Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Inside the Pride Performing Arts News - Volume 73

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening with Performing Arts

Published February 28, 2021

Volume 73

Tim Hurt - Performing Arts Director

Welcome Chris Litton - Campus Audio / Video Engineer!!!

We have a new team member in Performing Arts, Mr. Chris Litton.  We are so excited to welcome him as our Campus Audio / Video Engineer.  Chris and his family have been a part of Trinity Church and School for some time now, and his increased role will bring great expertise and passion to all of our Performing Arts events.

Chris’ wife, Emily, currently serves as our Pre School Music Director.  They also serve in Trinity Church weekly.  They have one daughter, Ellie.  Please help us welcome Chris to this new position!

An Evening of Classics Concert

Thank you for your flexibility as we reschedule our Evening of Classics concert.  We still would like to have this event, and will be sending out information on a new date and time soon.  Please be on the lookout for updates within the next week or two.

High School Musical - NEW DATES - May 6-8

Our new Production Dates for the High School Musical will be May 6-8

Ticket links to come soon - be on the lookout for those

Questions? Please e-mail