Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published February 7, 2021
Volume 70
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Chapel this week was intertwined with GRACE Week (see below). Our next few chapels are still in flux as we modify our schedule before and after Winter Break. We will keep you posted as plans firm up. One speaker that will definitely be on the horizon for an upcoming chapel is our beloved Greg Washington, who serves as NextGen Pastor at Trinity Fellowship Church. Please be in prayer for his preparations as he readies himself to be God’s spokesman to our community sometime in the near future.
We did have a great moment last week when our student-led worship team was back on stage for the first time after a prolonged hiatus. Great work Tim Hurt and our student worshipers. So proud of you.
GRACE Week (2/1-2/5)
GRACE Week was phenomenal (Gender, Race, Ability/Disability, Culture, and Economics). Our skilled Bible teachers through prayer, godly wisdom and sound exposition of scripture faithfully guided us daily toward the heart of God in these very important matters. The high point of the week was when our Headmaster Dr. Mark Anthony effectively utilized our chapel period to underscore the problems of Racism in our culture and what we can do together to move forward. He persuasively pressed the implications of Jesus’ Good Samaritan parable (Lk.10) and then interviewed a panel of African American students and adults. It was masterful from every angle. We want to express our deepest gratitude for his oversight and the powerful participation of his panel of guest speakers (Oscar Camejo, Greg Washington, Cameron Matthews, and Shawn Braxton).
Furthermore, we want to thank our own Tracy Harrelson for her cameo appearance through a very compelling national news piece done about her family and the Rexall Drug sit-in in Wichita KS. You can see the entire chapel program (well worth every minute of your time), including the national news piece on Wichita here: "".
In case you missed it, here is a parent link that was provided last week for further TCS participation:
Black History Month
We consider this an opportunity and a privilege to highlight and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Americans. Our intention is that this is done all year and not just during the month; however, this month is a time for intentional focus and observance.
Week One: Feb. 1-5 - Grace Week - Bible classes will cover it this week with special chapel emphasis.
Week Two: Feb. 8-12 - Highlight a Black American who is Foundational to some aspect of American society.
Week Three: Feb. 22-26 - Highlight Black Americans whose innovations have impacted American life in some way.
Week Four: March 1-5 - Highlight Black Americans whose ideas have been Transformational to an aspect of our society.
**Because of winter break, we will continue into the first week of March
GO Week continues!
The Bible classes continue to take a day each week to serve in our community.
Here are some of the things that were accomplished :
1. GO WEEK purchased a new basketball goal and our students helped with assembling it!
2. GO WEEK purchased bins to help with toy donations and our students helped with organizing the shed!
3. Helped with organizing another donation shed!
4. We had a group of students help with putting a wood perimeter around a small playground and filled it in with mulch.
Wednesday, February 10th
Red, Pink, and Hearts*
For a little Valentine's Day fun
* Students should still wear their regular uniform pants/shorts. Jeans with no rips, holes, or tears may be worn*
Student Council will be selling flowers for students to give to another student/staff person of their choice. The carnation flower will be $2 and students can buy them in the mornings thru February 10th.
On Wednesday, February 10th, Student Council will entertain us with the game-
“What would you do for a Klondike Bar?” where students will have the chance to do embarrassing and silly activities for ice cream.
Save the Date
Junior / Senior Prom
Thursday, April 1st
TCS Graduation
Thursday, May 20 @ 7:00pm
More details to come
Time to Order Your Graduation Announcements and Cap/Gown Packages
Order Online at
Here a short clip to help Seniors with ordering the Cap & Gown Packages:
Choose Trinity Christian and click submit
Click on the image Cap & Gown Packages
(we are asking all Seniors to take care of this no later than February 19th)
Choose from Package A, B, or C
*If you choose B or C these items will ship directly to your home from our Student Center*
Click on the image Announcements
Choose from Package A, B, C, or D
*All announcement packages will be shipped directly to your home*
Graduation Cap/Gown Pictures - Monday, March 29th
Make sure you get your graduation cap/gown package ordered TODAY so you can receive it in time to have your picture taken!
High School Spring Pictures
Monday, March 29th