Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School
Published May 3, 2020
Volume 40
Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal
Week of May 4 - Assignments that need to be turned in this week will all be communicated to you on Friday, May 1 and will not be due until Friday, May 8. This will provide a weekend and an entire week to complete required assignments.
Week of May 11 - There will be no new work collected this week beyond a math assessment that all students will take on Thursday, May 14.
Month of May Events
Below you will find important events coming up for the month of May!
Week of May 4th-May 8th - 5th grade parents are encouraged to drop off items that will be included in a special Time Capsule to commemorate our 5th graders entry into MS. Specific instructions will be emailed to you. Note: The 5th Grade Walk is being planned as part of our first day of school activities for the 20/21 school year.
Thursday, May 14th - Math Exam/Final Assessment
Friday, May 15 - Virtual Field Day
Monday, May 18 - READING DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Stone, we will also have classroom awards given at 9:30am with your child’s homeroom teacher. In addition, our UES Awards program will be at 7pm (virtual link to be provided)
Tuesday, May 19 - ART DAY - special activities planned by Mrs. Hackworth
Wednesday, May 20 - STEAM Day - special activities planned by Mr. Prewitt
Thursday, May 21 - UES Stuff Pickup Day (9-10am and 5-6pm) - We will follow a similar procedure for how we did packet pickups. All of your child’s personal items from the classroom will be bagged upon your arrival.