TCS Marching Lions



By Samantha DePriest

Marching Band Mrs. Katie Palmer, pictured left, with members of the Marching Lions.

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Did you know that our TCS Marching Lions are now an award winning marching band? This past weekend at the Super Bowl of Sound Marching Band Competition, our Marching Lions took the field in their first-ever Marching Band competition.

Since we have just under 24 members, TCS Marching Lions falls under Class A. The band received superior ratings in multiple categories and took second place in their division as well. Performing Arts Director Mr. Tim Hurt shares, “We are proud that the 2024 Marching Lions made history for Trinity Christian School and represented their school and the Lord well. We look forward to seeing the growth in the future to come!"

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

“We were also in the silver class which is both class A and class AA bands which was a total of 5 bands.” shares Mrs. Katie Palmer, TCS Marching Band Director. “There were a total of 14 bands in the whole competition. The TCS Marching Lions received Superior ratings in Percussion, Guard, Drum Major, and overall band earning the band an overall superior rating. “ 


Class A                   up to 24 wind players Class AAA             50-74 wind players 

Class AA                25-49 wind players             Class AAAA          75-100 wind players

Class OPEN            101+

Image by TCS student Addison Davis

In class A, we received 1st place Drum Major, 1st place Percussion, and 2nd place guard. Our Marching Lions were awarded as the Grand champions for class A. They also received recognition for earning 2nd place in their division. And lastly our TCS Marching Lions won the Spirit award over all the bands which means they were selected as the fan favorite.   

Image by TCS student Addison Davis

TCS Colorguard Director Mrs. Kim Pinkerton shares, “It was such a blessing to be able to go to this competition.  When the competition we were originally entered in was cancelled last Monday, we didn't know what we were going to do.  Thankfully, the directors of the Super Bowl of Sound at Central High School in Carrollton were able to accommodate us and get us into their competition at the last minute.  Everyone there was so friendly and welcoming.  They kept thanking us for coming when we were the ones who were thankful that they could get us into the competition so quickly.  I told so many people at the competition that this was just another example of my favorite Bible verse, Romans 8:28.  ‘The Lord truly does work all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.’  What we thought was a terrible situation on Monday turned out to be a true blessing on Saturday!”

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis

Image by TCS Student Addison Davis