Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Lower School News - Volume 205

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Lower School

Published January 28, 2024

Volume 205

Sherry Randolph - Early Learning & Lower School Principal

The Principal’s Piece: A Note From Mrs. Randolph

The Lower School Sweet Cart is back for Valentine's Day! Students will have the option of purchasing a Valentine's Day treat for $1 from January 29th - February 12th (while supplies last). These will be available every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you would like to participate, please send in $1 cash with your child. Looking forward to celebrating Valentine's Day together!

Upcoming Events

Reading Challenge: January 12th - February 15th


  • 8th - House Color Dress Down Day (1st-3rd)

  • 9th - Super Bowl Dress Down - wear your favorite team apparel with uniform bottoms

  • 14th - Valentine’s Day Dress Down - wear red or pink with uniform bottoms

  • 19th - 23rd - Winter Break

Last Week in Chapel

Last week we had a special guest teach our Lower School chapel. Pastor Ben, who is the youth pastor at Trinity Church and happens to be married to Pastor Kami, continued our series on Peter and taught us how important it is to keep our eyes on Jesus no matter what storms may be happening around us. 

Mrs. Burnett’s class, along with Kevin & Riley, led our chapel in worship. They also assisted in telling our Bible story of Peter walking on the water toward Jesus. As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus he was fine, but as soon as he focused on the waves around him he began to sink.

Join Our 10,000-Page Reading Challenge!!! 

Our reading challenge will run from January 12th - February 15th. Teachers sent home a reading log to keep track of your child’s reading. Let’s Go, Lower School!!! Together, we can reach the 10,000 page goal!

Black History Month

We are excited to celebrate diversity with an emphasis on black history throughout the month of February. While focusing on the words foundation, innovation, and transformation, each grade level will learn about various leaders and their contributions and influence on our society. Check your child's Blackbaud class page for further details. 

Valentine’s Celebrations

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Wednesday,  February 14th. Please refer to your child’s Blackbaud class page for specifics regarding your child’s celebration.

Registration Needed: Agape After School

The Agape After School program has asked that we please send the following link to all of our PreK4 through 3rd grade families so we can have every family registered in case after school ever needs to be utilized. Please note that completing the registration is not an indicator that you plan to use the program, nor is it agreeing to any charges. WE NEED EVERY FAMILY to register so that if you ever have to utilize the program, your child’s information is already on record. Please use the link below to complete the registration. Thank you!

Optional House Color T-shirts

We have had several parents request the option to purchase House shirts to wear on House Color Days. We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Graceful Peach Boutique to offer shirts for Robinson, Elliot, and Lewis houses! Check out the link below and order your optional shirt today if you are looking for something to wear on House Color Day.  

Electronic Device Policy

Just a reminder that elementary students are not permitted to have cell phones, smart watches, GPS tracking devices, or other electronic devices during school hours.

Staying Informed and Up-to-date with

Classroom Happenings

To stay informed of what’s happening in your child’s classroom, please login into Blackbaud weekly. You will be able to see information such as weekly classroom announcements, upcoming events, weekly academic focus, grades, attendance, etc. This is the key to staying informed and replaces hardcopy newsletters. I encourage you to login each week. Information will be updated each Sunday at 5pm.

Blackbaud 101

Accessing your child's class information weekly:

  • Login to your Blackbaud account and select your child's name under "Children". 

  • Find your child's homeroom class under the "Progress" tab by scrolling down to where classes are listed.

  • After selecting the homeroom class, you will see the teacher's main class page where you will locate upcoming dates, class reminders and news. 

  • Select the "Topics" tab to see specific information for each individual subject. Within each subject folder, you will see a plan for the week and upcoming projects and test information.

  • The "Topics" pages update each Sunday evening at 5pm and will remain current until the following Sunday evening.


If you have any questions throughout the summer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help! Please see the guide below to reach the most appropriate personnel.

  • LS Director of Student Life - Ashley Moore (

    • Mrs. Moore can assist you with general questions regarding the school calendar, uniforms, supply lists, etc.

  • LS Academic Dean - Leslie Cook (

    • Mrs. Cook can assist you with any academic-related needs for PreK-.3rd grade