Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School
Published May 12, 2024
Volume 220
Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal
There are lots of upcoming events and important dates so keep checking the newsletter for updates each week. Be sure to check out the communication about optional half-day dismissals and our early release on Friday during the last week of school.
This week, our students will be participating in our end-of-year Progress Learning testing. Our Progress Learning tests help to measure student growth over the course of this school year in relation to the standards taught in the classroom.
Here are a few suggestions for maximizing your child’s performance this week.
REST - make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before the testing.
RELAX - encourage your child to do their very best without stressing.
In addition, PRIORITIZE ATTENDANCE for these days. Students are required to make up any missed Progress Learning testing, so to avoid being pulled or staying after school, please prioritize your child being present and punctual each day.
*NOTE: Middle school students are required to come to school with a CHARGED CHROMEBOOK each day of testing.
Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help!
May 13-15 = Progress Learning End of Year Testing
May 23 = 4th Grade Field Day and Class Party
May 23 = 5th Grade Walk and Class Party
May 24 = Bible Extra Credit Assessment
Last week, our Upper Elementary students were able to participate in a special Market Day provided by our middle school Business Finance/Entrepreneurship class.
Students who have been recognized by their teachers for setting a good example and making right choices during the school day.
* Returning next week!
As you may notice, our 4th-8th graders memorize the same verses each year. These memory verses are selected intentionally based on the promises and truths they contain that are so relevant for our students as they learn to follow Goodness. Our hope is that these 20 verses will be remembered for years to come after being memorized for multiple years in Upper Elementary and Middle School.
I Thessalonians 5:23-24
v. 23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
v. 24 He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.
As we look towards the end of the semester and the 23-24 school year, we wanted to let you know that we will be offering an adjusted schedule to accommodate end of year testing, parties and special events. Please see our plan for the final 3 days of the school year below for Lower School, Upper Elementary and Middle School.
Wednesday, May 22 and Thursday, May 23 - Optional Half Day Release
All mandatory school work will be completed by 11:30am, and an optional half day dismissal will be provided. We will conduct a normal dismissal line beginning at 11:30am with a plan to conclude the dismissal line by 12:15pm. Students who need to be picked up between 12:15-2:50pm can be checked out at the front office. At 2:50pm we will run a second dismissal, pending the amount of students who remained on campus past 12:15pm. We will update you about our afternoon dismissal process during the 2:50-3:30 time slot on these days as we get closer.
If you anticipate your child needing to stay at school past 12:15pm, please complete the forms below so we can plan accordingly. Supervision will be provided up until 3:30pm by teachers. Students still on campus at 3:30pm will be transitioned to Agape After Care or Middle School Extended Day (normal rates will apply)
Wednesday Form (DUE BY MAY 15)- students needing to remain at school after 12:15pm
Thursday Form - (DUE BY MAY 15) students needing to remain at school after 12:15pm
Note: Due to the optional half-day release, Sage Dining will be serving our students breakfast between 8-10am (pending your child’s grade level schedule). Students needing to stay past 12:15pm will need to bring a sack lunch as there will be no lunch option provided by Sage.
EARLY LEARNING AT GO CHURCH INFORMATION: The Early Learning students at our Go Church campus will dismiss from 11:30 to 12:00pm. Due to the half day dismissal, we will not offer the Junior Lions dismissal option. Early Learning students will be transported to the main campus for the Agape program at 2:10pm.
Friday, May 24 - Half Day Dismissal
We will dismiss for Summer Break at 11:30am. All students should be picked up between 11:30am-12:15pm. There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL option available on this day.
Note: Due to the early dismissal, Sage Dining will be serving our students breakfast between 8-10am (pending your child’s grade level schedule).
EARLY LEARNING AT GO CHURCH INFORMATION: Transportation will NOT be provided to the main campus for Early Learning students.
Hey fifth grade families! We are officially in the final stretch of elementary school! As a way to close out the school year, fifth grade students and teachers will be counting down the last 26 days, beginning on Tuesday, April 23rd, by moving through the alphabet with letter coordinated dress up days/activities for your student(s). Check out the weekly newsletter on Blackbaud for access to the “ABC Countdown”. We can’t wait for you to join us in the fun as we count down until middle school!
Be sure to check out all the details about our end of year events on our family landing page.
Blackbaud is going to be your main source of information this year. Once you login, you will see a drop down arrow in the top left corner to choose which student’s information to look at. When you click on your 4th or 5th grade student, you will see summary information, and then when you scroll down, you will see each of your student’s classes. Each class is clickable. Please click on your student’s homeroom class to see the weekly newsletter for 4th or 5th grade. Once you are in your student’s homeroom class, it will open up the Bulletin Board. Here is where you will find the clickable link for the newsletter that will be added each week. Any important information for the week will be found here.
To find information on each specific class, you will go back to the main page for your student and click on each individual class. Again, when you click on the desired class, it will open to that class’ Bulletin Board. Here you will find helpful information such as what to do should your student be absent. For information regarding lesson plans that will include the plans for the week, homework assignments, and any upcoming tests, quizzes, or projects, you will need to click on the “Topics” tab.
To recap:
Weekly newsletter is found on your student’s homeroom Bulletin Board.
Lesson plans, assignments, etc…are found in the specific classes Topic tab.
Check out who is leading the competition at
23/24 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Stay in the know about upcoming breaks and holidays.
DRESS CODE OVERVIEW - Check out this year’s guidelines
PRE-ABSENCE FORM - Submit pre-planned absences 5 days ahead of time for approval.
Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special.
Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (, if you would like to schedule a day.
Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class.
Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.
The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for 4th - 8th grade:
Send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to
Send PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) to Kasey Hanson ( via your child’s homeroom teacher.
If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. Please also notify the nursing team to make them aware of surgeries or long-term illnesses at
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-5 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length through our Return to Academics program.
WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 5+ DAYS? - Reach out to Kasey Hanson (Return to Academics Coordinator) so we can best determine a makeup plan for your child. Mrs. Hanson will help collect makeup work for you to simplify the process.
NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.
(pictured l to r) Mrs. McBurnett, Mrs. Lanier, Mr. Higgins, and Mrs. Hanson
Check out our list of administrative faculty below who can help support you with all of your needs throughout this year.
4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.
5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (
Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade.
Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (
Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties.
Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (
Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with discipline issues.
Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (
Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.