Upper Elementary News

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 115

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published January 30, 2022

Volume 115


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Re-enrollment for the 22/23 school year is here! We are excited about the plans being made for next year and would welcome the opportunity to serve your family once again. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you might have concerning next school year. We anticipate a lot of interest from new, incoming families so if there is any way I can serve you as you make final decisions about re-enrollment, please let me know.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Tipton (8th grade Bible teacher) spoke from Ephesians 2:1-7, reminding our students of God’s rich mercy that is seen so clearly in the gospel message that saves.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Madelyn Zarlenga

  • 5th Grade = Jayden Contreras


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Week of January 31

1 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God;believe also in me. 

2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

Week of February 7

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that

where I am you may be also. 

4 And you know the way to where I am going.”

Week of February 21

5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


To help provide our teachers with additional instructional time and our students more exposure to their grade level content, we are moving our standardized testing week to May 2-6. More specific information will be provided soon. We are exploring the option of being able to complete our testing online as well.


School is back in full swing after Christmas break!  Take a look at what’s been happening in some of our upper elementary classrooms in January:

4th grade science began the quarter learning all about the water cycle, then ended the month jumping into waves with a cool sound lab!

5th grade science began their unit on plant and animal cells, and it has been nothing short of exciting! They took a trip to Cell-Bucks, learned all about the parts of a microscope and how to use one to identify the parts of a cell, and made models of cells out of candy. YUM!

5th grade math has been working on their dance moves and decimals all at the same time!


We are kicking off the second semester with our Quarter 3 Just Read program. Don’t forget, any student who completes the requirements will receive a special reward from Mr. Vinson! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading this quarter! All forms are due by Wednesday, March 9

Just Read Quarter 3 Form


With Winter Break just ahead, TCS is eagerly anticipating our annual Elementary Talent Show! It’s such a special time to showcase the wide variety of God-given gifts represented in our student body. We will hold our Elementary Talent Show on Thursday, February 10th at 6:00 pm in the Student Center located in the Early Learning building. Please fill out the google form below with your student’s talent selection and include any required information. All selections and ***tracks MUST be submitted by Tuesday, February 1st. Participants will present their selection before our Fine Arts team on February 8th from 3:30-4:30. This will be a dress rehearsal, so be sure they are performance ready. They don't need to have their performance attire, but everything else will be exactly as it will be on Thursday, the 10th. Please reach out to Cathy Settle or Emily Litton with any questions!


***Tracks need to be sent to emily.litton@tcslions.org


From Mrs. Litton…

We will be starting up Drama Club on February 9th and this session will be for 3th-5th grades! We will meet afterschool from 3:30-5:00 and have 35 spots for this session. Info is going out in this week's Inside the Pride

Registration: https://forms.gle/jAr6c6wJfyZhhRmJ6


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 114

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published January 23, 2022

Volume 114


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




We hope that your family has rested well over the extended weekend and that those who have been out sick are making a quick recovery and starting to feel better already. We are looking forward to seeing our students back this week! Please keep praying for our teachers who are working so hard to serve your students well. I’m so impressed with their resolve to love your students and to serve each of them faithfully. We are blessed with a great team!


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Coach Settle spoke from II Cor. 5:20 regarding our role as ambassadors for Christ. The gospel not only changes us, but also empowers us to help represent our Savior so that others can be changed too!


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Brianna Brown

  • 5th Grade = Trevor Brown


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Week of January 10:

1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!

2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart,

3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

Week of January 17:

4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently.

5 Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!

Week of January 24:

6 Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.

7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules.


DON’T FORGET: On Tuesday, January 25 we will be celebrating our 100th day of school this year! Upper elementary students are encouraged to wear neon/bright clothing to join in the celebration. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. McBurnett about dress code specifics.


DON’T FORGET: On Wednesday, January 26 we will be celebrating our 101th day of school in “dalmatian style”. Upper elementary students may dress in black and white dots like a dalmatian to celebrate the special day. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. McBurnett about dress code specifics.


We are kicking off the second semester with our Quarter 3 Just Read program. Don’t forget, any student who completes the requirements will receive a special reward from Mr. Vinson! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading this quarter! All forms are due by Wednesday, March 9. 

Just Read Quarter 3 Form


With Winter Break just ahead, TCS is eagerly anticipating our annual Elementary Talent Show! It’s such a special time to showcase the wide variety of God-given gifts represented in our student body. We will hold our Elementary Talent Show on Thursday, February 10th at 6:00 pm in the Student Center located in the Early Learning building. Please fill out the google form below with your student’s talent selection and include any required information. All selections and ***tracks MUST be submitted by Tuesday, February 1st. Participants will present their selection before our Fine Arts team on February 8th from 3:30-4:30. This will be a dress rehearsal, so be sure they are performance ready. They don't need to have their performance attire, but everything else will be exactly as it will be on Thursday, the 10th. Please reach out to Cathy Settle or Emily Litton with any questions!


***Tracks need to be sent to emily.litton@tcslions.org


From Mrs. Litton…

We will be starting up Drama Club on February 9th and this session will be for 3th-5th grades! We will meet afterschool from 3:30-5:00 and have 35 spots for this session. Info is going out in this week's Inside the Pride

Registration: https://forms.gle/jAr6c6wJfyZhhRmJ6


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 113

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published January 16, 2022

Volume 113


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Re-enrollment season will be here soon, and we are getting excited about the upcoming 22/23 school year! We are anticipating another record year for enrollment so please begin now thinking through your plans for next school year. We would love to have your child joining us once again and look forward to a continued partnership with your family. If you have any questions as you think through decisions for next year, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Vinson spoke to our students on the topic of why we should want to follow God. Rather than simply serving God out of duty, the Bible calls us to serve with delight. Using Exodus 34:6-7 and Psalm 111, Mr. Vinson showed our students that based on the character of God (Exodus) and the actions of God (Psalm 111) we have all the reasons in the world to follow Him faithfully.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Ridley Benz

  • 5th Grade = Joy Stanfield


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Week of January 10:

1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!

2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart,

3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

Week of January 17:

4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently.

5 Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!

Week of January 24:

6 Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.

7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules.


We are kicking off the second semester with our Quarter 3 Just Read program. Don’t forget, any student who completes the requirements will receive a special reward from Mr. Vinson! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading this quarter! All forms are due by Wednesday, March 9. 

Just Read Quarter 3 Form


Don’t forget to utilize Blackbaud weekly for gaining access to your child’s grades while also staying up to date regarding assessments, assignments, and homework! If you have any questions regarding how to access important classroom information for your child, please email Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org).


The following students were nominated by the teachers for their exceptional performance in the classroom over the past nine weeks. 

  • 4th Grade

    • ELA with Mrs. Stanfield = Judah Smith

    • Math with Mrs. Long = Andie Jackson

    • History and Science with Mrs. Goss = Tyler Sickel

    • Reading with Mrs. Stephenson = Makaylie Richards

  • 5th Grade

    • Reading with Mrs. Burnett = Mackenzie Clark, Emma Fabean (Advanced)

    • ELA with Mrs. Peters = Maya Thomas

    • History and Science with Miss Dale = Addison Klingler

    • Math with Miss Roberts = Helena Willis, Badge Adams (Advanced)


With Winter Break just ahead, TCS is eagerly anticipating our annual Elementary Talent Show! It’s such a special time to showcase the wide variety of God-given gifts represented in our student body. We will hold our Elementary Talent Show on Thursday, February 10th at 6:00 pm in the Student Center located in the Early Learning building. Please fill out the google form below with your student’s talent selection and include any required information. All selections and ***tracks MUST be submitted by Tuesday, February 1st. Participants will present their selection before our Fine Arts team on February 8th from 3:30-4:30. This will be a dress rehearsal, so be sure they are performance ready. They don't need to have their performance attire, but everything else will be exactly as it will be on Thursday, the 10th. Please reach out to Cathy Settle or Emily Litton with any questions!


***Tracks need to be sent to emily.litton@tcslions.org


From Mrs. Litton…

We will be starting up Drama Club on February 9th and this session will be for 3th-5th grades! We will meet afterschool from 3:30-5:00 and have 35 spots for this session. Info is going out in this week's Inside the Pride

Registration: https://forms.gle/jAr6c6wJfyZhhRmJ6


In observance of Martin Luther King Day, there will be no school on Monday, January 17.


On January 25 we will be celebrating our 100th day of school this year! Upper elementary students are encouraged to wear neon/bright clothing to join in the celebration. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. McBurnett about dress code specifics. 


On January 26 we will be celebrating our 101th day of school in “dalmatian style”. Upper elementary students may dress in black and white dots like a dalmatian to celebrate the special day. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. McBurnett about dress code specifics.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 112

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published January 9, 2022

Volume 112


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




We had an awesome week back and a great start to the new semester! Thank you once again for entrusting your children to our care as we head into 2022. It is such a privilege to serve each of your families, and we cannot thank you enough for the investment you continue to make here at TCS. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is anything I can do to serve you better during Quarter 3. And welcome to all of our new families that have joined the TCS family in January. We are excited to have you especially!


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Vinson spoke to our students on the topic of sin and our tendencies to respond in various ways when confronted with sin. Whether we blame others for our mistakes, try to cover up our faults, or simply lie about our involvement, we often fail to take responsibility like we should. Looking at the stories of Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel, we saw further why we all seem to respond in similar ways due to our sin nature. Mr. Vinson encouraged our students that rather than seeking to cover up their sin, they need to run to Jesus who can rightly cover their sin with his blood. See Psalm 32:1-5.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • Returning this week!


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Week of January 10:

1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!

2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart,

3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

Week of January 17:

4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently.

5 Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!

Week of January 24:

6 Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.

7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules.


We are kicking off the second semester with our Quarter 3 Just Read program. Don’t forget, any student who completes the requirements will receive a special reward from Mr. Vinson! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading this quarter! All forms are due by Wednesday, March 9. 

Just Read Quarter 3 Form


Don’t forget to utilize Blackbaud weekly for gaining access to your child’s grades while also staying up to date regarding assessments, assignments, and homework! If you have any questions regarding how to access important classroom information for your child, please email Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org).


All report cards will be viewable on Blackbaud at the end of the day on Monday, January 10. Please email Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org) if you have any issues viewing your child’s grades.


In observance of Martin Luther King Day, there will be no school on Monday, January 17.


On January 25 we will be celebrating our 100th day of school this year! Upper elementary students are encouraged to wear neon/bright clothing to join in the celebration. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. McBurnett about dress code specifics. 


On January 26 we will be celebrating our 101th day of school in “dalmatian style”. Upper elementary students may dress in black and white dots like a dalmatian to celebrate the special day. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. McBurnett about dress code specifics.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 111

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published January 2, 2022

Volume 111


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas Break and enjoyed celebrating and anticipating the coming of Christ with friends and family. As we step into 2022, may the LORD continue to bless and sustain your family. We are so excited about our second semester and cannot wait to see all that God has planned for our student body. In Isaiah 46:3-4, Yahweh reminds Israel of why He is better than idols (and the things of this world). While idols offer temporary comfort, ultimately we have to carry idols with us wherever we go. But God is the carrier of us! From our time in the womb until our old age, God never ceases to carry us through. May He carry each of us well into 2022!


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Pastor JC Worley from GO Church reminded our students of the biblical application of the Nee House tagline “Do what is right even when it is costly '' by teaching from the story of the Prodigal Son. As Christians, it will almost always cost us something to do what is right, especially if others around us aren’t committed to doing right as well. Pastor JC encouraged our student body with the truth that doing the right thing is always the best thing even when it might feel like the worst thing.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • Returning this week!


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Week of January 10:

1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!

2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart,

3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

Week of January 17:

4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently.

5 Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!

Week of January 24:

6 Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.

7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules.


We are kicking off the second semester with our Quarter 3 Just Read program. Don’t forget, any student who completes the requirements will receive a special reward from Mr. Vinson! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading this quarter! All forms are due by Wednesday, March 9. 

Just Read Quarter 3 Form


Don’t forget to utilize Blackbaud weekly for gaining access to your child’s grades while also staying up to date regarding assessments, assignments, and homework! If you have any questions regarding how to access important classroom information for your child, please email Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org).


All report cards will be viewable on Blackbaud at the end of the day on Monday, January 10. Please email Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org) if you have any issues viewing your child’s grades.


In observance of Martin Luther King Day, there will be no school on Monday, January 17.


With the holiday season came lots of fun and excitement!  Here is a glimpse into what our upper elementary classrooms were up to during November and December:

4th grade ELA learned that expository writing can be delicious with an engaging s’mores writing activity!

4th grade reading did an amazing job presenting their biography book reports.

5th grade history has been busy learning all about inventors and inventions! They participated in their own candy-car assembly line. Henry Ford would be proud!

All of our students participated in collecting and packaging boxes for Operation Christmas Child. What a blessing this was to see!


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 110

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published December 12, 2021

Volume 110


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Only 1 week left until Christmas Break! This week will be different with half day dismissals, Christmas activities, Movie Day (Wednesday) and grade level parties. Be sure to check out the information this week listed below to ensure you have all the details you need for each day.


Pastor JC Worley from GO Church reminded our students of the biblical application of the Nee House tagline “Do what is right even when it is costly '' by teaching from the story of the Prodigal Son. As Christians, it will almost always cost us something to do what is right, especially if others around us aren’t committed to doing right as well. Pastor JC encouraged our student body with the truth that doing the right thing is always the best thing even when it might feel like the worst thing.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Madi Gumm

  • 5th Grade = Colton Askew


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month.


Don’t forget on Tuesday, Dec 14 we are offering a replacement quiz over I John 4:11-12 (ESV) for any student desiring to replace a low grade this quarter.


All JUST READ Forms are due by December 16. Mr. Vinson will plan to reward those who participated as soon as we return from Christmas Break! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading for this special reward. 

Just Read Quarter 2 Form


A big thank you to everyone who has helped contribute so far to our 8th grade Disney Trip. We had a great response with our dress down days and Holly Jolly Trolly purchases!


Don’t forget about our upcoming Upper Elementary performances to celebrate the Christmas season!

  • 4th Grade

    • Recorders and Strings = December 13 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)

  • 5th Grade

    • Chorus = December 6 at First Baptist Newnan (7pm)

    • Strings = December 13 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)

    • Band = December 14 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)


MONDAY, DEC 13 - Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

  • Dress Down Option: Candy Cane Day (wear red and white)


    • Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11am

    • Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30am

    • Any students not picked up by 12 noon will be sent to Agape After School (no charge up to 3:30pm)

TUESDAY, DEC 14 - Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

  • Dress Down Option: Christmas Sweater and Socks Day (regular or ugly)



    • Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11am

    • Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30am

    • Any students not picked up by 12 noon will be sent to Agape After School (no charge up to 3:30pm)

WEDNESDAY, Dec 15 - Movie at NCG Theatre (The Grinch 2018 version)

  • Dress Down Option: Cozy Christmas Day (Pajamas)

  • Note: We will meet at NCG theatre beginning at 8:30am (9:00am showing)

    • Option 1: You may bring your child to NCG and attend the movie as well.

    • Option 2: You may drop your child off at NCG between 8:30-9:00am.  

    • Option 3: You may drop your child off at TCS prior to 8:30am and we will transport him/her over to NCG. 

  • Students may be picked up at NCG beginning at 11:00am. You will park and come into NCG to retrieve your child. If you are attending the movie, you will simply be dismissed with your child. 

THURSDAY, Dec 16 - Bible, Teacher-led activities in the classrooms, grade level parties

  • Dress Down Option: Holiday Cheer Day (Red and Green)


    • Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11am

    • Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30am

    • Any students not picked up by 12 noon will be sent to Agape After School (no charge up to 3:30pm)


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 109

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published December 5, 2021

Volume 109


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




With the Christmas season comes excitement as we celebrate the past coming of our King while also longing for His future, imminent return one day. While joy is a normal expression and emotion during this season, for many, there is heartache over the loss and remembrance of loved ones who have gone on before us. Revelation 21:1-6 reminds us that one day our joy will be permanent and every tear will be wiped away as a result of our King returning and righting all the wrongs around us. But in the meantime, those tears are very real and present in the immediate context of today. Do the Scriptures speak to how God handles our tears now while we await the day for them to be no more? I Peter 5:9 offers encouragement that we are not alone in our sufferings. While the simple knowledge that others are going through what we are dealing with might offer some support, the bigger impact is that others who have experienced what we are experiencing are gifts from God to help sustain us as we grieve. God grants us Christian fellowship, men and women who can help wipe away the tears temporarily with their sympathetic presence of knowing exactly what we are feeling. The grief and sorrow is still very real for now, but I Peter 5:10 assures us there is coming a day when our broken hearts will be fully restored, confirmed, strengthened and established forever. May He comfort the brokenhearted during this season and may we all experience the joy that comes from knowing...HE RULES THE WORLD WITH TRUTH AND GRACE!


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Vinson presented the gospel with a Christmas theme as he spoke on the ways God functions differently than Santa Claus in how He treats us. Rather than rewarding us for good behavior, God responds to our sinfulness and provides the greatest gift of all, while we were yet sinners! (Rom. 5:8) In spite of our efforts to be good, we still fall so short of His standards of holiness. And unlike the Grinch character, we are incapable of doing good things to make up for our mistakes. Thanks be to God though who sent His only Son to be perfect on our behalf! Praise be to God for the reason we celebrate Christmas...the coming of His Son to save!


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Tenley Callen

  • 5th Grade = Badge Adams


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

9) In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10) In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.


All JUST READ Forms are due by December 16. Mr. Vinson will plan to reward those who participated as soon as we return from Christmas Break! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading for this special reward. 

Just Read Quarter 2 Form


Don’t forget you have an opportunity to bless our faculty and staff this Christmas season through the Christmas Blessing Fund. 

  • Contribute Online: The following link will take you to a secure portal where electronic contributions can be made through December 15th. Donate Online 

  • Contribute in person: Drop off cash or check in an envelope labeled Christmas Fund in any of the wrapped gift bins in the main office and High School office. Please make checks out to “Trinity Christian School” with “Christmas Blessing Fund” in the memo line.

  • The deadline to contribute to the Christmas Fund is Friday, December 15th.


Our 8th grade class will be taking their annual trip to Disney World in April, and we need your help! Please review the opportunity below for how you can help our students raise funds for this upcoming experience. 

December Dress Down Days

Dress down days continue this week (Monday-Thursday) as students may purchase the right to wear jeans or sweatpants/athletic pants with a TCS spirit wear top for $2. Students will need to bring cash to their 1st period teacher.


Don’t forget about our upcoming Upper Elementary performances to celebrate the Christmas season!

  • 4th Grade

    • Recorders and Strings = December 13 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)

  • 5th Grade

    • Chorus = December 6 at First Baptist Newnan (7pm)

    • Strings = December 13 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)

    • Band = December 14 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)


It won’t be long after we return from Thanksgiving Break that our half-day week leading into Christmas Break will be here. We are excited to celebrate the holiday season with all of our students. Please review the specific information below regarding activities and the half-day dismissal schedule for the week. 

  • Monday-Thursday (School with half-day dismissal)

NOTE: Please arrive at the appropriate time, and do not arrive earlier to avoid traffic issues.

  • Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11am

  • Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30am

*For students who are unable to be picked up at the half day dismissal time on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, we will provide free supervision until 3:30pm. Normal After School rates will apply after 3:30pm. 

Monday, Dec 13 -  Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

Tuesday, Dec 14 - Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

Wednesday, Dec 15 - Movie at NCG Theatre (The Grinch 2018 version)

  • Note: We will meet at NCG theatre beginning at 8:30am (9:00am showing)

    • Option 1: You may bring your child to NCG and attend the movie as well.

    • Option 2: You may drop your child off at NCG between 8:30-9:00am.  

    • Option 3: You may drop your child off at TCS prior to 8:30am and we will transport him/her over to NCG. 

  • Students may be picked up at NCG beginning at 11:00am. You will park and come into NCG to retrieve your child. If you are attending the movie, you will simply be dismissed with your child. 

Thursday, Dec 16 - Bible, Teacher-led activities in the classrooms, Class Parties

Christmas Spirit Week, December 13th-16th

To celebrate Christmas and have some fun, I invite your child to participate in our Christmas Spirit week December 13th-16th. If your child chooses not to participate, please send them in regular uniform attire. 

  • Monday, December 13: Candy Cane Day (wear red and white)

  • Tuesday, December 14: Christmas Sweater and Socks Day (regular or ugly)

  • Wednesday, December 15: Cozy Christmas Day (Pajamas)

  • Thursday, December 16: Holiday Cheer Day (Red and Green)


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 108

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published November 28, 2021

Volume 108


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




I hope each of you had a wonderful week with family and friends while giving thanks to our King for all of His goodness to us this year! We are excited about the upcoming three weeks as we finish Q2. Be sure to encourage your child to come back ready to do their very best on all of their school work as we look towards upcoming Report Cards. Be sure to check out reminders about our final week before Christmas Break as well.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Returning soon


Returning soon


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

9) In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10) In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.


Be sure to use the Thanksgiving Break to encourage your child to JUST READ. We are coming up quickly on the end of the quarter which means Mr. Vinson’s reward for those who participated will be coming soon! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading for a special reward. 

Just Read Quarter 2 Form


A big thank you to all who participated in our shoebox campaign! We collected over 390 total shoeboxes. Congratulations to the LEWIS HOUSE for collecting the most boxes overall!


Our 8th grade class will be taking their annual trip to Disney World in April, and we need your help! Please review the opportunities below for how you can help our students raise funds for this upcoming experience. 

December Dress Down Days

  • Beginning on Monday, November 29, students may purchase the right to wear jeans or sweatpants/athletic pants with a TCS spirit wear top for $2. This option will be available every day during the first two weeks we are back from Thanksgiving. Students will need to bring cash to their homeroom teacher. 

Holly Jolly Trolly

  • Back by popular demand, our Christmas snack cart will be available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays when we return from Thanksgiving Break. Your child will have the option to purchase special Christmas snacks and treats! Most items will be $1 with a few specialty items being $2. 

Winter Spirit Wear Store

  • We are offering several unique items for you to purchase to show your school spirit. Options include sweatpants, pajama pants, Columbia fishing-style shirts and more! Not all of these options come in sizes for your 4th or 5th grader, but feel free to order something for yourself as well. 


  • Spirit Store Link #1 (Includes sweatpants, pj pants, Columbia items, etc.) https://forms.gle/kZXmwpWvznnvUg7u6 

  • Spirit Store Link #2 (Includes personalized hoodies, jackets and bags) https://stores.inksoft.com/WS6320


Don’t forget about our upcoming Upper Elementary performances to celebrate the Christmas season!

  • 4th Grade

    • Recorders and Strings = December 13 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)

  • 5th Grade

    • Chorus = December 6 at First Baptist Newnan (7pm)

    • Strings = December 13 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)

    • Band = December 14 at TCS/HS Auditorium (7pm)


It won’t be long after we return from Thanksgiving Break that our half-day week leading into Christmas Break will be here. We are excited to celebrate the holiday season with all of our students. Please review the specific information below regarding activities and the half-day dismissal schedule for the week. 

  • Monday-Thursday (School with half-day dismissal)

NOTE: Please arrive at the appropriate time, and do not arrive earlier to avoid traffic issues.

  • Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11am

  • Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30am

*For students who are unable to be picked up at the half day dismissal time on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, we will provide free supervision until 3:30pm. Normal After School rates will apply after 3:30pm. 

Monday, Dec 13 -  Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

Tuesday, Dec 14 - Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

Wednesday, Dec 15 - Movie at NCG Theatre (The Grinch 2018 version)

  • Note: We will meet at NCG theatre beginning at 8:30am (9:00am showing)

    • Option 1: You may bring your child to NCG and attend the movie as well.

    • Option 2: You may drop your child off at NCG between 8:30-9:00am.  

    • Option 3: You may drop your child off at TCS prior to 8:30am and we will transport him/her over to NCG. 

  • Students may be picked up at NCG beginning at 11:00am. You will park and come into NCG to retrieve your child. If you are attending the movie, you will simply be dismissed with your child. 

Thursday, Dec 16 - Bible, Teacher-led activities in the classrooms, Class Parties

Christmas Spirit Week, December 13th-16th

To celebrate Christmas and have some fun, I invite your child to participate in our Christmas Spirit week December 13th-16th. If your child chooses not to participate, please send them in regular uniform attire. 

  • Monday, December 13: Candy Cane Day (wear red and white)

  • Tuesday, December 14: Christmas Sweater Day (regular or ugly) and Christmas Socks

  • Wednesday, December 15: Cozy Christmas Day (Pajamas)

  • Thursday, December 16: Holiday Cheer Day (Red and Green


We have had an awesome Quarter 2 in upper elementary. Check out some of the engaging activities our students have been involved in over the past few weeks!

Both groups were taken out to the ballgame to see the Stripers play! Afterward, Mrs. Stanfield’s English class wrote and delivered thank-you letters to Mr. Vinson.

Mrs. Goss’ science class learned all about the solar system. They presented their finished projects to the class and did a fantastic job!

Miss Dale’s science class was also busy! They investigated plants and even performed a little “surgery” on them to explore their parts.

5th grade classes were shining brightly at the end of the month! Glow Day was a full-day, immersive experience in all of their core classes.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 107

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published November 21, 2021

Volume 107


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! While this will undoubtedly be a busy week with family gatherings and holiday celebrations, let me encourage you to find time to rest over the course of this week too! Enjoy the fruits of your labor, and be sure to offer thanksgiving to the One who is the source of every good gift. (James 1:17)


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Higgins (Director of Student Development) spoke from I Thess. 5:17-18 and reminded our students that, as believers, we have a responsibility to give thanks to God in all things. Oftentimes the “will of God” seems veiled to us, but this passage helps us to see that God’s will is for us to trust Him in all circumstances by giving thanks for all that He has done for us. What a great reminder as we head into Thanksgiving Break!


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Ian Rosser

  • 5th Grade = Lane Maples


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

9) In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10) In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.


Be sure to use the Thanksgiving Break to encourage your child to JUST READ. We are coming up quickly on the end of the quarter which means Mr. Vinson’s reward for those who participated will be coming soon! Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading for a special reward. 

Just Read Quarter 2 Form


A big thank you to all who participated in our shoebox campaign! We collected over 390 total shoeboxes. Congratulations to the LEWIS HOUSE for collecting the most boxes overall!


Our 8th grade class will be taking their annual trip to Disney World in April, and we need your help! Please review the opportunities below for how you can help our students raise funds for this upcoming experience. 

December Dress Down Days

  • Beginning on Monday, November 29, students may purchase the right to wear jeans or sweatpants/athletic pants with a TCS spirit wear top for $2. This option will be available every day during the first two weeks we are back from Thanksgiving. Students will need to bring cash to their homeroom teacher. 

Holly Jolly Trolly

  • Back by popular demand, our Christmas snack cart will be available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays when we return from Thanksgiving Break. Your child will have the option to purchase special Christmas snacks and treats! Most items will be $1 with a few specialty items being $2. 


It won’t be long after we return from Thanksgiving Break that our half-day week leading into Christmas Break will be here. We are excited to celebrate the holiday season with all of our students. Please review the specific information below regarding activities and the half-day dismissal schedule for the week. 

  • Monday-Thursday (School with half-day dismissal)

NOTE: Please arrive at the appropriate time, and do not arrive earlier to avoid traffic issues.

  • Students with Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11am

  • Students without Pre-K siblings - Dismissal begins at 11:30am

*For students who are unable to be picked up at the half day dismissal time on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, we will provide free supervision until 3:30pm. Normal After School rates will apply after 3:30pm. 

Monday, Dec 13 -  Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

Tuesday, Dec 14 - Specials, Bible and Teacher-led activities in the classrooms

Wednesday, Dec 15 - Movie at NCG Theatre (The Grinch 2018 version)

  • Note: We will meet at NCG theatre beginning at 8:30am (9:00am showing)

    • Option 1: You may bring your child to NCG and attend the movie as well.

    • Option 2: You may drop your child off at NCG between 8:30-9:00am.  

    • Option 3: You may drop your child off at TCS prior to 8:30am and we will transport him/her over to NCG. 

  • Students may be picked up at NCG beginning at 11:00am. You will park and come into NCG to retrieve your child. If you are attending the movie, you will simply be dismissed with your child. 

Thursday, Dec 16 - Bible, Teacher-led activities in the classrooms, Class Parties

Christmas Spirit Week, December 13th-16th

To celebrate Christmas and have some fun, I invite your child to participate in our Christmas Spirit week December 13th-16th. If your child chooses not to participate, please send them in regular uniform attire. 

  • Monday, December 13: Candy Cane Day (wear red and white)

  • Tuesday, December 14: Christmas Sweater Day (regular or ugly) and Christmas Socks

  • Wednesday, December 15: Cozy Christmas Day (Pajamas)

  • Thursday, December 16: Holiday Cheer Day (Red and Green


We have had an awesome Quarter 2 in upper elementary. Check out some of the engaging activities our students have been involved in over the past few weeks!

Both groups were taken out to the ballgame to see the Stripers play! Afterward, Mrs. Stanfield’s English class wrote and delivered thank-you letters to Mr. Vinson.

Mrs. Goss’ science class learned all about the solar system. They presented their finished projects to the class and did a fantastic job!

Miss Dale’s science class was also busy! They investigated plants and even performed a little “surgery” on them to explore their parts.

5th grade classes were shining brightly at the end of the month! Glow Day was a full-day, immersive experience in all of their core classes.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 106

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published November 14, 2021

Volume 106


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




If you are like me, time seems to be flying by over the past several weeks. I cannot believe we are already nearing Thanksgiving Break. Where has the school year gone? Please take a moment to pause and reflect on the fact that we are now halfway through Quarter 2. This is a great time to evaluate where your child stands academically in each of their classes and initiate conversations, either with teachers or your child, about what needs to be done in the coming weeks to ensure the upcoming report card grade is satisfactory for the standards you set at home. Our teachers are more than willing to provide insight and guidance on how your child is doing in the classroom and how you can best support them at home regarding their academics. Please take the time to email our teachers if you have any questions or concerns after reviewing your child’s grades.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Lassiter (our 7th Grade History Teacher) reminded our students of their unique giftings as believers (spiritual gifts), and how they can use those gifts to serve as members of the body of Christ. Using the Habitude “Chess and Checkers”, Mr. Lassiter incorporated the leadership principle of how we ought to lead others by their strengths and personality.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Keaton Beane

  • 5th Grade = Amber Blalock


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. 4 But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.


Don’t forget to encourage your child to READ this quarter while participating in our JUST READ program. Be sure to review the form below and have your child record their reading for a special reward. 

Just Read Quarter 2 Form


Don’t forget to send your child’s shoe box in on Wednesday, November 17. House points will be awarded for all those who participate!


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 105

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published November 7, 2021

Volume 105


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




In Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul talks about the reality of spiritual warfare that we face in our world. The greatest enemies are not found in the physical but in the spiritual as Satan and his evil forces fight for the hearts and souls of mankind. The greatest weapons used against us are also not found in the physical but instead can be seen in the deceptive lies and schemes used to turn our minds from truth and our hearts from trusting in God. Each piece of armor mentioned in this chapter is so important for finding victory over these satanic attempts to lead us away from God. I certainly see this war on a daily basis as our students fight to understand who God is and what it means for Him to love us as His children. The world around us will stop at nothing in its attempt to divert our students’ attention from the things that matter most. As we enter into the month of Thanksgiving, I’m so thankful for a school like TCS where we can partner with you as parents in making war against the Enemy to ensure the spiritual development of your children. As Paul reminds us in the latter part of this chapter, prayer is an essential key in gaining ground in this war. Please know that our faculty and staff meet every morning to pray over your children. While we are certainly here to teach your children Math, English, Science, History, etc., our greatest role is found in the efforts we make to point them to Christ. We love each of your children, and we too will stop at nothing in our attempts to point them to the true King and to our true source of joy and satisfaction, not only in this life, but in the one to come as well.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Tipton (8th grade Bible teacher) spoke from John 13 and the example Jesus sets for servanthood by washing His disciples’ feet. Using the tag line from the Wycliffe House - “Find Ways to Serve Others When You See A Need” Mr. Tipton reminded our student body of the Christian responsibility we have to put others’ needs above our own. We encourage you to find ways to reinforce this mindset even at home by challenging your child to serve when needs arise.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Liam Peters

  • 5th Grade = Emmy Roth


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. 4 But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.


Reminder that we have reintroduced our reading incentive program from the Principal’s Office! Just Read is our initiative to get our students reading! For those who choose to accept the challenge, an awesome prize at the end of Quarter 2 awaits. And an even greater prize will be granted to those who meet the requirements for the entire year! Check out the details through the link below and encourage your 4th or 5th grader to READ!

Just Read Quarter 2 Form


Don’t forget that Monday, November 8 is retake day for pictures! Please make sure your child is dressed in appropriate dress code attire. Please see the information below that was previously emailed out by Lisa Railey.

Picture Retakes for all TCS students (Prek-3 through 12th grade) will be Monday, November 8!

  • If you would like for your student(s) to have their picture retaken, please complete the picture retake form to register them.  Be sure to include your student's teacher.   *Please fill out a separate form for each student.  

Picture Retake Form

  • This retake is for students whose first picture needs to be redone or if they were absent on the first picture day.  The retake picture is the one that will be used in the yearbook and the only picture available for purchase as it will replace the original picture.  

Proofs of the original picture should have been delivered directly to your email. If you have not received your child's proofs, please check your spam folder. If you do not find them there, please reach out to eric@richardsstudio.us.


Be on the lookout for information coming home this week regarding Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. This is an awesome opportunity to serve others as we enter the holiday season. House points will be given out for all those who participate!


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 104

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published October 31, 2021

Volume 104


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




We had an awesome time at our Fall Family Event last week. I was incredibly thankful to see so many of you and your families who were able to join us. I continue to remind our teachers and students what a privilege it is to be on campus together. It’s events like this that remind me how much we have to be thankful for here at TCS. The family feel at TCS is invaluable. Thank you for all you do to contribute to the community here. My family is so grateful to be a part of the TCS family!


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Vinson spoke from Ephesians 5:8-14, emphasizing the difference between being in the darkness and being in the light. Mr. Vinson showed that walking in the light means seeking to do those things that are good, right and true. It also means seeking the will of God through His Word with a desire of living it out in obedience as a means of pleasing Him. As we seek to cultivate a culture of purity more and more here at TCS, continue partnering with us in prayer that our students would comprehend God’s desire for them to separate from the darkness and live in the light.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Ellie Herdic

  • 5th Grade = Addison Klingler


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. 4 But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 103

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published October 24, 2021

Volume 103


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Fall is in the air and we are looking forward to a time of celebration this coming Thursday, October, 28 at our Family Fun Day Celebration. Be sure to join us from 5:30-8:00pm at the stadium where we will have plenty of food, games and activities for the whole family! One of my favorite things about Trinity is the unbelievable community that comes with being a part of this school. Trinity is FAMILY! We hope you will join us for a fun night together!


Our 4th and 5th grade families are encouraged to walk the hallways to receive a special treat from the teachers from 5:30-6:30pm. 

Note: Our Upper Elementary building will close at 6:30pm so that our teachers can join the fun at the stadium.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Veal (6th Grade History Teacher) reminded our students of the importance of character and the ways our character reflects the decisions we make in life from the story of Abraham and Lot in Genesis 13.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Lillie Curry

  • 5th Grade = Timothy Gaines


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.


Last call! If you haven’t completed our Q1 survey please take the time to give us feedback. 


Friday, October 29 is our annual GLOW DAY for 5th grade! Students are encouraged to wear white or neon colored shirts (dress code bottoms or jeans), wear glow necklaces/bracelets, and bring a highlighter! Here is a link to the promotional video shared with our 5th graders this year.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 102

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published October 17, 2021

Volume 102


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Welcome back for Quarter 2! We are so proud of our students and their effort in Quarter 1. You should be able to review report cards at the end of the day on Monday, October 18. Please take the time to reach out to any of your child’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns about the final results of Quarter 1. As an administrative team, we are reviewing all of our students’ performances and will be reaching out as well if we notice anything that needs to be discussed further. Overall, our students did great, and we are looking forward to seeing their continued progress over the next nine weeks.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Dr. Anthony spoke to our students from Matthew 25 regarding the separation of sheep and goats. He reminded our students that a strong indicator of a true relationship with Jesus can be found in how we treat others, particularly those who are marginalized. We are continuing to emphasize the need for our students to embrace the Golden Rule mindset of treating others as image bearers of God both in the words they say and the actions they choose.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • Returning next week


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.


We would love to get feedback from you on how we did in meeting your child’s needs and your expectations during Q1 so we can make potential improvements as we head into Q2. Please take the time to complete the short survey for your child’s grade level so we can process through the feedback with your teachers. We appreciate your thoughts on how we are doing and ask for your continued support and prayers as we strive to both love and serve your children over the next nine weeks!


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


  • Blackbaud Questions - Email Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org

  • Pre-Absence Requests - Be sure to email Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • Sick Absences - Be sure to email our nurses (nurses@tcslions.org) and our attendance office (attendance@tcslions.org) - You can also include Kasey Hanson as well (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • House Competition - Follow along all year www.tcshouses.weebly.com


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 101

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published October 10, 2021

Volume 101


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Happy Fall Break! We hope each of you has a wonderful time off with family and friends!


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


BJ Cobb, pastor at First Baptist Senoia, spoke from Galatians 5:13 and explained what it means to be free in Christ by showing how we are freed to follow Christ. He used the example of a train and discussed that while a train is bound by the tracks, it is actually able to function as designed by being bound to the tracks. As image bearers of God, we are created to worship our Creator meaning we are able to best function as we are designed when we are bound to following Christ.


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8)  and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


  • 4th Grade = Jaycie Chambers

  • 5th Grade =  Hamilton Houston


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.


We would love to get feedback from you on how we did in meeting your child’s needs and your expectations during Q1 so we can make potential improvements as we head into Q2. Please take the time to complete the short survey for your child’s grade level so we can process through the feedback with your teachers. We appreciate your thoughts on how we are doing and ask for your continued support and prayers as we strive to both love and serve your children over the next nine weeks!


Don’t forget that all remote learning work is due by October 13 when we return from Fall Break!


All report cards will be made available for parents on Monday, October 18 at the end of the day.


Congratulations to the following students for their recognition by their teachers for their outstanding performance in Quarter 1. These students are being highlighted for their hard work and overall desire to do their very best in the classroom. Great job students!

  • 4th Grade Students

    • Mrs. Stephenson (Reading) - Olivia Jones

    • Mrs. Stanfield (Language Arts) - Collins Boone

    • Mrs. Goss (History/Science) - Nathan King

    • Mrs. Long (Math) - Jaycie Chambers

  • 5th Grade Students

    • Mrs. Burnett (Reading) - Sawyer Boone

    • Mrs. Peters (Language Arts) - Hamilton Houston

    • Miss Dale (History/Science) - James Chambers

    • Ms. Roberts (Math) - Jackson Ladd


Our Fall pictures for upper elementary are scheduled for Friday, October 15. Previously, it was communicated that pictures would be taken on Thursday. Students are required to wear normal dress code attire or Friday spirit wear for these pictures as they will be used for the yearbook.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


  • Blackbaud Questions - Email Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org

  • Pre-Absence Requests - Be sure to email Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • Sick Absences - Be sure to email our nurses (nurses@tcslions.org) and our attendance office (attendance@tcslions.org) - You can also include Kasey Hanson as well (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • House Competition - Follow along all year www.tcshouses.weebly.com


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett can assist you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier can assist you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson can assist you with makeup work due to any extended absences.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett oversees our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl oversees our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton addresses any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 100

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published October 3, 2021

Volume 100


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Can you believe we have made it through Quarter 1? This school year is flying by! What a blessing though to have experienced a mostly normal first 9 weeks of school. We just completed initial field trips for all of our middle schoolers which was a big goal we had at the start of the school year. It was such a blessing to have these out-of-the-classroom experiences to kick off this school year, and we are looking forward to building off these trips with additional opportunities over the remainder of the year. Keep praying each day for God’s added protection as the weather begins to cool and as we enter into the traditional “flu season”. I know students will begin battling various illnesses in the coming weeks/months, but we also know we serve a great God who is fully capable of sustaining us with added protection and quick recoveries too. Thank you for all of the support during Quarter 1. We look forward to improving upon our service even more as we head into Quarter 2. Enjoy your upcoming Fall Break with family and friends!


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


No chapel this past week due to the field trip.


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8)  and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


Returning soon


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8) and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


Our Fall pictures for upper elementary are scheduled for Friday, October 15. Previously, it was communicated that pictures would be taken on Thursday. Students are required to wear normal dress code attire or Friday spirit wear for these pictures as they will be used for the yearbook.


September was a busy month in our science classrooms!  Check out pictures from these hands-on activities:

4th Grade learned about the phases of the moon with a tasty Oreo lab!

5th Grade did a water taste test to practice the scientific method. They also learned how to classify!


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


The following steps should be taken for reporting absences for Pre-K - 8th grade:

  • Please send excuses for absences, including doctor’s notes to attendance@tcslions.org.

  • Any questions or issues? Email attendance@tcslions.org. 

  • *PRE-ABSENCE REQUESTS (family trips, etc.) should be submitted by using the Pre-Absence Form found on Blackbaud. Forms may be printed and given to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day or emailed to Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org). 

If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.



Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson will be assisting you with makeup work related to any extended absences your child may have this year. Email Pre-Absence forms to her.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will continue to oversee our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins will continue to oversee the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl will continue to oversee our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton will continue to address any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 99

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 26, 2021

Volume 99


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



We are quickly coming to the end of Quarter 1 with only 1 ½ weeks left. Keep encouraging your child to do their best and finish strong as we look towards our first report cards of the year. This is a great opportunity to reach out to teachers and connect about any questions or issues you are experiencing. Our teachers are ready and willing to help by providing additional insight and guidance about what they are seeing in the classroom with your child. Don’t hesitate to send an email if you would like further insight into how your child is progressing.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org.


Mr. Vinson reinforced the desire we have to build a culture of purity here at TCS within our student body. Using Ephesians 5:3-6, Mr. Vinson spoke specifically on the purity God desires when it comes not only to actions but our speech as well. Too often we are tempted to use excuses like “I was only joking” or “I was just trying to be funny” to justify our missteps. The Bible is clear about the proper and improper ways for our humor to be expressed. Our hope is to create an expectation here at TCS that our middle schoolers uphold a standard of purity when it comes to their conversations at the lunch table, in the hallways, in the locker rooms, etc.


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8)  and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Ridley Benz

  • 5th Grade = Mackenzie Clark


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”


We are looking forward to a fun time on Wednesday with our 4th and 5th grade students! If you are signed up to chaperone as a parent, be on the lookout for an email this week about specific instructions for joining us. 

***Dress Code***

We are encouraging students to wear jeans or TCS uniform bottoms with TCS spirit wear. 

  • WHEN: Wednesday, September 29

  • WHERE: Gwinnett Stripers Baseball Game (Education Day)

  • COST: $10 (covers transportation, hot dog lunch, and game ticket)

  • DROP-OFF: Please drop off your child at the normal time at TCS. 

  • PICK UP: Students will be picked up from the NCG Parking Lot around 3:30 pm 

NOTE: You are welcome to send your child with additional money for purchasing concession items or souvenirs.


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8) and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


Our Fall pictures for upper elementary are scheduled for Thursday, October 14. Students are required to wear normal dress code attire for these pictures as they will be used for the yearbook.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


  • Pre-Absence Requests - Be sure to email Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • Sick Absences - Be sure to email our nurses (nurses@tcslions.org) and our attendance office (attendance@tcslions.org) - You can also include Kasey Hanson as well (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • House Competition - Follow along all year www.tcshouses.weebly.com


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson will be assisting you with makeup work related to any extended absences your child may have this year. Email Pre-Absence forms to her.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will continue to oversee our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins will continue to oversee the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl will continue to oversee our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton will continue to address any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 98

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 19, 2021

Volume 98


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal



One of our goals this year is to help cultivate a deeper appreciation and love amongst our students for God’s Word. We want our students to not only be equipped to read and memorize Scripture, but we also want them to treasure the promises, guidance and truth found within the pages of the Bible in a way that shapes every aspect of their existence. As I Peter 2:1-3 says, if we will seek to know God through His Word, we will be aided greatly in our efforts to love others faithfully. Please continue praying alongside our faculty and teachers as we seek to instill this type of passion within our students’ hearts. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit creates the spiritual growth we are describing so pray specifically that God’s Spirit would move in our Bible classes, chapel services, etc. in such a way that our students are driven to know God and love others in response to His Word.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8)  and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


Mr. Higgins spoke to our students from Philippians 3:12-14 and encouraged them to keep their eyes set on moving forward as they pursue Christ with their whole hearts. What a timely message as we celebrate 30 years of ministry here at TCS with a mind set on “always forward”!


Students who were recognized this week by their teachers for their exceptional example set in their recent performance, attitude or action.

  • 4th Grade = Giuliana Delissio

  • 5th Grade = Logan McMichael


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”


Don’t forget to check your child’s current grade in Bible class. There are several memory verse quizzes coming up over the next few weeks which will give your child a great opportunity to improve their grade prior to Quarter 1 ending (October 6).


  • WHEN: Wednesday, September 29

  • WHERE: Gwinnett Stripers Baseball Game (Education Day)

  • COST: $10 (covers transportation, hot dog lunch, and game ticket)

  • DROP-OFF/PICK-UP: Please drop off your child at the normal time at TCS. Students will be picked up from the NCG Parking Lot around 3:30 pm (Game starts at 11:00 am)

PERMISSION FORM:Please print and submit to your child’s FLEX teacher.


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8) and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


  • Pre-Absence Requests - Be sure to email Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • Sick Absences - Be sure to email our nurses (nurses@tcslions.org) and our attendance office (attendance@tcslions.org) - You can also include Kasey Hanson as well (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • House Competition - Follow along all year www.tcshouses.weebly.com


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson will be assisting you with makeup work related to any extended absences your child may have this year. Email Pre-Absence forms to her.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will continue to oversee our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins will continue to oversee the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl will continue to oversee our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton will continue to address any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 97

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 12, 2021

Volume 97


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Homecoming Week is here! Let’s show out our TCS spirit this week as we continue our celebration of 30 years of ministry. Be sure to check out the spirit days for this week below along with the guidelines provided by Mrs. McBurnett. Join us for our homecoming game against Landmark at 7:30pm on Friday too! Go Lions!


  • Monday = Pajama Day

  • Tuesday = Decade Day

  • Wednesday = Character Day

  • Thursday = City vs. Country

  • Friday = Spirit Day (TCS colors) 

Note: Friday Night Homecoming Football Game = “GRAY OUT”


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”


In anticipation of our Remote Learning Days (Oct 7-8)  and Fall Break (Oct 11-12), please note the following structure regarding learning activities for those days.

  • Remote learning work will be distributed by Wednesday Oct 6 and is to be completed over break. All work will be due upon our return to classes on Oct 13. 

  • No virtual classes will be required.


Our Bible classes are off to a great start this year, and we are excited about all our students are learning as they work their way through the Old Testament this semester. If you haven’t noticed, your child’s Bible class is co-taught by Mr. Settle and Mrs. Higgins. They are doing an awesome job of creating a fun learning experience for your child each week. I’ve had the opportunity to observe on several occasions over the past month and it is so encouraging to see the students engaged and excited about the Bible. 

To help you better understand how the Bible class works, see the responsibilities of each teacher below. 

  • Mr. Settle = prepares and teaches the Bible lesson each day (20 minutes)

  • Mrs. Higgins = prepares and implements application activities each day (20 minutes)

  • Homeroom Teachers = administer weekly Memory Verse Quizzes on Wednesdays prior to chapel

Note: Beginning next week (week of Sept 13), all memory verse quizzes will be coming home in your child’s Purple Folder.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org


  • Pre-Absence Requests - Be sure to email Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • Sick Absences - Be sure to email our nurses (nurses@tcslions.org) and our attendance office (attendance@tcslions.org) - You can also include Kasey Hanson as well (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • House Competition - Follow along all year www.tcshouses.weebly.com


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson will be assisting you with makeup work related to any extended absences your child may have this year. Email Pre-Absence forms to her.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will continue to oversee our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins will continue to oversee the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl will continue to oversee our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton will continue to address any disciplinary issues throughout the year.

Inside the Pride Upper Elementary School News - Volume 96

Keeping you plugged into the exciting things happening at the Upper Elementary School

Published September 5, 2021

Volume 96


Adam Vinson - Upper Elementary School Principal




Can you believe the month of August is already over?!? We are so thankful for a month of face-to-face learning on campus. God has continued to show His faithful provision to us, and we look forward to all He has in store for the month of September. This is an exciting month with Homecoming being celebrated! Check out the special days planned for our students to show their school spirit! 


  • Monday = Pajama Day

  • Tuesday = Decade Day

  • Wednesday = Character Day

  • Thursday = City vs. Country

  • Friday = Spirit Day (TCS colors) 

Note: Friday Night Homecoming Football Game = “GRAY OUT”



Guest speaker, Pastor Jeff Grenell, spoke to our students on the importance of the Holy Spirit and the work He seeks to accomplish to glorify Jesus in all areas of our life. Speaking from John 14 and John 16, Pastor Jeff helped us see that in both our academics and activities, the Holy Spirit desires to work and move in mighty ways. May the LORD continue to bless us with His Spirit and may our students experience the life-changing power of His ministry in each of their lives!


Help your child learn their memory verses over the course of this month. 

36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”


  • 4th Grade = Collins Boone

  • 5th Grade = Micah McFaddin


Our Bible classes are off to a great start this year, and we are excited about all our students are learning as they work their way through the Old Testament this semester. If you haven’t noticed, your child’s Bible class is co-taught by Mr. Settle and Mrs. Higgins. They are doing an awesome job of creating a fun learning experience for your child each week. I’ve had the opportunity to observe on several occasions over the past month and it is so encouraging to see the students engaged and excited about the Bible. 

To help you better understand how the Bible class works, see the responsibilities of each teacher below. 

  • Mr. Settle = prepares and teaches the Bible lesson each day (20 minutes)

  • Mrs. Higgins = prepares and implements application activities each day (20 minutes)

  • Homeroom Teachers = administer weekly Memory Verse Quizzes on Wednesdays prior to chapel

Note: Beginning next week (week of Sept 13), all memory verse quizzes will be coming home in your child’s Purple Folder.


Would you like to celebrate your child’s birthday this year? Consider one of the following options as a way to make their day special. 

  1. Purchase birthday cart treat items from our snack cart for your child’s homeroom class for $25. Email our Director of Student Life, Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org), if you would like to schedule a day. 

  2. Send in prepackaged birthday treats purchased from a store for the homeroom class to enjoy together. 

  3. Join your child for lunch (beginning in September) in the cafeteria.


Hopefully you received the email from Coach Hanson (Director of Operations) regarding the plans we are attempting to make to welcome parents on campus during lunch times. We are still working on the logistics of parking so please be patient as we attempt to make final plans on Tuesday, September 7 during our weekly admin meeting. We hope to update you shortly after with guidelines and plans for this year. 


We have had a busy month of August in upper elementary and middle school!  Our teachers have jumped into this year with energy, enthusiasm, and engaging lessons right off the bat.  Here is just a peek at what’s been happening in the classroom this month.


If your child has to miss class this year due to sickness or quarantine, check out our process below for getting your child caught up on missing work and assignments. 

  • WHO WILL HELP ORGANIZE MY CHILD’S MAKEUP WORK? - Kasey Hanson is our RTA (Return to Academics) Coordinator and will help oversee connecting you and your child with a list of missing assignments to complete. Be on the lookout for her emails to help you stay connected. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 1-2 DAYS? - Have your child connect with their teachers upon their return to the classroom. We will not send makeup work home for sick absences of this length. 

  • WHAT IF MY CHILD IS ABSENT 3+ DAYS? - Mrs. Hanson will be emailing you a Google Sheet with all of the assignments your child will need to complete for each class. 

  • NOTE: If your child is sick, we want your child to focus on resting and healing before worrying about missing assignments. Please know our teachers will work diligently to help your child catch up once they are feeling well enough to complete assignments.


Let me know how our team is doing in keeping you informed about your child’s education this year. If you are lacking communication regarding one of your child’s classes, please let me know so I can help! adam.vinson@tcslions.org


  • Pre-Absence Requests - Be sure to email Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • Sick Absences - Be sure to email our nurses (nurses@tcslions.org) and our attendance office (attendance@tcslions.org) - You can also include Kasey Hanson as well (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

  • House Competition - Follow along all year www.tcshouses.weebly.com


Check out the current after school clubs we are planning to offer for upper elementary students this year. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Railey (lisa.railey@tcslions.org) who oversees all of our elementary clubs.



Please note the new administrative positions and the individuals serving in those capacities for next year. 

  • 4th Grade Academic Coordinator - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 4th grade.

  • 5th Grade Academic Coordinator - Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Lanier will be assisting you with any academic-related needs for 5th grade. 

  • Upper Elementary RTA Coordinator - Kasey Hanson (kasey.hanson@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Hanson will be assisting you with makeup work related to any extended absences your child may have this year. Email Pre-Absence forms to her.

  • Director of Student Life - Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org)

    • Mrs. McBurnett will continue to oversee our special events and field trips while also handling our middle school counseling duties. 

  • Director of Student Development - Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Higgins will continue to oversee the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs your child may have. 

  • Director of Skills Development - Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org

    • Mrs. Opsahl will continue to oversee our Skills Development Program. 

  • Dean of Students - Ryan Tipton (ryan.tipton@tcslions.org)

    • Mr. Tipton will continue to address any disciplinary issues throughout the year.