Inside the Pride Middle School News - Volume 68 — Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Middle School News - Volume 68

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Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Middle School

Published January 24, 2021

Volume 68

Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal

Adam Vinson - Middle School Principal



Don’t forget to complete the re-enrollment process which is now open to all of our current families! We are so excited about the plans being made for next year and would love to have each of your children back with us for another exciting year at TCS. If you are experiencing any issues with the re-enrollment process or have any questions about next year, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me as I would love to provide any assistance or support you might need.


We had a fantastic week focusing on the topic of missions with our Missions Emphasis Week. Each day our various speakers looked at conversion stories found in the New Testament. Ask your child what they learned about Lydia (the seller of purple), the Phillippian jailer, Peter, Paul and Cornelius! We are continuing to pray for each of our students as they grow and mature in their faith. While our hope is that God would call some from amongst our student body to take what they learned this week and share it overseas one day, we are also praying that our students would understand more and more how they can share their faith right now with those around them.

JANUARY MEMORY VERSE: II Corinthians 5:20-21 (ESV)

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.


Congratulations to the following students that were nominated by their teachers for making good choices or setting a good example recently. 

  • 6th Grade = Riley Cook

  • 7th Grade = Brett Rogers

  • 8th Grade = Clint Robertson


Ask your child about the new leadership images being introduced in Habitudes this month. 

6th Grade: 

Personal Laptop - What gets put in is what will come out.

Lesson Summary - Our minds work like a computer. They only spit out the data they have been fed. Garbage in, garbage out. Leaders are disciplined about what they store in their mind and heart.

7th & 8th Grades:

Pyrrhic Victory - Never allow situations to eclipse relationships.

Lesson Summary - Sometimes the cost of winning is so great that we lose more than we gain. Good leaders don’t fight every battle. They carefully consider what’s at stake in each encounter with others and then act accordingly. They never allow the situation to become more important than the relationship.


Please utilize this link to access our middle school schedule for the last week of school so you can make plans to join us for 6th and 7th grade awards programs (virtually for parents) and our 8th grade graduation (in-person for parents).


Please utilize this link to access requirements used for determining honors class placement for next year’s schedule. The placement requirements will apply to our current 6th and 7th grade students as 8th grade students will be placed according to the high school requirements.


We have been so blessed to have Coach Roby Ross leading our boys’ PE program this year. PE is far more than a glorified time for recess. Instead, Coach Ross is working hard to grow our students in the area of character, fitness and self-confidence. Look at some of the gains our boys experienced over the course of the Fall semester!

  • These are the average gains/losses for all the Middle School boys PE classes (6th - 8th) from the first semester testing (August to December). Many of our individual boys experienced greater personal gains and growth than what is recorded below. 

    • 800 Meter Run (6th and 7th grades only) - 20 seconds faster

    • Mile Run (6th and 7th grades only) - 36.5 seconds faster

    • Vertical Leap - .84 inches higher

    • Broad Jump - 3.3 inches farther

    • 40 yard dash - .24 seconds faster

    • 5-10-5 shuttle run - .15 seconds faster

    • Bench press - up 9.8 pounds

    • Squat - up 16.2 pounds

    • Clean - up 6.8 pounds


Unfortunately, due to rising COVID numbers we are going to err on the side of caution and look towards the spring months for our 8th grade retreat to Snowbird.


On Monday, January 25 our 8th grade teachers (English, Math and Science) will be meeting with students individually to discuss class course recommendations for 9th grade. Recommendation forms will be sent home at the end of the day for you to review, sign and return so we can submit to the high school staff. 

Note: If your child is currently NOT enrolled in Honors English, Math or Science, and you are interested in your child being considered for honors level classes in 9th grade, please email me ( so I can make sure our teachers have specific conversations with your child about those desires.


On Friday, January 29 our 8th grade students will be visiting with the high school staff and touring the high school building in anticipation of the transition to 9th grade. High school counselors will conduct a time for Q/A as well. While we cannot believe the middle school years are coming to an end for these 8th graders, we are excited about the next step for each of them in their academic journey!


Staff Contacts

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (

    • Available to assist with student life-related questions (field trips, parties, etc.),  discipline issues, and social and emotional-related challenges

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (

    • Available to assist with disciplinary concerns.