Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published September 12, 2021
Volume 97
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
Teamwork is truly a part of our DNA here at the high school, and we are continually striving to strengthen and enhance our team to better serve the students and families. This year we have enhanced our Student Development Team under the direction of JP Weaver in an effort to promote the overall success of our students at TCS. The team exists to equip students for life by guiding them to foster effective study habits and appropriate behavior. With the overall success of the individual student as the ultimate goal, the team aims to aid and encourage each student in the identification and utilization of his/her God-given gifts through collaboration, relationship building, and accountability.
One aspect of the service provided by our Student Development Team is the process of Academic Probation. Students are placed on academic probation when they are failing two or more classes. When academic probation is in effect, students are given extra support by the Student Development teams. During the academic probationary period, which runs from Monday thru Sunday, the students are required to attend a scheduled study hall with the Student Development Team to receive academic strategies and help in order to make improvements and raise their failing grades.
Meet our Student Development team:
Director and 11/12th Grade Coordinator - JP Weaver
10th Grade Coordinator - Reed Shackelford
9th Grade Coordinator - Will De La Cruz
In addition to the work that the student development team does with individual students, they also work in conjunction with the counseling team and the nursing staff to ensure that students are set up for success whether they are dealing with an extended illness, surgery or another issue that disrupts their learning. The services these three teams provide, along with our dedicated team of teachers, drive our vision -- tailoring our instruction and guidance to meet the needs of each student.
This year we have enhanced our Student Development Team under the direction of JP Weaver in an effort to promote the overall success of our students at TCS. The team exists to equip students for life by guiding them to foster effective study habits and appropriate behavior. With the overall success of the individual student as the ultimate goal, the team will serve to aid each student in the identification and utilization of his/her God-given gifts through collaboration, relationship building, and accountability.
Director of Student Development; 11/12th Grade Coordinator - JP Weaver
10th Grade Student Development Coordinator - Reed Shackelford
9th Grade Student Development Coordinator - Will De La Cruz
Want to know what to do when you are out sick?
Absent - Non-covid
Stay home, get rest, recover, and return when you feel up to it. (Before we were thrust into thinking outside of the traditional education box due to a Global Pandemic, there was a time that students were just absent due to illness)
Contact teachers or review BB to determine any make-up work if you are absent for 3 days or less. If you are able to work while you are out, go ahead and do this, but if not, then upon returning, connect with the teachers about any other work, tests...that need to be completed.
If a student will be absent for more than 3 days, please communicate to to set in motion a Return to Academics Plan (RTA). This is not distance learning but a modification of assignments/lesson plans for helping students get back on track.
For attendance purposes, to obtain an excused absence, please go to the resources tab in BB and fill out the “attendance form” and then you must send any formal documentation (Dr. notes…) to Morgin Ross. Her direct email is
Absent - Covid (or exposed)
Contact Kacey White at to let her know about your illness or exposure (Nursing staff will respond to emails between 7:30am and 3:30pm.)
The nursing team will then set in motion a temporary Distance Learning (DL) plan*. Please note that DL is only available for those students/families that have a COVID positive test and/or have been advised to quarantine.*
* On occasion, there are “Documented Medical Needs” that warrant DL but this must go through the nursing office, please do not contact teachers with a request for distance learning.
Dress Code Reminders
Dress Down Fridays Each Friday, students are permitted to wear jeans* or usual dress code pants/shorts/skirts with TCS spiritwear purchased from the school store. *Students may wear a polo/collared shirt with the TCS logo on it every day of the week with dress code approved blue jeans (no rips, tears, holes, etc). Jeans may only be worn with a TCS logo polo M-TH. Otherwise, the regular dress code applies and Friday will remain as spirit day with TCS spirit wear and bluejeans.
Parking Tags
Just as a reminder - parking tags are to be displayed while on campus at all times. The first week and a half of school was utilized as the warning period. Please note that our security team is issuing “tickets” that are then keyed into Blackbaud conduct to receive demerits.
Looking ahead to plan and save the dates
First Semester:
10/7 and 10/8 - Remote Learning Days
Students will be provided with assignments to complete remotely for each of their scheduled classes. These assignments will be due upon the first day of return to school post this break on 10/13
10/11 and 10/12 - No School
10/13 PSAT on campus testing for 9th-11th grade students
8am to Noon - 9th-11th Students report to their 2nd period class by 8:00 AM SHARP
Students who are late will not be permitted to test once testing begins
Students should come with a calculator, bottle of water, snack and in dresscode. Dismissal will be at Noon (Seniors have Virtual Learning and will not report to school)
10/26 ASVAB on campus testing 11th/12th students 8am to 11:30am
Students report by 8:00 AM SHARP
Location TBD
Students who are late will not be permitted to test once testing begins
Students should come with a calculator, bottle of water, snack and in dresscode. Dismissal will be at 11:30
(9th and 10th will follow their regular schedule for the day)
Scripture is clear, it is impossible to truly educate, equip, and empower without centering our high school students around the reign of God. Jesus clearly affirmed this in Jn.17:3, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” The OT prophets regularly asserted this truth as well. Jer.9:23-24, “This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.”
In light of God’s clear teaching, this month marks the time each year that we add another component to center our high school students on the reign of God. We are initiating 18 diverse, teacher-led, and completely voluntary Discipleship Groups. There is something for every age, personality, and gender. The groups meet at various times, days, and locations on the HS campus.
Last Friday saw the finishing touches for the preparation of these spiritual formation groups. It is time to populate them with eager students. The groups will be announced in chapel as well as promoted in our Bible classes in subsequent weeks. Please be in prayer for the work God will do through these small ministry communities.
A great thank you to Tim Hurt and Chris Litton is long overdue. Tim prepares our worship team every week and Chris oversees all tech matters. These two men bring nothing less than the excellence of Jesus. Their combined efforts make chapel a great experience for our HS. Thank you both!!!
This past week our chapel service delved into one of the most important texts in scripture - the fall of man in Genesis 3. Our HS students were exposed to a bedrock truth that, if heeded, can transform everything about their future selves: “If we listen to a voice other than God’s, we will find ourselves on a path other than God’s.” On the other hand, “if we listen only to the voice of God then we will experience all of God’s best for our futures.” The key is to commit to tuning into the right voice every day.
Be in prayer for the next several weeks as the Bible department kicks off our first themed series called “Can I have your attention, please?” Pray for Patrick Brannon, Chris Paschal, KC Lorow, and Ron Edwards as they prepare.
TCS Sporting Event Themes
2021 Football Game Themes
9/17 Gray Out (Homecoming)
10/8 Pink Out
11/5 Black Out (Senior Night)
2021 Volleyball Game Themes
9/21 Jersey
9/30 Whiteout
Our Student Section is on FIRE! Thank you for your support and excitement as you pump up the crowd and cheer our Lions on to victory.
At our TCS Sporting Events, we request that our students do not wear low cut or cropped tops, shorts should be a minimum of fingertip length, leggings can be worn with shirts having length that follow the fingertip rule. Shirts must be worn at all times for all of our indoor athletic events- painted bodies will be permitted, when painted in full, during our outdoor athletic events. Please be sure that our cheering is a positive representation of Trinity Christian School. There should be no derogatory cheering towards the other teams. Confetti is very festive, however, it should not be on the field.
Homecoming is this week! September 13th-17th
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday- Decade Day
Wednesday - Character Day
Thursday - City vs Country
Friday - Spirit Day and Grades by Color (9th-gray, 10th-purple, 11- white, 12- black)
Here are the guidelines for Spirit Week:
Athletic shorts can be worn but must meet the fingertip rule - There should be no spaghetti straps or tank tops. Any tops that are low cut or have a low v-neck must have a modest camisole underneath so that the neckline is raised and there is not visible cleavage. Leggings may only be worn with a top that meets the length requirement for shorts (Fingertip rule applies) -
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the knee
Mesh/see-thru tops should not be worn unless there is a full coverage top underneath it.
The fingertip rule for shirts, shorts, and skirts applies to every angle - front, back, and side view
Shirts should touch the top of the pants, shorts, skirt, etc - if you lift your arms and we can see your skin, it is too short
Form-fitted/wetsuit style attire is not permitted
Bralettes do not qualify as a modest camisole underneath *wear with extreme caution
Hats may be worn
General Rule:
If you have concerns about your outfit...just pick out something else to wear!
Student Council members decorated the hallways today to go with their chosen themes:
Funky Freshmen
Sweet Sophomores
Jazzy Juniors
Suess’s Seniors
Homecoming Assembly - Tuesday September 14th
On Tuesday 9/14 we will be following the Thursday chapel schedule to create a time to hold a homecoming assembly. Students will attend classes as they do on a traditional chapel day except instead of going to chapel, they will attend the homecoming assembly. This schedule adjustment will show on your Blackbaud calendar so you won’t be late to your classes on Tuesday! You won’t want to miss out on the assembly fun!!
Homecoming Powderpuff Game
Thursday, September 16th at 7pm
If you are not familiar with a powderpuff game, it is a fun event where roles are reversed: guys become cheerleaders, girls become players, and teachers are the coaches.
This is a FREE event put on by the Student Council. Concessions will be available.
For our new participants, the powderpuff shirts are in and can be picked up before school or during lunch.
Price is $15.
You can pay cash, check or by credit card under shopping cart in Smart Tuition.
Homecoming Night
We are excited for our homecoming football game and anxious to see who our next King and Queen will be. We will be recognizing the court before the game at 7:00pm and during halftime. Click on the link below to see the eighteen students that were voted upon by their classmates.
Homecoming Dance
Hosted by Student Council
Date: September 18th
Time: 7-10 pm
Place: High School Auditorium
Grades: 9th-12th
Dress: semi-formal attire requested
Tickets: $10 (Sept. 6th - 10th), $15 (Sept. 13th -17th), $20 at the door (Sept. 18)
Tickets may be purchased from the front office of the High School.
Drinks and snacks will be provided
Dresscode Guidelines For Dance
We understand that COVID numbers, guidelines and restrictions are fluid and changing so often, therefore, our guidelines and protocols are perpetually under review and subject to change. At this point, we will permit outside guests to attend the Homecoming Dance.
Ordering Class Shirts
Recently, members of Student Council designed shirts for their grade and the grades voted on what design they liked best. You are able to buy the winning design in a shirt or sweatshirt from the link below. Seniors already had the opportunity in the Spring, but we are selling the Senior shirt again for students who missed buying it or want to buy another one.
1st hoodie and Tee – Seniors
2nd Hoodie and tee – Juniors
3rd hoodie and tee – Sophomores
4th Hoodies and tees – Freshman
College Applications
Seniors plan to meet with Mrs. Whittle every Wednesday at lunch in room 537 for the month of September. Students do not need to register to come, it is open for all students who need help completing their college applications!
Counseling Department Dates
Upcoming Important Dates:
Covenant Recruiter on Campus on September 14th (lunch)
Mercer Recruiter on Campus on Sept 16th (8:30am)
Univ of West Ga Recruiter on Campus Sept 23rd (lunch)
Columbia International University: Nov 3rd lunch visit from an admission recruiter