Collier Benz

Trinity 8th Grader Visits the Capitol

Trinity 8th Grader Visits the Capitol

By Samantha DePriest

Collier Benz is the oldest of 4 children, an 8th grader here at TCS, and has been a Trinity Lion since the 1st grade. He won 4th in State in Middle School Archery, plays goalie for the Trinity Middle School lacrosse team, and loves Social Studies and learning about World War 2. This past February break, Collier had the opportunity to serve as a Page in the House of Representatives in the Capitol in Atlanta.

Historically, Pages have served as messengers bringing documents between members of the House and Senate. “For over 50 years, the experience of a legislative Page has sparked many political aspirations and has been a connective link between elected leaders and Georgia’s young students” (

Collier applied for the Page program that is specifically for 12-18 year olds. They select a specific number of Pages per legislative session. Once he arrived, he went through orientation, took a tour, received lunch, and served 4 hours on the floor. Collier was given a Page button which allowed him on the floor with the other Pages and Representatives. His Mom, Laura Benz, enjoyed watching him from upstairs in the gallery. Collier brought copies of bills and messages/notes between Representatives in the House of Representatives. At the end of his time serving, he earned a certificate and even got a small stipend. He banged the gavel and took a picture with the Representative and Speaker of the House as well. We love hearing about all the things our students do off campus and are so proud of Collier spending a day during his winter break serving others!

Trinity student Collier Benz pictured centered with District 48 Representative Scott Hilton (left) and Speaker Jon Burns (right).