Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published May 2, 2021
Volume 82
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Celebrating Cinco De Mayo
The High School will celebrate Cinco De Mayo on Wednesday, May 5 with several fun activities. First, students can wear ponchos to school, and then will make Mexican crafts in Spanish classes and decorate the halls with them. For lunch, students will enjoy a Mexican themed menu, enjoy some fun entertainment where the students can practice their Spanish doing Karaoke, and participate in various competitive games that pertain to the Mexican culture. Additionally, Student Council is going to sell cinnamon sticks from Taco Bell and sodas that are popular in Mexico. It will be a fun, but also educational day.
CFA Leader Academy
Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy strives to highlight servant leadership in the hearts of students. CFA Leader Academy is built on educating students on how to have an impact on their campus through service just as Truett Cathy did in the restaurant. The program walks through the core principles of CFA to encourage high school students to not only impact campus but families, communities, and the world. Our first CFA Leader Academy group just finished their Spring Impact Project by blessing the elementary school teachers with a catered lunch and personalized goodie bags filled with all the tools to press on towards the end of the year.
If your student is interested in applying for next year's academy please have them apply by May 15th no later than 3:30pm:
**CFA Leadership Academy Video of school announcement:
Honor’s Night
When: Tuesday, May 18
Where: Football Stadium
Time: 7pm - 8pm
Who: Invitations will be sent out
Honors night is our annual celebration of our students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement through various areas of student involvement. This is also the time when awards, stoles and cords will be distributed to our graduates. All students being recognized on honors night will receive a special invitation. However, we would love for all of the Senior class to attend as we will have a "Grateful Graduates and Goodies" reception after the honors night presentation (approx 8-8:30).
Graduation Practice and Senior Lunch:
Wednesday, May 19th at 1pm - Meet at the football stadium
We will quickly run-thru the ceremony on the football field, and then have lunch together following our rehearsal.
Senior Finals:
Monday, May 17th and Tuesday, May 18th (class specific instructions will be sent from your teachers)
End of the Year Schedule for Underclassmen
Let the countdown to Summer break begin! We just have three full weeks of classes remaining and then
May 24th- 26th is a modified schedule.
Each course will provide specific details to the students regarding the expectations for the end of the semester. For this year, there will be no final exam worth a percentage of the grade but rather students can expect to finish their final units with a project or other smaller graded assessment which will average into the semester grade. Let's do this! We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Last week, our highly esteemed 11th grade Bible One of the highlights of chapel each year is to hear “Senior Moments” from various members of the senior class. This week, Mel Landers, Carter McCabe, Luke Wilson, and Charles Garner got us started with some great inspirational messages. Mel Landers charged the students to get on the express train and allow the good Lord to guide your life. Carter McCabe challenged the students to step out of their comfort zone with their social circle and also with their relationship with Christ. He stressed that the words “comfortable” and being a Christian cannot be in the same sentence, and that even though it is hard, Jesus is the example. Charles gave us some insight on how to deal with the difficult seasons of life and how to keep moving on and helping others. He shared a heartfelt story about his brother’s passing and how he knows that the experience served a purpose to inspire him to love the Lord and to serve others. He explained that after his brother's death, he started a nonprofit organization that is named after his brother that can help others.
Luke wrapped it up by looking at the passage of the prodigal son. He described a time in his life where he was very down, but his friends were there for him and reached out and pulled him into church. He encouraged students to look around to see other believers standing around them. He also challenged students to encourage their peers and speak positive things to people because you never know what people are going through. “No matter how far you have run from God, or however bad you feel like you have messed up, God is just waiting for you to turn back to Him and He is waiting with open arms”. We are looking forward to hearing from other seniors in the last few weeks remaining in the school year. Please be in prayer for their preparation and efforts and for the hearts of their peers.
Senior Walk
We are so excited to be able to hold our "Senior Walk" again this year! Make plans to cheer for the seniors on Thursday, May 6th as they walk the halls in their cap and gown from the PreK thru the high school building. The seniors will begin walking the halls promptly at 1 pm. Be sure to bring your signs, balloons, noisemakers, etc to celebrate. Parents and friends, please plan to attend...Please create a tunnel (football game style) just outside of the high school auditorium doors. This will be the designated area near the high school building just for you to cheer and celebrate the seniors!
Monday, May 3rd Dress like 1st day of Preschool
Tuesday, May 4th Dress like your current self
Wednesday, May 5th Dress in your college attire
Thursday, May, 6th Dress like your career
Friday, May 7th Dress like a Senior Citizen
We want Seniors to bring in a picture of themselves to the front office from now till the 1st week of May so we can display them and let students and faculty guess who each picture is. Pictures can be emailed to
Seniors have the opportunity to reflect on their time at TCS and leave advice and memories to underclassmen and faculty members. A link has been sent to the Seniors in an email.
Deadline to submit is Monday, May 3rd.
When: Sunday, May 2nd
Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Where: The grass area in front of the Preschool Building
Food will be provided by Student Council
Senior Spotlights
Check Facebook and Instagram for our Senior Spotlights!
TCS Graduation
Thursday, May 20 @ 7:00pm
Our graduates will sit on the field together as a class. Pods will be placed for 2 additional guests of the graduate to sit on the field. *ONLY two tickets will be provided to the graduate to share with individuals to have a reserved spot on the field. The stadium will be open for anyone else that would like to attend this milestone event!
As for the stadium seating, please know that this will be as first come first serve. Chairs can be placed at the very top of section but not throughout the stadium. This event will be professionally filmed with an offer to purchase, as well as live streamed for those that can not attend for various reasons.
IT Needs?
If students are experiencing any issues with your Chromebook, student account, or any IT related issues…. Contact the IT department by filling out the form located at
If you are unable to get to the internet from your own device, our IT department has a kiosk set up in the Admin area that can be used to log your request.
REMINDER - Open Campus Privilege for 11/12th grade students
Students should demonstrate positive time management skills by arriving on time from the return from the lunch period or other open blocks in their schedule. The open campus is only in effect for students to leave campus freely during open blocks in their specific schedule and during the lunch time. All other times in the day will require a parent notification of permission to leave campus.