Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published May 21, 2023
Volume 175
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. ~Matthew 7:24-25
This verse is all about building a firm foundation in the Lord. From infancy to adulthood and every season in between, we are learning. As we learn, we should take the things that we have learned and are learning and apply those to our lives. These things that we learn begin to set a foundation in the things that God desires for our lives and how we're supposed to live our lives. And as we begin to establish that foundation… different storms of life are going to come, different thoughts and different plans will be dreamed up and gone, but the thing that grounds us, the thing that holds us, is that foundation in the Lord! It is in Christ that we can have our firm foundation. If you have your faith in Jesus, He is the Rock on which we stand!
Spirit Week Next Week
While our rising Seniors have the privilege of wearing their Senior T-shirts next week, the 9th and 10th grade can wear Trinity t-shirts all week. T-shirts that are not TCS affiliated will not be allowed.
Underclassmen Class Shirts
Recently 9th -11th grade voted on their favorite class shirt that Student Council members designed. This Summer you will get an email for you to be able to order the chosen shirt for your student. They will be available to pick up at Orientation and the first week of school.
Seniors - A couple quick notes from the IT department
Your Email Account will be deleted at the end of July. If you wish to keep any of your data, you will need to use Google Takeout ( to migrate information to your personal Gmail or Google account. Let us know if you need help.
You will also want to update any websites or email distribution lists that reference your soon retiring email address.
Your Chromebook. In most cases you will be allowed to keep the device that was assigned to you.
If you would like to keep the device we will need to remove the TCS policies that have locked down the device. Send us the serial number of the device so we can deactivate it.
If you are using a Dell or Samsung we will need to make an exchange.
~TCS IT Department
Challenges from Chapel
We gathered in the stadium this past Thursday for our final chapel of the year. Many thanks to Tim Hurt, Ellie Dallas, and Aubrey Settle for leading us in worship and praise. After worship, we were blessed to express gratitude to all who have contributed in such significant and meaningful ways to our chapel environments this past year. Many, many thanks to the Trinity teachers and staff and to the many pastors in our community who prepared a message from God’s word to share with our students each week. Each message made such an impact on our high school family. Many thanks to Tim Hurt, Chris Litton, Frankie Johnson, and the Bible Team (Mr. Edwards, Mr. Paschal, and KC Lorow) for all of their leadership, guidance, direction, and influence. Our high school family experienced many highs and lows together this past year, so we reflected, thanked God, and finished the year considering the spiritual posture of leaning on Christ. May leaning, relying, trusting, and being fully dependent upon Jesus at all times be our preferred spiritual posture. May we be found not as people trying to stand and balance on our own, but as people leaning on the everlasting arms of the Lord. His yoke is easy, His burden is light. May we lay it all down and allow Him to carry us into this transitioning time of year and into the new that comes in the fall. Thank you for joining with us in prayer and faith as we have seen God do so many amazing things this year. We can’t wait to be back together in chapel in 2023-2024!
9th - 11th Exam Schedule
Dates to keep in mind
5/23 - 9th-11th Honors Night - 7:30pm - high school stadium
5/23-25 - 9th-11th Exams see schedule provided - we do not offer exemptions at the High School level- we expect all students to be in attendance and on time for each day of testing - Please note that there is no lunch scheduled for Tuesday May 23 - Thursday May 25. Students can plan to bring a snack to enjoy during the break in between the two exam times and are dismissed at 12:15pm.
Rising Senior Formal Picture Information
WHO: Prestige Photography by Lifetouch
WHEN: Monday-Wednesday, June 26-28 (updated dates)
TIME: Times will be scheduled between 9:00am and 2:00pm
WHERE: Trinity Campus, Student Building
You will receive an email about scheduling, sitting fee(s) and ordering from Prestige Photography soon. This photographer is an option (not mandatory) and will ensure our senior formal pictures are uniform for the yearbook and graduation program.
DDS Driver Learner Permit and Driver’s License Information
If your student will be testing for their Driver Learner Permit or Driver’s License this Summer, please email so the required DDS paperwork may be prepared and picked up prior to 12:30pm on Thursday, May 25th.
High School Administrative Contacts
Teachers all utilize the first email address set up.
Attendance -
Tracy White Office Manager -
Kayla Whittle Counseling Department Head -
Val Adams Director of Curriculum and Instruction -
JP Weaver Director of Student Development -
Kimmy Jones High School Principal -