Mason Sells

Honoring Mason Sells

HONORING Mason Sells

By Samantha DePriest

Mason Scott Sells

On Monday September 23rd, our Trinity Christian School community suffered a tremendous loss as Mason Scott Sells went to be with the Lord after experiencing cardiac arrest from getting hit in the chest with a soccer ball during an intramural soccer game on his college campus. His passing was both unexpected and tragic. We share in grief along with Mason’s parents Scott and Rachael Sells and sister Abigail, TCS Alumni/Class of 2024.

On Saturday September 28th, our school and church community joined together in lifting up and honoring the beautiful life of TCS Honor Graduate Class of 2022 Mason Scott Sells. His service was held at TCS, the very place where he spent more than twelve years learning about God, developing his own Faith, maintaining excellent grades in his academic classes, creating life long friendships, and playing soccer with his teammates. The room was filled with family, friends from the past and present, teammates, former coaches, teachers, and principals from over the years, friends from church, a charter bus full of 60+ ATO fraternity brothers, and more. In fact, many in the room considered Mason a best friend. If you knew Mason, you knew that he was a friend to all.

Mason Sells pictured in the center with his parents on Mercer Parent Weekend on September 21, 2024.

Just a day before he passed, he had spent quality time with his parents as it was Parents Weekend at Mercer University. What a gift that time together was. Mason was in his junior year and majoring in Accounting. He was on both the Dean’s List and Presidents List during his time at Mercer for his strong academic performance in the classroom. It has been said that school came easy to him which allowed him more time to invest in meaningful friendships. Mason also belonged to the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and played on the intramural soccer team. He had a job he loved, working with and for people he liked, and a girlfriend he truly adored. In his Dad’s words, “He went out on top.

His parents recalled, “As a child, Mason enjoyed all things outdoors from animals to adventures, including catching snakes and scorpions. Mason was quick witted and loved a good laugh. He was known for having the highest integrity, and was a faithful, reliable, and loyal friend. He loved life, from cliff jumping at the lake to going to concerts with friends. He was naturally fearless. Mason was also honorable and trustworthy and could be counted on.” His little sister Abigail shared, “My brothers life may have short but it was absolutely beautiful. There was no one funnier, more daring, more authentic, or more alive than my brother. He was amazing at absolutely everything he tried and he di everything with 100% effort.

Rachael, Mason, Abigail, and Scott Sells.

Image by Debbie McFarland, Cedar Hill Studio.

The Bible tells us in Psalms 23: 1-4, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Mason graduating with Honors from TCS, Class of 2022.

During the Celebration of Life service, three of Mason’s Bible teachers shared the gospel and about Mason’s strong Faith foundation. Mr. Tyson Moore was both Mason’s and Abigail’s seventh grade Bible teacher as well as Mason’s Middle School Soccer Coach all three years. He shared some of Mason’s own thoughts that he had written down after a Chapel one day back in seventh grade. “Just pray. Surrender your life to him and accept Him as your Savior. You must trust in Him and believe that He can deliver you. You can go to heaven and live with Him, if you accept Him as your eternal God. John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only and only son that whomever believes in Him shall not parish but have eternal life.’”

Mr. Ryan Tipton was Mason’s eighth grade Bible teacher and also Abigail’s eighth and twelfth grade Bible teacher. Mr. Tipton shared encouragement and prayed over the family. Lastly, Mr. Patrick Brannon, who was Mason’s twelfth grade Bible teacher. shared stories of Mason during his senior year at TCS. Fellow TCS Class of 2023 alumni and Mercer ATO fraternity brother, Nathan Jones shared, “Mason was a man of few words but he spoke truth. Mason was a true friend and such a caring young man.” Another dear friend shared that Mason was a teacher who “taught him humility, love, and being there for the people that mattered. He gave me friendship, company, and wisdom. He always encouraged us to be the best version of ourselves.

Mason played Goalie in Middle School and was celebrated by his entire team for incredible saves in penalty kicks.

Mason moved onto the field his last two years of high school ball and left big shoes to fill for anyone who wore the jersey number #17.

In Psalms 34:18, the Bible provides encouragement for those feeling grieved and sadness in the difficult days ahead, “The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Please join us as we pray for the Sells family in the difficult weeks and months ahead. Today is Mason’s 21st birthday and we know that he is celebrating in heaven. For encouragement and to learn more about Mason and his beautiful life, a recording of Mason’s Celebration of Life service is below: