Fellowship of Christian Athletes Kicks Off The New School Year at TCS

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Kicks Off

The New School Year at TCS

By Samantha DePriest

We are thrilled to announce that this past Friday our Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meetings kicked off in our high school. The meeting opened with a fun game, time of worship, and a devotion led by Mr. Brian Morgan, FCA Area Director for Coweta County. Mr. Morgan shared the history behind FCA and the four principles of the organization: integrity, service, teamwork, and excellence.

TCS FCA is open to all high school athletes. Currently, the plan is to meet during advisement time at 1:45pm on Friday afternoons in the Student Lounge every two weeks. The easiest way to get involved in FCA at TCS is simply to show up to the “huddles” (meetings). There will also be many other opportunities throughout the school year like “Fields of Faith” and etc. 

1st TCS FCA Meeting of the school year. TCS students pictured with Mr. Brian Morgan who serves as the FCA Area Director for Coweta County. 

Senior FCA Student Leader Logan Moss shared, “TCS FCA is focused on bringing the Gospel to athletes in our school community. We believe student athletes have a big influence on the rest of the school and we want to impact the hearts of our athletes as well as the rest of the school through the Gospel. “

To keep up with meetings and events, follow tcs_fca on Instagram. Students may also learn about opportunities to get involved with FCA on the announcements made in the high school each morning.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

September 15th: Message for FCA students at First Baptist PTC

October 23rd: The Fields of Faith will be held at Heritage at 7pm.

The staff involved with FCA at TCS include Coach Townsend, Coach Robertson, Lance Duncan and Roby Ross. Coach Townsend attended the first meeting this past Friday and shared “Today was a great 1st day for FCA and I am thankful for the student leadership of Logan Moss to help keep this ministry going at TCS.

FCA Student Leaders pictured from left to right: Ryan Melton, Olivia Freeman, Camden Rodgers,  Jackson Ross, Campbell McInvale, and Logan Moss.

(Not pictured are: Anna Grace Moore and Ashton Clare)

The 2024-2025 Student Leadership team includes Ryan Melton, Camden Rodgers, Jackson Ross, Olivia Freeman, Anna Grace Moore, Ashton Clare and Campbell McInvale. 

Logan goes on to share, “FCA has been very impactful in my life these past 3 years of high school. We are more than just athletes in this world, and FCA brings a Gospel centered message that helps athletes know their identity and the stage they have to share the good news. This is what I love so much about FCA. I have been to football camps through FCA, the Fields of Faith and many other events through FCA. Never once have they failed to bring the Gospel and love of God. We hope FCA at TCS can have a school wide impact and truly impact the hearts and souls of all our athletes. “

Fellowship of Christian Athletes at TCS

Fellowship of Christian Athletes at TCS

By Samantha DePriest

Earlier this month on Wednesday, November 2nd, Trinity Christian School FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) gathered with students from high schools all over the county at the “Fields of Faith” event in Coweta. What a sight to see so many student athletes worshipping together and experiencing His presence. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

Trinity Christian School started a chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) group last school year after student athlete Landon Clare expressed an interest in leading it.  Landon shares, “FCA is 100% student led and the hope is that it is a spot where real life problems can be discussed and comforted without having to worry about judgment..”

Landon Clare is a Senior at TCS and FCA Leader.

Landon goes on to say, “We have decided as a leadership team to use the rest of the semester to draw up plans to help increase participation by working around new sports schedules. At the start of the 2nd semester in January 2023, anyone who would like to join FCA will have the opportunity to grow and learn as well as gather in fellowship.

We will lead Bible study’s in depth through the course of the year, including daily devotionals, and each leader will send out spiritual and accountability texts to check in with their small groups. This will help to make sure the students are staying in the scriptures and leaning on the foundation of Jesus.

“Fields of Faith” Coweta FCA on 11/2/22

We also will be hosting giveaways such as t-shirt give-aways and such so you might see students wearing them around the halls on Fridays, or free lunch for the first however many students attend. Also, I am trying to workout a worship day, once or twice, just to mix things up.

Not only that but outside of school and in our community, FCA organizes service opportunities and Tuesday night huddles where guest speakers and a fantastic worship team meet at a location and provides a larger outlet of our FCA team.

We partner with other schools FCA teams in the community to help spread the word. Over the summer there are camps provided for those who are truly committed to this FCA journey. No pressure as many people like to travel over the summer…including me…but it is another way to connect and plug in with FCA.”

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Vision - To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Mission - To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

Values - Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His word through Integrity, Serving, Teamwork, and Excellence.

TCS Student Leader: Landon Clare, Senior

Huddles held on Fridays @ Lunch - next meeting will be in January ‘23

For more information about FCA in Coweta: www.cowetafca.org

Sign up to receive Daily Impact Play Devotional emails: www.fca.org/quick-links/daily-impact-play

It is easy to join. It’s a show up and participate almost like our Discipleship groups. More information can be found on Instagram @TCS_FCA. Times and meeting locations will be shared there as well as over the morning announcements and on the screens around the halls.