Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School
Published February 27, 2022
Volume 118
Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal
We are set to open up enrollment to new, prospective families on March 1. Be sure to encourage your friends and family that have inquired about joining the Trinity family to apply just as soon as possible! We have had so many inquiries already, and we are expecting to fill up quickly so tell them not to delay. And if you haven’t enrolled yet, but intend to, please make sure you complete the process soon! We don’t want you to miss out on a spot for next year.
Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help!
Mr. Vinson challenged our students regarding their relationship with God and whether the choices they are currently making and the company they are currently keeping reflect a desire to honor God. Using the stories of Joshua and Ai (Joshua 7) and Samson (Judges 16), Mr. Vinson encouraged our students to examine whether God’s favor is present in their life or if He is seeking to bring about correction through discipline. Pray for our students that God would help them see that their relationship with God is worthy of their attention when there is so much in this world that seeks to distract them.
Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.
4th Grade = Andie Jackson
5th Grade = Gracie Smelley
Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month.
Week of February 28
12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
Week of March 7
13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing,
Week of March 14
15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
Week of March 21
16 holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
We are excited to celebrate Read Across America the week of February 28-March 4. This will be a fun filled week in which we will celebrate reading while highlighting some of our favorite authors like Dr Seuss. We are looking forward to this fun week together!
Monday: Crazy Hat Day (Wear your favorite/crazy hat along with a regular uniform).
Tuesday: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Wear red and blue). If your child participates, they do not need to wear a regular uniform.
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (Wear mismatched/backwards clothes). If your child participates, they do not need to wear a regular uniform.
Thursday: Thing 1 and Thing 2 Day (Dress like Thing 1 and Thing 2 OR dress identical to a friend). If your child participates, they do not need to wear a regular uniform.
Friday: Crazy Sock Day (Wear your craziest socks along with a TCS spirit wear shirt and uniform bottoms or jeans).
We are kicking off the second semester with our Quarter 3 Just Read program. Don’t forget, any student who completes the requirements will receive a special reward from Mr. Vinson! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading this quarter! All forms are due by Wednesday, March 9.
We are excited to welcome our grandparents back on campus for our annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day on the morning of Thursday, March 10. This is a special day for our grandparents and special friends to spend time on campus visiting classrooms and enjoying a program by the TCS Performing Arts groups.
Don’t forget to sign up if your child and family will be participating in Grandparents and Special Friends Day on Thursday, March 10. We hope to see you there!
Use this link to indicate how many grandparents or special friends will be attending with your child so we can make sure we have adequate space available.
There will be no arrival/dismissal line for the day. Students should be walked to their classrooms and dropped off beginning 30 minutes before your scheduled start time.
A Schedule (student last names A-L) will be 8:00 – 9:45am
B Schedule (student last names M-Z) will be 10:30 – 12:15pm
Don’t forget we will be taking our 4th and 5th graders to Six Flags for their special Science Days! Additional information has been emailed to you by Mrs. McBurnett. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to her at
April 22 = 4th grade trip
April 29 = 5th grade trip
If you are interested in your child being placed in advanced/honors classes for next year, please review the criteria we will be using to evaluate our student placement for next year.
To help provide our teachers with additional instructional time and our students more exposure to their grade level content, we are moving our standardized testing week to May 2-6. More specific information will be provided soon. We are exploring the option of being able to complete our testing online as well.
Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special.
Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (, if you would like to schedule a day.
Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together.
Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.
The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:
Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to
Any questions or issues? Email
*PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (
If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments.
WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class.
NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.
Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey ( who oversees all of our elementary clubs.
Follow our House Competition all year long!
Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year.
4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.
5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (
Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade.
Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (
Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties.
Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (
Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have.
Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (
Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program.
Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (
Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.