the people God created them to be.
We will send our seniors off in a combined chapel environment in the gym this coming Thursday with Dr. Anthony interviewing a group of senior students and giving them the chance to share what God has done in their lives. Join us in praying for a powerful time of worship, testimony, and God’s word!
Senior Shirts For Upcoming Seniors
It is time for our current Juniors to order their Senior shirts. The upcoming seniors will be allowed to wear these shirts any day for the week of May 22nd. Use the link below to place your order. You will be able to order anytime throughout the year, but for students to be able to wear the last week of school you must order by Monday, May 8th. For those who order by this date, shirts will be delivered to Junior Bible class on Thursday, May 18th. Shirts can be personalized but have to be either first name, last name, initials, or an abbreviated name. There are even Senior Mom and Senior Dad shirts that can be ordered.
“Walking Yearbook Day” For Our Class of 2023
Seniors, wear your Senior shirt on Thursday, May 11th and bring sharpies so you can have your classmates sign it.
Progress Learning
Progress Learning is our benchmark program, given to students three times a year, to monitor academic progress and growth per Georgia standards. Through the use of this program, teachers are able to individualize instruction to meet the unique needs of every student. Additionally, the school is able to ensure that students have mastered the academic goals and standards for each subject. As a result, recommendations can be made based on the test results to develop an academic plan. On Monday and Tuesday, May 8-9 students will be taking tests in biology, literature I, literature II, algebra 1, geometry and algebra II will be taking their third progress learning test. These test do not require any studying or accommodations because they are designed to just show what students know.
SENIOR Exam Schedule May 15 and May 16 - please keep in mind that the senior walk will take the students out of periods 5, 6,7 on 5/15 so teachers will plan and communicate with those classes accordingly -students. May 16 is the last full day of school for seniors.
9th-11th Exam Schedule
Dates to keep in mind
5/15 - Senior walk 1pm
5/15-5/16 - Senior exams and last full days for seniors
5/16 - Senior Honors Night - 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm
5/17 - Graduation brunch practice - 10am - high school auditorium
5/18 - Graduation - 7pm - high school stadium
5/23 - 9-11 Honors Night - 7:30pm - high school stadium
5/23-25 - 9-11 Exams see schedule provided - we do not offer exemptions at the High School level- we expect all students to be in attendance and on time for each day of testing
Senior Walk - Monday 5/15 1pm
All families are invited and should be positioned to make a tunnel for the seniors to walk thru outside at the High School Auditorium/Stadium area (similar to Friday night lights) feel free to bring balloons, noise makers, and posters to cheer on your senior!
Seniors will be taking finals this day. They should be in attendance in all classes until it is time to prepare for the senior walk.
They should gather at Building 1 in their cap and gowns at 12:45pm. Be on time!
Senior Honors Night - Tuesday 5/16 Crossroads Church HWY 16 7pm
We invite all of our seniors and their families to this event. This is a time of worship, celebration, and honoring of our senior students. There will be a small reception to follow. (5/16 is the final full day for Seniors as they are finishing up their exams)
Senior Brunch and Practice - no school for seniors Wednesday 5/17 10am - this is for senior students only - please be on time we would anticipate being done by Noon
Graduation - no school for seniors Thursday 5/18 7pm TCS Football Stadium
Rising Senior Formal Picture Information
DATES: Monday, June 26 - Friday, June, 30
TIMES: 9:00am - 2:00pm
LOCATION: Trinity Campus, Student Center, Bldg 1
Sign up and more details to follow!
DDS Driver Learner Permit and Driver’s License Information
If your student will be testing for their Driver Learner Permit or Driver’s License this Summer, please email so the required DDS paperwork may be prepared and picked up prior to 12:30pm on Thursday, May 25th.
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Kayla Whittle Counseling Department Head -
Val Adams Director of Curriculum and Instruction -
JP Weaver Director of Student Development -
Kimmy Jones High School Principal -