Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published September 1, 2024
Volume 231
Blake Bass - Interim High School Principal
Events & Announcements
A Message to High School Parents
Dear Parents,
GO week 2025 is HERE!
Throughout this school year, our students have been immersed in the study of the Gospels during their Bible classes and Chapel services, preparing their hearts and minds to serve and witness to others. As it is written, "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). That is the exact reason why we do Go Week. Our students are eager to serve others. They see it as a way to let their Light shine to help others that are less fortunate.
Check out GO Week Website for more information: TCSGoWeek Website
All trip information including (updated) itineraries, capacity, and cost can be found on this website!
Also, you may view the GO Week Meeting Recap:
Be sure and check your email for an Official Notification for your sign up link.
Remember, the link is only good for 24 hours. The link will be open from midnight to 11:59 pm for each class. You will receive confirmation of trip placement by the end of the week. Registration and payment will be due the following week: Sept. 9th - 13th.
Parents, thank you for your continued support of this incredible mission opportunity. Let’s commit this GO Week to the Lord and trust that He will work through our students to make a lasting impact for His kingdom
Have questions regarding GO Week? Send them here:
Best regards,
Blake Bass
Assistant Head Of School
Interim High School Principal
Discipleship Groups
Discipleship groups (D-Groups) are launching this week! D-Groups are designed to get students to meet with other students and teachers to discuss how to live a life that honors the Lord. Make sure to listen up during Bible class to find out who is leading each group and when and where each group will be meeting!
Parking passes will be available for pickup before school starts 7:30 - 8:10 AM, and during lunch 11:20 AM - 12:50 PM.
Be sure ALL paperwork is completed by both parent/guardian and student,
AND all fees are paid!
Pre-Absence Form
We’ve moved into the 21st century and our 2024-2025 Pre Absence Form is now DIGITAL!
You can always find the link on Blackbaud on your resource board.
Be mindful that the form must be filled out 5 days minimum before the student is absent.
Academic Matters
Remote Learning Day assignments have been given in Math and Bible classes, and these are due upon return to class (either Tuesday, 9/03 or Wednesday, 9/04, depending on each student’s schedule). Students can also turn in any missing work they have been working on, remembering that everyone gets two “Do-over” assignments in each class each semester.
Remember to check email and Blackbaud frequently to stay up to date on what is happening in your classes!
All Things Homecoming
Homecoming Game: Friday, September 13th
2024 Homecoming Court:
This week we held our Homecoming Court elections. We are proud to announce the results.
Please take time to learn more about our 2024 Homecoming Court Representatives
We can’t wait to see how creative Student Council members get with our hallways next week with fun these themes.
Homecoming Dance:
Tickets are now on sale for $15.
Only one ticket can be purchased per name. If you are buying a ticket for another person, you will need to make more than one transaction.
Make sure you and your date are familiar with the Code of Conduct and Dress Code Guidelines as you will be asked to check off that you both agree to comply.
Deadline to purchase an online ticket is Wednesday, September 11th at 10pm. If a TCS student fails to purchase a ticket online, the ticket price is $30 at the door.
Homecoming Week Themes
Specific Guidelines:
Shorts can be worn but must meet the dress code guidelines of mid-thigh.
Skirts can be worn but must meet dress code requirements..
No leggings
No Pajama Shorts (Need to be pants)
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the knee.
Spaghetti straps or tank tops are not allowed.
Mesh or see-thru tops are not allowed.
Crop tops are not allowed. All shirts should at least touch the top of the pants, shorts, skirts, etc…
Any low cut or low v-neck cut shirts must have modest camisole underneath.
Open toe/back shoes/sandals are permitted for this week only.
Hats may be worn all week.
Full spandex bodysuits are not permitted.
If your student chooses to not participate in dressing up for spirit week, they need to be in regular dress code attire.
GENERAL RULE: If you have concerns about your may be best to pick out something else to wear.
Football Themes
Dress Code Guidelines for Football Games
Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length
No mid-drifts
Boys must wear shirts.
If any paint is worn, it must be applied before entering the stadium.
College Reps Coming to TCS
The colleges listed below are sending recruiters to our campus in the upcoming weeks. This is a great opportunity to connect and learn about what these schools offer. Unless noted, recruiters will be on campus from 11:20 - 1:40.
Parents are welcome to attend. Please let the high school office know ahead of time that you will be coming and check in there to get a visitor’s badge.
9/5 - Troy University (Troy, AL)
9/10 - GA Army National Guard
9/11 - Covenant College (Lookout Mountain, GA)
9/12 - University of Georgia (Athens, GA) (11:30 - 1:00)
9/16 - Emmanuel University (Franklin Springs, GA) (11:50 - 1:30)
9/19 - Young Harris (Young Harris, GA)
9/23 - Mercer University (Macon, GA) (11:50 - 1:30)
9/25 - Georgia College and State University (Milledgeville, GA)
9/26 - Shorter University (Rome, GA)
10/2 - Auburn University (Auburn, AL)
Weekly Tutoring for Students
The TCS Beta Club and National Honor Society members are available to provide tutoring in academic subjects. Tutoring sessions will take place in Room 501 on Thursdays from 7:30 to 8:10 a.m. TCS students should use the form below to register for a session. To confirm attendance for the Thursday morning tutoring session, students must complete the form by Wednesday each week.
Register for Tutoring Sessions with Beta Club and NHS Members
Coffee Talks are Back!
All 9th and 10th grade parents are invited to attend a Coffee Talk session with Michelle Hutcheson, counselor for 9th and 10th grade. Sessions will be held on Wednesday, September 18th and Thursday, September 19th.
The following topics will be discussed: Graduation Requirements, Grad Plans, GPA, Course Weights, Advanced Placement Courses, and Dual Enrollment. Grade level specific sessions will be held in the high school building (Building 5). Please bring your ID and sign in at the front desk when you arrive.
Schedule for Coffee Talks
Fall PSAT Administration for 11th Grade
All 11th graders are required to take the fall administration of the PSAT on the morning of Monday, Oct. 14th. The PSAT is now a digital formatted test taken through the Bluebook app on their Chromebook. It helps prepare them for taking the SAT during the spring semester and gives them access to scholarship opportunities. The cost for the test is $15 and will be charged to their student account.
More details about what to expect on test day will come at a later date.
SAT Dates Released for 2024-25
The dates for fall and spring administration of the SAT have been released for the 2024-25 school year. Current seniors should take the SAT during the fall semester of 2024. Current juniors should target the spring semester of 2025 for their first administration.
Students should register for their preferred date to reserve a seat for that administration. You can register online for the SAT HERE.
To see test dates and register for the ACT, click HERE.
Scholarship Information
Looking for ways to fund college? The document at the link below provides helpful information to various scholarship programs throughout Georgia, as well as national scholarships that can be applied to any academic institution. Additionally, at the end of the document are links to various scholarship search engines and some additional resources. We will update this document as we become aware of more scholarship opportunities, so bookmark it and check back often.
High School Administrative Contacts
Teacher emails utilize the address configuration
Blake Bass - Assistant Head of School (Interm High School Principal)-
Roby Ross - Director of Student Development -
Karen Brannon - Director of Academics -
Brian Fourman - Counseling Department Head (11/12th grade Coordinator) -
Michelle Hutcheson - Counseling Department (9/10th grade Coordinator) -
Sara Kuchinski - Office Manager -
Attendance -
Nurse -