Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 120

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published March 13, 2022

Volume 120

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director


Check back here weekly for concert dates, performances and other Performing Arts events...

  • Mar 25 & 26 Southern Star Band Festival - Six Flags, GA

  • Apr 8-9 District Fine Arts Competition

  • Apr 21 Performing Arts Honors & Awards Night

  • Apr 23 District Band Solo & Ensemble Festival

  • May 2 Orchestra & Recorders Concert - 7pm

  • May 3 Band Concert - 7pm

  • May 4 Middle School Talent Show

  • May 4-6 Marching Lions & Varsity Drum Corps Auditions

  • May 9 Chorus Concert - First Baptist, Newnan - 7pm

  • July 25-29 Marching Lions 2022 Band Camp

  • Aug 1-5 National Fine Arts Competition - Orlando, FL


New this year, we will be having our first annual Performing Arts Awards Night on Thursday, April 21st.  Mark your calendars for this special event!  We will honor our star students in each of our groups, including Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Theatre and Marching Lions.  More info to come…


We are in full swing with our Arts Academy at TCS, and are interviewing INSTRUCTORS now who may be interested in joining us. If you teach privately, or know someone who does, and would like to partner with Trinity, please contact us for more information. We are serving our students AND our community through this Academy, and are seeing incredible talent in these musicians as they enhance their skills through private instruction. Perhaps you could be part of that journey…