Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the High School
Published September 5, 2021
Volume 96
Kimberly Jones - High School Principal
Events & Announcements
As each week passes, we are getting more adjusted to using Blackbaud as our communication platform for sharing lesson plans, posting assignments, grades, and communicating any adjustments to the lesson plan. This is where parents can access gradebook reports for student(s), be sure that you have activated your “parent” account in Blackbaud. From the dashboard screen, parents can select their student’s name and access the schedule, assignments, conduct, and official notes. Additionally, there is a section for grades listed by course. The total grade will be posted on this screen and by selecting “see more details” for each course, you will be able to review the full grade report. If students are having difficulties submitting assignments or understanding assignments, lesson plans, they should email their teachers directly for clarification.
This year we have enhanced our Student Development Team under the direction of JP Weaver in an effort to promote the overall success of our students at TCS. The team exists to equip students for life by guiding them to foster effective study habits and appropriate behavior. With the overall success of the individual student as the ultimate goal, the team will serve to aid each student in the identification and utilization of his/her God-given gifts through collaboration, relationship building, and accountability.
Director of Student Development; 11/12th Grade Coordinator - JP Weaver
10th Grade Student Development Coordinator - Reed Shackelford
9th Grade Student Development Coordinator - Will De La Cruz
Got Notifications?
Want an email when an assignment is missing? Want a text when the teacher updates an assignment? Click on the following link to find step by step instructions for setting your notifications on both a desktop and mobile version:
Want to know what to do when you are out sick?
Absent - Non-covid
Stay home, get rest, recover, and return when you feel up to it. (Before we were thrust into thinking outside of the traditional education box due to a Global Pandemic, there was a time that students were just absent due to illness)
Contact teachers or review BB to determine any make-up work if you are absent for 3 days or less. If you are able to work while you are out, go ahead and do this, but if not, then upon returning, connect with the teachers about any other work, tests...that need to be completed.
If a student will be absent for more than 3 days, please communicate to to set in motion a Return to Academics Plan (RTA). This is not distance learning but a modification of assignments/lesson plans for helping students get back on track.
For attendance purposes, to obtain an excused absence, please go to the resources tab in BB and fill out the “attendance form” and then you must send any formal documentation (Dr. notes…) to Morgin Ross. Her direct email is
Absent - Covid (or exposed)
Contact Kacey White at to let her know about your illness or exposure (Nursing staff will respond to emails between 7:30am and 3:30pm.)
The nursing team will then set in motion a temporary Distance Learning (DL) plan*. Please note that DL is only available for those students/families that have a COVID positive test and/or have been advised to quarantine.*
* On occasion, there are “Documented Medical Needs” that warrant DL but this must go through the nursing office, please do not contact teachers with a request for distance learning.
Dress Code Reminders:
Dress Down Fridays Each Friday, students are permitted to wear jeans* or usual dress code pants/shorts/skirts with TCS spiritwear purchased from the school store. *Students may wear a polo/collared shirt with the TCS logo on it every day of the week with dress code approved blue jeans (no rips, tears, holes, etc). Jeans may only be worn with a TCS logo polo M-TH. Otherwise, the regular dress code applies and Friday will remain as spirit day with TCS spirit wear and bluejeans.
Looking ahead to plan and save the dates
First Semester:
10/13 PSAT on campus testing for 9th-11th grade students 8am to Noon(Seniors virtual learning)
10/26 ASVAB on campus testing 11th/12th students 8am to Noon (9th and 10th will follow their regular schedule for the day)
10/7 and 10/8 - Remote Learning Days
Students will be provided with assignments to complete remotely for each of their scheduled classes. These assignments will be due upon the first day of return to school post this break on 10/13
10/11 and 10/12 - No School
Second Semester:
4/14 Prom - High School ½ day
5/16 Senior Walk
5/17 HS Honors Night - in the stadium/field
5/19 Graduation - in the stadium/field
Can I get a collective “Thank You!” from Lion Nation for Jeff Grenell’s fabulous chapel message last week. It is clear why Jeff is the founder of “Ythology”, an organization designed to empower youth and its leaders for the long haul. Not only is he a big kid doing youth ministry for nearly 4 decades, he also understands the heart of a teenager. Launching from John 16, Jeff elevated the Holy Spirit to His rightful place in our daily lives. He contended that “if you start today by building your relationship with the Holy Spirit, you will not even recognize your transformed self come Christmas.” He challenged the modern church, who has sometimes “embraced a historical Jesus from the past but not embraced a present Holy Spirit dwelling in God’s people.” Finally, he contrasted chapel life with stadium life. Even christian schools have often “made stadium life, with its Friday night lights, the center of our world but we have neglected chapel life and the One who is the Light of the world.” Thank you Jeff for a powerful and timely message. May God’s favor rest on your ministry.
Be in prayer for the next four weeks as the Bible department kicks off our first themed series called “Can I have your attention, please?” Pray for Patrick Brannon, Chris Paschal, KC Lorow, and Ron Edwards as they prepare.
Friday Night Lights
2021 Football Game Themes
9/10 - America
9/17 - Grey Out (Homecoming)
10/8 - Pink Out
11/5 - Black Out (Senior Night)
2021 Volleyball Game Themes
9/9 - Hawaiian
9/21 - Jersey
9/30 - Whiteout
At our TCS Sporting Events, we request that our students do not wear low cut or cropped tops, shorts should be a minimum of fingertip length, leggings can be worn with shirts that follow the fingertip rule.
Homecoming is coming soon! September 13th-17th
There is just something about students seeing their classmates and teachers dress up to participate in Homecoming Spirit Week! This fun tradition just sparks school spirit across the campus. Each day of spirit week has a different theme and this year, the themes are:
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday- Decade Day
Wednesday - Character Day
Thursday - City vs Country
Friday - Spirit Day (Homecoming)
*Spirit day themes above were voted upon by Student Council Members*
Here are the guidelines for Spirit Week:
Athletic shorts can be worn but must meet the fingertip rule. There should be no spaghetti straps or tank tops. Any tops that are low cut or have a low v-neck must have a modest camisole underneath so that the neckline is raised and there is not visible cleavage. Leggings may only be worn with a top that meets the length requirement for shorts (Fingertip rule applies).
Holes/rips/tears in jeans should not be above the knee
Mesh/see-thru tops should not be worn unless there is a full coverage top underneath it.
The fingertip rule for shirts, shorts, and skirts applies to every angle - front, back, and side view
Shirts should touch the top of the pants, shorts, skirt, etc - if you lift your arms and we can see your skin, it is too short
Form-fitted/wetsuit style attire is not permitted
Bralettes do not qualify as a modest camisole underneath *wear with extreme caution
Hats may be worn
General Rule:
If you have concerns about your outfit...just pick out something else to wear!
Homecoming Powderpuff Game
Thursday, September 16th at 7pm
If you are not familiar with a powderpuff game, it is a fun event where roles are reversed: guys become cheerleaders, girls become players, and teachers are the coaches.
This is a FREE event put on by the Student Council. Concessions will be available.
2021 Homecoming Dance
Hosted by Student Council
Date: September 18th
Time: 7-10 pm
Place: High School Auditorium
Grades: 9th-12th
Dress: semi-formal attire requested
Tickets: $10 (Sept. 6th - 10th), $15 (Sept. 13th -17th), $20 at the door (Sept. 18)
Tickets may be purchased from the front office of the High School.
Drinks and snacks will be provided
Dresscode Guidelines For Dance
Due to issues surrounding covid cases in our community we are going to only open up tickets to TCS students to attend the dance this year.
We understand that COVID numbers, guidelines and restrictions are fluid and changing so often, therefore, our guidelines and protocols are perpetually under review and subject to change. At this point, we will permit outside guests to attend the Homecoming Dance.
College Applications
Seniors plan to meet with Mrs. Whittle every Wednesday at lunch in room 537 for the month of September. Students do not need to register to come, it is open for all students who need help completing their college applications!
GO Week Update
We are constantly reviewing the state of our world and travel guidelines/restrictions as we plan for GO Week trips during the first full week of January 2022. An email was sent to Parents and Students last week which contained a basic form to gain an overview of travel interests. While this inquiry is very basic the information is valuable in our planning during these COVID times.
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind.
*There is a good chance International opportunities will require students to be vaccinated.
*Many states have started requiring vaccination to enter restaurants, gyms, and etc. We are trying to find Stateside trips that do not require vaccinations.
*If you decide not to send your student on an International or Stateside trip, they will serve locally.
Counseling Department Dates
Upcoming Important Dates:
Univ of West Ga Recruiter on Campus Sept 23rd
Columbia International University: Nov 3rd lunch visit from an admission recruiter